Фран. студент решил посетить Лондон на потяжении своего летнего отдыха. Он подумал"Я немного знаю англ, и люди поймут меня". Однажды он проводил утро в британском музее и почувствовал себя уставшим и голодным. Он решил выпить чашку чая и съесть пару яиц в ближайщем ресторане.Он пошел и сел за стол. Официант подошел к нему и спросил его чего бы он хотел. Студент не смог заказать что он хотел потому чо он не знал как на англ будет слово "яица". Что делать? Позже он заметил журнал на столе. Там был петух на обложке. Он показал картинку официанту. Как Вы называете это?" он спросил. "Петух, сэр" - ответил официант. "А как вы называете жену петуха?" - был следующий вопрос. "Курица, сэр". "А как вы называете детей курицы?" "Цыплята, сэр". "И как же вы называете цыплят прежде чем они родились?" "Яйца, сэр". "Очень хорошо, теперь принесите мне 3 яйца и чашку чая!"
Смотри короче: Про день с хорошей погодой: It was a fantastic day. Just look at this picture. It was early in the morning on a chilly autumn day. The whole previous day the sky was overcast and it rained and rained. That downpour seemed endless, but in the evening the sky cleared up. And we even saw a flash of the sun before the sunset. And in the morning I took this picture. Can you see this beautiful and mysterious fog rising up above the lake? They call it evaporation, but it doesn’t sound so poetic. I prefer calling it a mist. Though I don’t fancy autumn much, I prefer hot boiling summer more, that day was the one I’d remember. Про день с плохой погодой: Oh, what horrible weather we have today. Yesterday it was sunny and cold and the air was full of magnificent snowflakes that covered every inch of the ground. And when the snow stopped falling it was quiet and peaceful. It was like a bit of magic before Christmas. Winter time is definitely my favourite time of the year. But not today. Look at the street. It’s sleety and there’s mud everywhere! And look at my new boots, I bet they are spoilt now! I can’t stand when the temperature goes up and the snows melts and turns into small dirty puddles that I have to jump over on my way to work.
Про день с хорошей погодой: It was a fantastic day. Just look at this picture. It was early in the morning on a chilly autumn day. The whole previous day the sky was overcast and it rained and rained. That downpour seemed endless, but in the evening the sky cleared up. And we even saw a flash of the sun before the sunset. And in the morning I took this picture. Can you see this beautiful and mysterious fog rising up above the lake? They call it evaporation, but it doesn’t sound so poetic. I prefer calling it a mist. Though I don’t fancy autumn much, I prefer hot boiling summer more, that day was the one I’d remember.
Про день с плохой погодой: Oh, what horrible weather we have today. Yesterday it was sunny and cold and the air was full of magnificent snowflakes that covered every inch of the ground. And when the snow stopped falling it was quiet and peaceful. It was like a bit of magic before Christmas. Winter time is definitely my favourite time of the year. But not today. Look at the street. It’s sleety and there’s mud everywhere! And look at my new boots, I bet they are spoilt now! I can’t stand when the temperature goes up and the snows melts and turns into small dirty puddles that I have to jump over on my way to work.