Составить и перевести притяжательный падеж из данных слов.
1. seagulls, wings
1 вписать перевод
2. pens , the men
2 вписать перевод
3. town, houses
3 вписать перевод
4. books , my boys
4 вписать перевод
5. colour, dresses
5 вписать перевод
6. my town, museums
6 вписать перевод
7. doctors , business
7 вписать перевод
8. the city, library
8 вписать перевод
Angie: Yes, I (went) there last year actually.
2. Anna: Oh no! I (think) I ___have (lost) my keys! ___Have___ you (seen) them anywhere?
Benny: Well, they (were) by the phone earlier this morning. __Have you (looked) there?
3. Petra: Do___ you (know) where Antonio is?
Gerta: Yes, he (is) in his bedroom. He (is doing) his homework.
4. Amit: I am___ (going) for a walk. _Do___ you (want) to come?
Ajay: No, thanks. I (am expecting) a phone call.
5. Pittara: Have___ you (seen) Sasha recently?
Peach: Yes, this morning actually while I (was driving) to work. But, I ___have (not spoken) to him for weeks.
6. Pascal: ___Did you (see) him at the party last night?
Francois: Yes, but he (left) when we (arrived).