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07.03.2022 19:08 •  Английский язык

Save our Animals 2 27
Listen and read. Then act out
similar dialogues.
Soule: Look at these amazing pandas. Where
do pandas live?
Ulan: They live in forests. Did you know they
are in danger?
Saule: Really? Why?
Ulan: Because people hunt them and
destroy the bamboo forests.
Saule: That's a shame! We must do
something to protect them!
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16.02.2020 17:08

sports in great britain

the british are known to be great sports-lovers, so when they are neither playing, nor watching games, they like to talk about them. many of the games we play now have come from britain.

one of the most british games is cricket. it is often played in schools, colleges, universities and by club teams all over the country. summer isn't summer without cricket. to many englishmen cricket is both a game and a standard of behaviour. when they consider anything unfair, they sometimes say: "that isn't cricket."

but as almost everywhere else in the world, the game which attracts the greatest attention is association football, or soccer. every saturday from late august till the beginning of may, large crowds of people support their favourite sides in football grounds. true fans will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team play. there are plenty of professional and amateur soccer clubs all over britain. international football matches and the cup finals take place at wembley.

rugby football is also very popular, but it is played mainly by amateurs.

next to football, the chief spectator sport in british life is horse-racing. a lot of people are interested in the races and risk money on the horse which they think will win. the derby is perhaps the most famous single sporting event in the whole world.

britain is also famous for motor-car racing, dog-racing, boat-racing, and even races for donkeys. the famous boat-race between the teams of oxford and cambridge attracts large crowds of people.

a great number of people play and watch tennis. tennis tournaments at wimbledon are known all over the world. the innumerable tennis courts of britain are occupied by people between the ages of 16 and 60 who show every degree of skill — from practically helpless to the extremely able.

the british also like to play golf, baseball, hockey, grass-hockey. various forms of athletics, such as running, jumping, swimming, boxing are also popular. you can sometimes hear that there are no winter sports in england. of course the english weather is not always cold enough to ski, skate, or toboggan, but winter is a good season for hunting and fishing. indeed, sport in one form or another is an essential part of daily life in britain.

спорт в британии

британцы, как известно, большие любители спорта. так что когда они не играют и не смотрят игры, они любят о них поговорить. многие из игр, в которые мы играем сейчас, пришли из .

одна из самых британских игр - крикет. в него часто играют в школах, колледжах, университетах и клубными по всей стране. лето - не лето без игры в крикет. для многих крикет является и игрой, и стандартом поведения. когда они считают несправедливым что-нибудь, они иногда говорят: "это не по правилам"(это не крикет).

но, как и почти везде в мире, игра, которая привлекает наибольшее внимание это футбол. каждую субботу с конца августа до начала мая, больших толпы народа поддерживают любимые команды на футбольных полях. настоящие фанаты путешествуют из одного конца страны в другой, чтобы увидеть игры своей команды. есть множество профессиональных и любительских футбольных клубов по всей . международные футбольные матчи и финалы кубков проводятся на "уэмбли".

регби также популярный вид спорта, но играют в основном любители.

на следующем месте после футбола, самый зрелищный вид спорта для британцев это скачки. многие люди заинтересованы в бегах и ставят деньги на лошадь, которая по их мнению, победит. дерби, , самое известное спортивное событие во всем мире.

великобритания также известна автогонками, бегами собак, греблей, и даже скачками ослов. знаменитая гребная гонка между оксфорда и кембриджа привлекает толпы людей.

большое число людей играет и смотрит теннис. теннисный турнир в уимблдоне известен во всем мире. на бесчисленных теннисных кортах великобритании занимаются люди в возрасте от 16 до 60, демонстрирующие все степени мастерства - от практически до чемпионского.

британцы также любят играть в гольф, бейсбол, хоккей, хоккей на траве. различные виды легкой атлетики, такие как бег, прыжки, плавание, бокс также популярны. иногда можно услышать, что в нет зимних видов спорта. конечно, погода не всегда достаточно холодна для катания на лыжах, коньках или санках, но зима - хороший сезон для охоты и . действительно, спорт в той или иной форме, является неотъемлемой частью повседневной жизни .

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12.05.2020 17:51

the history of science fiction films parallels that of the motion picture industry as a whole, although it took several decades before the genre was taken seriously. since the 1960s, major science fiction films have succeeded in pulling in large audience shares, and films of this genre have become a regular staple of the film industry. science fiction films have led the way in special effects technology, and have also been used as a vehicle for social commentary.

science fiction films appeared very early in the silent film era. the initial attempts were short films of typically 1 to 2 minutes in duration, shot in black and white, but sometimes with colour tinting. these usually had a technological theme and were often intended to be humorous. one such short was le voyage dans la lune, created by georges méliès in 1902. often considered to be the first science fiction film, it drew upon jules verne and h. g. wells in its depiction a spacecraft being launched to the moon in a large cannon. its ground-breaking special effects pioneered the way for future science-fiction films, and it became largely popular after its release.science fiction literature would continue to influence early films. jules verne's classic 20,000 leagues under the sea was adapted multiple times, notably into the 1916 film, one of the first feature-length science fiction films. others, such as edison studios' 1910 adaptation of mary shelley's novel frankenstein, and the 1913 adaptation of robert louis stevenson's dr. jekyll and mr. hyde, brought the concept of mad scientists to cinema. these two also demonstrated an early overlap between the science fiction and horror genres. into the 1920s, another success was the lost world, based on sir arthur conan doyle's book of the same name. it was one of the earliest examples of stop-motion animation, and also introduced several now-famous science fiction concepts, like monsters, dinosaurs, and hidden worlds.oddly, in the 2000s (decade), sf films seemed to turn away from space travel, and fantasy predominated. except for star trek and star wars films, the only films set off earth that appeared in the first half of the 2000s (decade) were serenity and the poorly received mission to mars and red planet. on the other hand, fantasy and superhero films abounded, as did earthbound sf such as the matrix reloaded and matrix revolutions.

science fiction has returned to being a tool for political commentary in recent times with films like a.i. artificial intelligence and minority report with the former questioning the increasing materialism of today's world and the latter questioning the political situations surrounding the world post 9/11. unique entries into the genre were also released around this time with the first science fiction romance eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.by the middle of the decade, the theater audience had begun to decline and this was reflected in the numbers attending the science fiction movie releases of this period. sophisticated home theater systems came close to matching the cinema experience, and avoided the expense and inconvenience. film studios had begun placing product advertisements prior to the start of films in theatres, seeking another means to enhance their bottom line, and alienating a segment of the theater-going audience. making up for the losses in cinema revenue, were sales and rentals of the high-quality dvd releases, many of which included previously cut scenes and extra material.

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