Сопоставьте время глагола и временное выражение (некоторые используются дважды):
Look! (2) ever, always (2), never (2), seldom, often, now, nowadays, usually, at the moment, yet, already, just, recently, lately, every day, on Mondays, tonight, today (2), regularly, sometimes, once a year, once a week, Listen! (2) How long…? for (2), since (2), these days, still, etc.
(Present Simple
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous)
I picked Frozen
1. I really like this cartoon. It's a pretty funny one! The main characters are beautiful and very strong.
2. The main charaters are: Elsa and Anna. They are sisters.
3. Elsa has magical powers of snow. She ran away on a ceremony where she was going to get the rating of a queen. She made herself a castle through her powers. Anna is a normal person that wanted to get Elsa back to their town. She has done a big way to Elsa's castle on the high moutain.
4. I like every part where they sing, their voises are so beautiful!