Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation – the unalterable everyday applicablequartet. Whatever part of the patient you examine, whatever disease you suspect, and the four motions must be done in that order.
You look first, and then feel; when you have felt, you may tap, but not before; and last of all comes the stethoscope.
After physical examination the physician makes an initial diagnosis which must be confirmed by laboratory findings before a treatment is decided upon. The most common laboratory procedures are cardiography, X-ray and ultrasound examination, biopsy and blood and urine testing. Cardiography – recording graphically the force and form of the heartbeat. X- ray examination of the inner organs is performed with short rays of electromagnetic spectrum.
The result of it is an X-ray film which shows the organ pathology.
Ultrasound examination of inner organs is performed by means of mechanical vibrations of very high frequency (above 30000Hz). Information is derived from echoes which occur when a controlled beat of this energy crosses the boundary between adjacent tissues of different physical properties.
Biopsy – excision of tissue from a living body for microscopic examination to establish a diagnosis.
Find equivalents to the word combinations given below
острая боль; диагноз стенокардии; записывать результаты анализов; отвращение к пище; боль в горле; одышка при физическом напряжении; потеря сознания; дрожание конечностей; жаловаться на повышенное давление; сильное головокружение;
продолжительность головной боли; выслушивание, выстукивание, пальпация;говорить хриплым голосом; тошнота и рвота; визуальный осмотр пациентов; образец мокроты; ежедневный обход палат; биопсия тканей; иррадиация боли; заполнить историю болезни; оценка состояния больного; жаловаться на одышку, частота,сердцебиения.
I should probably start with the following question: Do I eat to live or live to eat?
Of course for me, as for anybody else, food is important, as it maintains us alive. However it is not everything; as many food lovers might think. Food is what gives us energy to survive. It permits us do everyday activities like working, learning, do exercises or just enjoy life. We are what we eat. That means food is also to blame for our health. It frequently happens that people become obsessed with food, and which is even worse, with junk food. Therefore they develop a lot of diseases, amass fat and don't feel good anymore.
In order to answer the questin I put myself in the begining, I would like to confess that I like food, especially if it is prepared by my mother or grandmother, because that is the food I grew on. However I certainly do not live to eat. I choose to live for more pleasant things than food. I live to love, to learn, to be happy, to make friends and spend time with them. I consider this the right way of living, something we should all do, because if we will only think about those burgers, fries and all that junk the fast food has to offer us the life will pass without us geting involved in it.
To conclude with, food in my life is a necessity rather than a pleasure. It is what helps me survive, rather than what makes me happy. :)