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Ask a biologist what the most intelligent creatures are on Earth and they’ll probably come up with a fairly similar list: larger mammals such as horses, dogs, dolphins, pigs, the great apes as well some birds like crows and ravens. But now some scientist believe that one of the most intelligent beings on Earth is in fact the octopus – which doesn’t belong to any of these groups.

Every schoolchild knows that octopuses ( or octopi ) have eight legs and can shoot ink while trying to escape from enemies. But there are many other unusual things about octopuses. For example, the legs of some octopuses can grow a new one. It also as three hearts and complex eyes, which seem to belong to a mammal rather than a sea creature. Octopuses also seem to be experts at escaping – they have extremely soft, flexible bodies and can escape through holes not much bigger than their eyes. There are many biologists who have stories about walking into the laboratory after lunch to find their octopus had escaped from its aquarium and was now hiding in a teapot or climbing a bookshelf!

However, even until quite recently, little was know about octopus intelligence. There are several reason for this. Firstly, octopuses usually live at the bottom of river mouths and seas – areas which are not attractive to researchers. Secondly, they are not social animals so it can be difficult to study their interaction with others. Perhaps most importantly, octopus intelligence is not easy for humans to understand. When we observe mammals such as rats or dogs we can often instinctively understand their behaviour. Octopuses, however can seem like aliens. Scientist need to have a lot of imagination to able to understand what an octopuses is thinking!

In the 1950s, the US Air Force sponsored scientists to sudy the way octopuses use their brains. They hoped that they could use this knowledge to help them build beter computers. However, their brains were so complex that the scientists quickly gave up. An deven today the octopuses brain is a mystrey. Octopuses have a very complex nervous system and recent research suggests that they have some of their intelligence inside each arm, which means that each arm can ‘think’ for itself. It also appears that they have a good memories, perhaps similar to a cat’s. Some octopuses in laboratories seem to play with object as if they were toys – a sure sign of intelligence. Others could pick up complicated skills like opening jars.

Perhaps the most striking thing about octopuses is their ağabeylity to change their colour and body pattern. They do this to camouflage themselves and also to communicate with others. They can completely change their apperance in less than second – a striped octopusescan suddenly become spotted. It can change its skin to look like rocks, sand or planktron. A scientist once observed an octopuses that changed its apperance nearly 1,000 times during seven hours of feding! It can change its appearance to look like a dangerous predator – and can even copy its style of swimming.

Some scientists have even suggested that these different patterns and colours are in fact a very sophisticated language – and that each design is a different verb, adjective or noun. But nobody has been able to work out what they might be saying. It seems like the problem isn’t the limitation of the animals… but the limitations of humans!

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09.09.2021 22:24
Замечательное открытие. у сары был сын десяти, которого звали jack.a wonderful discovery. у сары был сын десяти, которого звали джек. ему не нравилось учиться, но любил смотреть телевизор. сара обычно ездила в школу в половине четвертого дня, вернула джека домой и подарила ему чай, но как только он вернулся домой, он всегда бросился на телевизор и включил его. «разве у тебя нет работы, джек? » - всегда спрашивала его мать, когда она начала чаю. «э? о, да, у меня есть немного, - отвечал он. «я сделаю это позже, когда на телевидении нет ничего интересного». сначала сара разрешила джеку смотреть телевизор вместо того, чтобы сначала начать работу, но вскоре обнаружила, что у него никогда не было работы - это было всегда много, и что никогда не было времени, когда на телевидении не было ничего интересного, так что, отложив на пару часов, джек слишком устал, чтобы делать , если вообще. затем сара решила заставить его сделать это сначала. это всегда было битвой, и часто, когда джек подчинялся своей матери, он делал свою работу быстро и небрежно, когда он хотел быстро закончить и вернуться к своему любимому телевидению. результат был таким же, как когда он оставил свою работу до последнего; плохая работа, которую он наказывал на следующий день в школе, получая низкие оценки, потому что его работа была полна ошибок или потому, что он не знал, какую работу он должен был подготовить накануне. однажды вечером в доме доктора джека были такие знаменитые изобретатели, как томас эдисон, который сделал важные открытия и изобретения в области электричества. когда у него была работа, состоящая из изучения фактов, его мать начала проверять его, когда он закончил, чтобы убедиться, что он действительно сделал работу правильно и ничего не оставил, и именно это она и сделала на этот раз. она не позволила ему остановиться, пока не была уверена, что он знает, что было в его книге. но на этот раз битва не была чем-то вроде обычного, чтобы заставить джека сесть и внимательно изучить то, что он узнал, потому что у него была прочная связь с телевидением. в классе на следующий день учитель сказал джеку: «что некоторые из вещей, которые томас эдисон сделал для науки? » «что ж, - радостно ответил джек, - прежде всего, если бы не эдисон, мы бы все смотрели телевизор при свечах».
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06.12.2020 04:11
I was born in a small town on the Volga. As a child I was often sick n why he didn't like noisy games. I beat Liu books. The city was not their (local) theatre, but when he came to the Saratov theatre (company), I never missed an opportunity to look at them performances. I so loved the theater that he decided to become an actress after I graduate from school. I participated in an Amateur (amateur) performances, and several times during the holidays we went to Moscow to watch performances from such great actors, as Moskvin, Paschen, Kacha fishing, one Day, Tarasov.
Finally the day came, when I first came on the scene well of this house. I was so worried that didn't notice, as the curtain rose. When I spoke to him, I didn't recognize his own voice. Then ended the first act and the curtain has fallen. I felt that I was crying because I was very upset: I thought I was bad played a role. I was approached and spronin why I was crying. "Don't you hear the audience applauding you? You played perfectly.
At first I believed it, but then I was under my teacher, one of the oldest actors of the theatre, and said that he really liked my playing. I was approached the other actors and said that I had fulfilled my role. It was the happiest day of my life.
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