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с тестом. Заранее
1. How long here?

a. are you living
b. do you live
c. you live
d. have you lived

2. I help you with the cooking?

a Have
b Will
c Shall
d Am

3. He denied the money.

a take
b having taken
c to take
d to have taken

4. She for 12 hours before she finished.

a is working
b had been working
c has worked
d has been working

5. When I was a child I running every day.

a had gone
b have gone
c used to go
d was going

6. What at 10 o'clock last night?

a were you doing
b have you been doing
c had you done
d had you been doing

7. He hasn't left the office

a just
b before
c already
d yet

8. They will have finished 8 o'clock.

a by
b since
c by the time
d until

9. I'm afraid I to come to the party.

a don't go
b won't
c won't be able
d can't

11. "You look slimmer." " Yes, I 12 kilos."

a had lost
b have lost
c lost
d have been losing

12. "I'm having trouble with this exercise."- "Don't worry. I you."

a 'll help
b helped
c am going to help
d have helped

13."Have you ever been to China?" - "Yes, I there in 2010."

a have gone
b went
c have been
d have been going

14. "How long have you worked here?" - "By the end of the month I here for three years."

a 'll work
b 'm going to work
c 'll be working
d 'll have worked

15. "We'll need some cola for the party." - "I some."

a 've already bought
b had bought
c will have bought
d buy

16. "I need to give a message to Susan." - "I her at the office this afternoon."

a 'll have seen
b have seen
c 'll be seeing
d see

17. "Have you ever met a famous person?" - "Yes, I Putin once."

a have been meeting
b meet
c have met
d met

18. "These shoes aren't at all comfortable." - "You shouldn't them."

a to buy
b bought
c have bought
d buying

19. "What's wrong with Lynda?" - "She problems at work lately."

a has been having
b will have
c 'll be having
d was having

20. "What's Pam doing?" - "She seems ."

a to have worked
b to be working
c working
d to work

21. "How long have you been working here?" - " 6 months."

a For
b From
c Ago
d Since

22. "How long does it take you to write a novel?" - "By December I on this one for 3 years."

a am going to work
b will have been working
c will work
d will be working

23. What this Saturday evening? Would you like to go out?

a do you do
b are you doing
c you are going to do
d shall you do

24. Look out! She faint!

a will
b 's going to
c would
d is able to
25. According to this time table, the bus at 6.00.

a is arriving
b arrives
c is going to arrive
d must arrive
26. I have a feeling that something strange in a minute.

a is happening
b will happen
c must happen
d is going to happen

27. The radiator in my room has burst, and there is water all over the floor! - You are the manager, what about it?

a are you doing
b you will do
c will you do
d are you going to do

28. Please be quiet! You me.

a interrupt continually
b continually interrupt
c are continually interrupting
d continually interrupting me

29. Jane is away on holiday so Linda her work.

a handles
b does handle
c is handling
d has been handling

30. Pay no attention to Graham. He sarcastic again.

a 's just
b was
c 's just being
d has been

Показать ответ
13.10.2020 17:41
1.) How long did you stay there?/How long was Nick doing his homework?
2.) Where did Sam go yesterday?/ Where was Mary walking until I rang her?
3.) What was Ann doing at 5 o'clock last Friday?/ What did you do last weekend?
4.) Why did you send her an e-mail two weeks ago?/ Why was Ally watching that show from 3 till 4 yesterday?
5.) Whom did Alex write a letter last Monday?/ Whom was you doing a present before I came to you?
6.) How was you clining your room from 5 till 7 yesterday?/ How did you play with her brother yesterday?
7.) When did he start his work?/ When was Peter cooking?
8.) Who did paint this picture?/ Who was working in her garden from 9 till 11 yesterday?
0,0(0 оценок)
19.11.2021 12:02

A bear is a true symbol of the wildlife. A bear is a very large and powerful animal well known to anyone. They are usually quite furry and can be brown or white (polar bears); even a panda can be called a bear.

For a human meeting a bear can be extremely dangerous, but in normal life, they are very calm and quiet, looking for some food and raising their baby-bears. Nevertheless, a mother-bear often avoid leaving its child with a father-bear as it can be quite dangerous too.

Depending on a habitat, their diet can vary significantly, but in most cases it consists of fish, roots, berries and other food can be found in a forest (or in a snowy area if we are speaking about white bears).

It is very interesting that bears, even if they are grown up, prefer to stay close by to their parents as long as possible.

Bears eat a lot in the summer and autumn to gain weight (mainly fat) to survive in winter, when it is impossible to eat regularly.

Медведь – настоящий символ дикой природы. Это очень большое и сильное животное, знакомое каждому. У медведей густая шерсть; они могут быть коричневыми или белыми (полярный медведь). Даже панду можно назвать медведем.

Для человека встреча с медведем может быть крайне опасна, однако в обычной жизни они тихие и спокойные: ищут еду, воспитывают медвежат. Тем не менее, мамы-медведицы предпочитают не оставлять медвежат со своими отцами, так как это тоже небезопасно.

В зависимости от места обитания, рацион медведя различается, но в основном он состоит из рыбы, корней, ягод и других съедобных продуктов, которые можно отыскать в лесу (или в снегах, если говорить о полярных медведях).

Интересно, что даже взрослые медведи предпочитают оставаться как можно ближе к своим родителям на протяжении всей жизни.

Чтобы выжить зимой, когда невозможно регулярно находить пищу, летом и осенью медведи очень много едят и откладывают жир.

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