A lot of people in Europe are 1 planNING to enroll in educational or training program while looking for a job to get an experience abroad — so it is necessary to make their skills and competencies clearly understood, — this is the main goal of 2 introducING Europass. The Europass was established by the Decision of the European Parliament and the European Council in 2004 in order to introduce a single transparency framework for qualifications and competencies which opens doors 3 TO learning and working in Europe.
Моя семья очень дружная. В её состав входят три человек: я, мама и папа. Мою маму зовут Дарья. Она делает всю домашнюю работу: убирает, готовит еду, моет посуду, стирает, поливает цветы. Моего отца зовут Виктор. Он очень трудолюбивый и во всём маме. Нашу семью дополняет собака Ганс породы доберман. Я её всегда вывожу на улицу погулять. Мне очень нравится моя дружная семья. Я считаю, что она лучшая в мире.
My family is very friendly. It consists of three people: I, Mom and Dad. My mother's name is Daria. She does all the homework: removes, prepares food, washes dishes, erases, watered flowers. My father's name is Victor. He is very hardworking and helps his mother in everything. Our family is complemented by a Dog Dobermann dog Hans. I always bring her outside to take a walk. I really like my friendly family. I believe that it is the best in the world.
A lot of people in Europe are 1 planNING to enroll in educational or training program while looking for a job to get an experience abroad — so it is necessary to make their skills and competencies clearly understood, — this is the main goal of 2 introducING Europass. The Europass was established by the Decision of the European Parliament and the European Council in 2004 in order to introduce a single transparency framework for qualifications and competencies which opens doors 3 TO learning and working in Europe.
My family is very friendly. It consists of three people: I, Mom and Dad. My mother's name is Daria. She does all the homework: removes, prepares food, washes dishes, erases, watered flowers. My father's name is Victor. He is very hardworking and helps his mother in everything. Our family is complemented by a Dog Dobermann dog Hans. I always bring her outside to take a walk. I really like my friendly family. I believe that it is the best in the world.