Составить сочинение на английском со словами : 1. To pop
2. Pop-eyed
3. To spoil
4. To manage
5. Cosy
6. A cosy
7. To devour
8. A search
9. To pick
10. Fascination
11. Fascinating
12.To search
13. An adventure
14. An edition
15. To contain
16. A container
17. A chatter box
18. Tiny
19. A spell
20. Contents
21. To impress
22. An impression
23. To make an impressive on smb
24. Impressive
25. To introduce
Школа дає нам опору, дарує тепло і радість. Щоранку ми поспішаємо в свій світлий клас, де теплою посмішкою зустрічає нас вчителька.
Школа - це головна ступінь в нашому житті. Вона формує характер, вчить нас правильно ставитись до навколишнього світу. У школі ми знаходимо перших справжніх друзів і перше кохання.
Школа - це те місце, де ми переживаємо перші радощі перемог і намагаємося приховувати гіркі сльози поразок.
For each of us school - a second home. There is also a second mother - our first teacher. She taught us to write, to read, to think logically. The teacher teaches us to be kind, honest, properly communicate fellowship.
The school gives us support, gives warmth and joy. Each morning we rush to his bright form where warm smile greets us with a teacher.
School - this is the main stage in our lives. It shapes the character, teaches us the correct attitude to the world. At school we find the first real friends and first love.
School - a place where we experience the joy of the first victories and trying to hide the bitter tears of defeat.
1. When we crossed the second ridge, we saw before us a rough, palm-dotted plain, and then a line of high red cliffs, which I saw in the picture.
2. a Photographer on the outer pier in East Boston took a picture of her as she whizzed by, her flag at the top throwing back its folds.
3. And you can imagine that all the time I was engaged in this business, I was very careful that humpback people did not stumble upon me before I went free on the water.
3. Alyosha looked, and the whole picture of what Snegirev described to him that day, as Ilyusha, crying and hugging his father, shouted: "Father, father, how he has offended you," immediately rose before his imagination.
4. This memory is as clear and distinct as any picture I have seen.
5. He sees the whole picture straight .
6. I can't help but think that if I were to step back from this beautiful picture of impartial justice, I might be persuaded.
7. But watch a child learn how best to frame a picture, and you will get a sense of the creative experience that Kodak has included.
8. The picture drawn by the witness was dark and ominous and significantly strengthened the prosecution's arguments.
9. He quoted numerous words and actions confirmed by witnesses, and the picture made a terrible impression on the audience.
10. When the dreadful picture came vividly to my mind, I covered my face with my hands, and only with the greatest difficulty repressed the tears that, in spite of all my efforts, welled up in my eyes.
11.It looked like an old picture of construction work on one of earth's space stations in the first century.
12.There was a full-page photo of the most unusual creature I'd ever seen.