Receipt of a letter of resignation from an employee.
2. Creation of a document in 1C "Dismissal from the organization".
3. Print document Order on termination (termination) of the employment contract with the employee (dismissal) (T-8). Formalization (collection of signatures, stamps, if necessary). Making an entry in the work book and the journal of the movement of work books, as well as in the employee's personal file.
4. Final settlement with the employee on the same day.
five.5. Archiving a paper document Order on termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal). In the case of execution of the Agreement on termination of the employment contract - invested in a personal file. Employment record book - issued to the employee by hand (signature).
6. Issuance of certificates 2-NDFL and 182-n in the hands of the employee.
7. In 1C, a regulated report is generated in the form "SZV-TD" and is sent via telecommunication channels to government agencies (1 business day).
Receipt of a letter of resignation from an employee.
2. Creation of a document in 1C "Dismissal from the organization".
3. Print document Order on termination (termination) of the employment contract with the employee (dismissal) (T-8). Formalization (collection of signatures, stamps, if necessary). Making an entry in the work book and the journal of the movement of work books, as well as in the employee's personal file.
4. Final settlement with the employee on the same day.
five.5. Archiving a paper document Order on termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal). In the case of execution of the Agreement on termination of the employment contract - invested in a personal file. Employment record book - issued to the employee by hand (signature).
6. Issuance of certificates 2-NDFL and 182-n in the hands of the employee.
7. In 1C, a regulated report is generated in the form "SZV-TD" and is sent via telecommunication channels to government agencies (1 business day).
1. Games make learning more enjoyable - Игры делают обучение более приятным.
2. My brother and I have different tastes in music. - У нас с братом разные вкусы в музыке.
3. He told us a story that didn't seem believable at first. - Он рассказал нам историю, которая сначала не казалась правдоподобной.
4. She didn't want to play chess but her brother was insistent. - Она не хотела играть в шахматы, но ее брат был настойчив.
5. The fire caused considerable damage to the building. - Пожар нанёс зданию значительный ущерб.
6. My father gave me a sensible piece of advice. - Мой отец дал мне один дельный (разумный) совет.