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13.05.2023 00:49 •  Английский язык

Ск/р по ! 3. образуйте множественное число от выделенных существительных и произведите другие изменения в предложениях: 1. his sister has a very pretty child. 2. this man is an accountant. 3. the boy has a white mouse. 4. that woman is our doctor. 5. take the knife and put it into the box. 6. the book is on the shelf. 7. his foot is big. 8. there is a large factory in this city. 9. this leaf yellow. 10. there is an interesting story in this magazine. 4. замените существительные с предлогом "of существительными в притяжательном падеже: - the flat of my mother, the children of my sister mary, the letter of my friend, the stories of this writer, the younger daughter of my brother; - the house of his parents, the rights of the women, the children of my sisters, the car of my grandparents, the room of her brothers. 6. заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: 1. i get letters my parents every week. 2. my father works a bank. 3. this boy goes school every morning. 4. put the notebook the bag. 5. take a pencil the box. 6. the map is the wall. 7. my father-in-law lives a new house. 8. our dog sleeps the floor the desk. 9. tom is busy his design. 10. he . 7. раскройте скобки и вставьте подходящие по смыслу личные и притяжательные местоимения. 1. i often see (they, them) in the street. 2. she lives near (we, us). 3. who teaches (he, him) french? 4. she sits near (i, me) at the lessons. 5. i know (she, her) quite well. 6. (его) book is not interesting. 7. (наш) son studies at the university. 8. (их) parents were born in yekaterinburg. 9. (мое) name is ann. 10. (их) friends often come to see her. 11. our city is nice. (его) streets are straight and wide. 12. (ваш) dictionary is on that shelf. 8. раскройте скобки и вставьте подходящее по смыслу местоимение: 1. what colour are (me) pens? 2. (этот) house is rather old. 3. (это) is our favourite classroom. 4. (та) square is large and beautiful. 5. what are (это)? 6. he has (мало) relatives in yekaterinburg. 7. we have (мало) information. 8. our new teacher has (много) problems. 9. i want to meet her (сам). 10. (оба) students study at our institute. 9. раскройте скобки и вставьте местоимения "some, any, no" или их производные: 1. there are (несколько) new words in the text. 2. ( никто) is ready 3. there was (кто-то) at the door. 4. is there (кто - нибудь) in the office? 5. have you (какие - нибудь) questions? 6. take (что - нибудь) to eat. 7. there was (ничего) on the table. 10. заполните пропуски глаголом "to be" в соответствующей форме: 1. the delegation in london last year. 2. yekaterinburg a large industrial city. 3. i sure she at home now. 4. the flats in this new block comfortable. 5. he a good sportsman when he young. 6. all the students present at the last lecture. 7. you ready? 8. this young our english teacher. 9. why late? 11. заполните пропуски глаголом "to have (got) " в соответствующей форме: 1. my friend tom a large friendly family. 2. they their english lesson last friday. 3. the group of students a very difficult examination last month. 4. they a comfortable flat in the centre of the town. 5. the room is large. it two windows. 6. he is very busy and no time to think about it. 7. you got many friends abroad? 8. who the today's newspaper? 9. i some english books and journals. 12. употребите оборот "there+be" в следующих предложениях: 1. look! someone at the front door. 2. a lot of students at the lecture now. 3. don't you see? lamps over the shelves. 4. only one window in this old house. 5. nobody at home last night. 6. twelve months in a year. 7. any letters on the table? 8. a nice park near your house? 9. how many rooms in your flat? 10. how much water in the river last spring? 13. употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в present continuous tense: 1. look! it (rain). 2. i have no time to talk with you now because i (work). 3. don't you see? she (read) a newspaper at the window. 4. listen! mary (play) the piano. 5. the weather is good, the sun (shine) brightly. 6. the engineers are very busy because they (test) the engine. 7. he (write) a business letter now. 8. who (cross) the street over there?

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02.10.2020 05:39
3. 1)His sisters have very pretty children.
2) These men are accountants.
3) The boys have a wite mouse.
4) Those women are our doctors.
5) Take the knives and put them into the box.
6) The books are on the shelf.
7) His feet are big.
8) There are some factories in this city.
9) These leaves yellow.
10) There are some interesting stories in this magazine.

4. My mother's flat; my sister Mary's children; my friend's letter; this writer's stories; my brother's younger daughter; his parents' house; the women's rights; my sisters' children; my grandparents' car; her brothers' room.

6. 1) from; 2) at ; 3) to; 4) into; 5) out of(должно быть); 6) on 7) in; 8) near, on; 9) on; 10) at.

7. 1) them; 2) us; 3) him; 4) me; 5) her; 6) His; 7) Our; 8) Ther; 9) My; 10) ther; 11) Its; 12) Our.

8. 1) my; 2) This; 3) This; 4) That; 5) These; 6) few; 7) little; 8) a lot of; 9) myself; 10) Both.

9) 1) some; 2) No one; 3) someone; 4) anybody; 5) anything; 6) something; 7) nothing;

10) 1) was; 2) is; 3) am, is; 4) are; 5) is, is; 6) were; 7) are; 8) is; 9) were.

11. 1) has got; 2) had; ) 3) had; 4) have got; 5) has got; 6) has; 7) have; 8) has; 9) have got.

12. 1)there is; 2) there are; 3) there are; 4) there is 5) there was; 6) there are; 7) are there; 8) is there; 9) are there; 10) is there.

13. 1) It is raining. 2) I am working. 3) She is reading ... 4) Mary is playing... 5)  the sun is shining .. 6) they are testing ... 7) he is writing ... 8) is crossing .. .
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