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сидеть 9.10 упражнение BOOKS IN OUR LIFE
Books, I think, we can't live without them.
I consider that books are with us during all our life. When I
was a child, my parents read them to me. I was pleased to listen to
the stories and tales. I learned many interesting things from books.
I like to read books about animals, nature, and children.
I like to get presents on my birthday, I am happy if it is a
book. It doesn't matter what kind of book it is.
You can learn many things from books. I am sure that books
play a very important role in my life.
In ancient times, books were written by hand. It was
difficult to write a book with a pen. Then printing came into
our life. Printing played an important role in the development
of literature and culture.
Now there are many books in the shops, there are many
books in our flats. But it is difficult to buy all the books which
we want to read. That is why we get books in public libraries.
Sometimes it is difficult to solve some problems. I think that
books can help us. Books should be our friends during all our life.

10. Write answers to the following questions.

a. What do you think, can books be our friends? Prove it.
b. You like to read books, don't you?
c. Do you have many books at home?
d. Where can you buy books?
e. Can you buy all books which you want to read?
1. What is your favourite book?​

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26.06.2021 01:36
Long ago the Great Patriotic War ended. It was the ruthless and bloodiest war of the twentieth century. But even now, those who remember that war, they are veterans, live among us. There are very few of them left. At a time when they were young, slightly older than us, they defended their homeland from a cruel enemy in the Soviet army.

I'm interested in the stories of veteran Leonid Ivanovich Kulikov about military service and the Great Patriotic War. Now Leonid Ivanovich is a colonel in retirement, he has the entire tunic in awards: medals and orders, people respect him. When the fascists occupied his small town in Moldova, he was 15 years old. He was captured. But I did not get to the camp, I ran away. For a long time he hid in the woods, he waited for his troops to liberate the region. And when the village was rescued from the Germans, he was taken into the army and sent to study in the tank school. Leonid Ivanovich recalls that at that time it was very difficult. They worked all day, learned to drive combat vehicles, to shoot guns that were on tanks. There was no time to rest, because the army needed good tankers. The tank's details are heavy, the physical loads were great, but there was not enough food. The cadets were constantly undernourished. But all stood firm, because it was hard for everyone at that time. And when Leonid Ivanovich finished his studies, he was sent to fight on the front line. The gunner at the best T-34 tank, he thundered the enemy along with other soldiers in Romania, Hungary. When the war was over, another ten years was a tanker, because the soldiers were not allowed to go home for a long time. The army needed to be kept strong so that soldiers and officers could protect peace in our country after the war.

Despite everything, the heavy army life of Leonid Ivanovich at that time was pleasant. It was very interesting. He traveled all over the country, he had many friends! And the young tankman decided to continue studying. He became an officer, commander of a tank unit.

Now Leonid Ivanovich eighty-seven years. Thanks to him, his comrades and all the veterans for the fact that we have peace now.
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11.06.2020 02:20
I’d like … chicken sandwich and … glass of … mineral water. (Я бы хотел сэндвич с курицей и стакан минеральной воды.)Would you like … banana or … strawberries? (Ты хочешь банан или клубнику?)She always has … apple, … toast and … cup of … coffee for … breakfast. (Она всегда съедает яблоко, тост и пьет чашку кофе на завтрак.)The fly is on … ceiling in … kitchen. (Муха – на потолке на кухне.)My mother is … accountant and my father is … lawyer. They work in … same company in … centre of … our town. (Моя мама – бухгалтер, а папа – юрист. Они работают в одной компании в центре нашего города.)How much are … her Italian lessons? – Ten dollars … hour. (Сколько стоят ее занятия по итальянскому языку? – Десять долларов в час.)Where are … dogs? – They are in … garden. (Где собаки? – Они в саду.)… cats like eating … fish.  … cows like eating … grass.  … birds like eating … insects. (Кошки любят есть рыбу. Коровы любят есть траву. Птицы любят есть насекомых.)My favourite subjects are … chemistry and … biology. (Мои любимые предметы – химия и биология.)There is … parrot in … cage. And there are … pieces of … fruit in it. (В клетке попугай. И в ней есть кусочки фруктов.)My granny lives in … small village in … country. (Моя бабушка живет в маленькой деревушке в сельской местности.)Your baby shouldn’t sit in … sun on … hot day. (Вашему малышу не следует сидеть на солнце в жаркий день откройте книгу. Упражнение находится на странице 68.)Ann has been looking for … job for … long time. (Аня ищет работу долгое время.)What’s … matter? - I missed … 6 o’clock train. (Что случилось? – Я не успел на 6-часовой поезд.)Do you like … vegetables? (Ты любишь овощи?)… mother has got … terrible headache today. (У мамы сегодня ужасная головная боль.)There were … tears in … her eyes. (В ее глазах были слезы.)She is … very nice woman but her sons are … bad boys. (Она очень хорошая женщина, но ее сыновья – плохие парни.)Look at … woman. She is … neighbor I told you about. (Посмотри на женщину. Это соседка, о которой я тебе говорил.)3. Поставьте артикли a/an или the, где необходимо.Yesterday I bought … pair of … shoes. Unfortunately … shoes are too tight. (Вчера я купила пару туфель. К сожалению, туфли слишком узкие.)We had … dinner in … restaurant … last night. – What is … name of … restaurant? (Вчера ночью мы ужинали в ресторане. – Как называется 
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