I had a lot of good days in my life but one of them was the most memorable. Now I'm going to tell you about it. It was the day when I first time came to my friend. She had asked three of her friends to come but two of us couldn't do it for some reason. When I came she was very sad but happy to see me. We talked about everything for a while and then it was time for a lunch. My friend cooked chicken for me and it was extremely nice because she was vegetarian. When the night came we went outside to see stars. But we couldn't see them because of clouds so we were sitting outside and talking about space and physics. My friend told me funny stories from her childhood. I was very happy. When it was time to go to bed my friend couldn't fall asleep so I sang her to sleep. The next day I found out that she liked it. I couldn't sleep all night. I was reading a book during that night. I liked that day a lot. I'm going to do it again this summer.
It was the day when I first time came to my friend. She had asked three of her friends to come but two of us couldn't do it for some reason. When I came she was very sad but happy to see me. We talked about everything for a while and then it was time for a lunch. My friend cooked chicken for me and it was extremely nice because she was vegetarian.
When the night came we went outside to see stars. But we couldn't see them because of clouds so we were sitting outside and talking about space and physics. My friend told me funny stories from her childhood. I was very happy. When it was time to go to bed my friend couldn't fall asleep so I sang her to sleep. The next day I found out that she liked it. I couldn't sleep all night. I was reading a book during that night.
I liked that day a lot. I'm going to do it again this summer.
Упражнение 2
Можете ли вы сопоставить числа в первом столбце таблицы с элементами в следующем столбце?
вторая колонка? (Обратите внимание, что некоторые цифры являются скорее приблизительными, чем точными.)
25 а) число австралийских городов с населением более 3 человек
4 (B) год рождения Мела Гибсона.
7 700 000 (C) длина Большого Барьерного рифа в километрах.
130 000 (D) число стран с населением, превышающим численность населения
0 (E) процентная доля австралийских млекопитающих, которые не живут ни в одной стране мира.
в другой части света.
2000 (F) число людей, эмигрировавших в Австралию в 2005-2006 годах.
4 (G) население Канберры.
350 000 (H) процент австралийцев, родившихся в другой стране.
1956 (I) положение Австралии в таблице медалей в обоих последних двух случаях
Олимпийские игры.
52 (J) размер Австралии в квадратных километрах.
2 (K) количество раз, когда Австралия выигрывала чемпионат мира по футболу.
80 (L) население Австралии в 1900 году, в миллионах человек.