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25.04.2020 22:43 •  Английский язык

Sam: I live in London, but every Friday afternoon I take the train to Oxford. My grandmother lives there and I always stay with her at the weekend.
It takes about an hour to get there so I usually play games on my video games
console or listen to music on my MP3 player. In summer, I go punting on the river
Cherwell. It's like canoeing, but you stand up on the boat and use a long stick.
I go with my friends and it's fun!
May: I'm from Australia and my hometown is Brisbane, about 900 km away from
Sydney. When I haven't got school and the weather is good, I always take my
surfboard and go to the beach. My brother has got a car and he surfs too, so we
usually go together. When it's winter, I wear a special suit. I've got a camera I can
use in the water and I put it on my surfboard. It takes amazing videos! My best
friend lives in Sydney. She often visits me in summer.
Lily: My dad teaches maths at Oxford University so we live here now, but I'm
from London. He works a lot, but at the weekend in the summer we usually go
cycling together. Everybody has got a bicycle in Oxford! I always watch the boats
racing in summer and I'm so happy when the Oxford team wins! I've got family in
Australia, but we never visit them. It's too far away! We go to the mountains in
France in winter and I usually ski and snowboard all day.
rit family
этот текстом связано ещё одна задание​

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16.11.2020 15:56

1. The first confectionery item in the world was chopped fruits and nuts mixed with honey.

2. In the middle ages cane sugar began to be used for the production of candies.

3. Next to sugar chocolate is a very common ingredient of many candies.

4. In the 16th century chocolate was used as a beverage.

5. Refined crystalline cane or beet sugar, liquid sugar, corn syrup, starch, honey are common sweeteners used in confections.  

6. Confections are divided into several large groups: hard candies, chewy confections, aerated confections, and chocolate candies.

7. Various types of candies may be prepared by varying the kind of sweetener and amount of liquid, the cooking and cooling time, and the addition of chocolate, milk products, fruits, nuts etc.

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24.03.2023 23:19

Задание 1.


1.     I considered leaving my job but I finally thought it was better to stay.

2.     They decided to not join by the tennis club.

3.     We should leave early to avoid being caught in the traffic.

4.     Lyn hopes to get good exam results this year.

5.     I haven’t finish eating my lunch yet.

6.     Tom enjoys playing cricket.

Задание 2. (в 3 и 4 не могу точно сказать, сорри)


1.     Mr. Thomson can see you now. He has just finished his telephone conversation.

2.     I haven’t seen the new Robert de Niro film yet.

3.     Have you prepared those documents already?  The boss is becoming impatient.

4.     Why are you looking so tired? I have already run eight kilometers.

5.     Relax. I’ve just finished the report. In fact, I finished it two days ago.

6.     Wait a moment. You haven’t signed these papers.


Задание 3.

1.     Walking fast is a good exercise. - подлежащее - быстрая ходьба — это хорошее упражнение

2.     Jogging is her favourite occupation. - подлежащее - бег — это её любимое занятие

3.     He finished reading the book. - сказуемое - она закончила читать книгу

4.     I remember doing it. - сказуемое - я помню, что я это делала

5.     We are fond of doing sport. - дополнение - мы обожаем заниматься спортом

6.     She likes inviting her friends to her house. - дополнение - она любит приглашать друзей к себе домой

7.     He felt satisfaction in helping them. - он чувствовал удовлетворение им - дополнение ???

8.     There is no sense in going there today. - нет смысла идти туда сегодня - тоже дополнение ???


Задание 4.

1.     We have been married for seven months. - мы были женаты семь месяцев

2.      I haven’t seen a decent film for ages. - я давно не видела хороших фильмов

3.     Linda has worked as a civil engineer since she graduated. - Линда работает инженеркой с тех пор, как она закончила университет.

4.     They have been here since 10 a.m. - они были здесь с 10 утра

5.     Jim has supported West Ham United for his entire life. - Джим болеет за West Ham United всю жизнь

6.     Sheena has collected classical music for about six months. - Шина коллекционирует записи с классической музыкой около шести месяцев


Задание 5.


1.     My eyesight is getting better, I think I will have to see an optician years. - тут видимо неправильно приложение прочитало, это предложение не имеет смысла. скинь в комментариях, если хочешь, как там точно написано

2.     The quality of telecommunication products has improved considerably during  these last years.

3.     Customer service has degraded since I last came to this department store.

4.     The number of students in this university is reducing.


Задание 6. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получить  законченные предложения:

Пример:  already boss promotion me my offered new a has

My new boss has already offered me a promotion.

1.     can you lend me twelve pounds?

2.     she told me a very interesting story

3.     i will send you the papers tomorrow

4.   my wife has promised me a cake on my my birthday

5.     he owes the bank a lot of money

6.     can you bring me a glass of water, please?

Задание 7.

I went to the cinema with Stephanie. Who did you go to the cinema with? - я ходила в кино со Стефани. с кем ты ходила в кино?

I would like the small one? Which one would you like? - я бы хотела взять маленькую (штучку). какую ты бы хотела взять?

There are sixty students in the room. How many students are in this room? - в комнате (классе) 60 студентов (учеников). сколько в комнате (классе) студентов (учеников)?

 Because I was hungry. Why did you eat all the biscuits? - потому что я был голоден. почему ты съел всё печенье?

You can find this type of architecture in Russia. Where can i find this type of architecture in Russia? - ты можешь найти такие здания в России. где я могу найти такие здания?

I like going to the cinema on Saturdays.  When do you like going to the cinema? - я люблю ходить в уино по субботам. когда ты любишь ходить в кино?

I came to work by train yesterday. How did you come to work yesterday? - вчера я приехала на работу на поезде. как ты приехала на работу вчера?

I will finish the job next week. When will you the job? - я закончу работу на следующей неделе. когда ты закончишь работу?


про хитрить не стоит)

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