Английский язык
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Supply the correct form:

1. It's a very boring novel. I (read) it for two weeks, though I usually (read) books very quickly.

2. We (arrive) at the theatre about 7 o'clock. Ten minutes later we (sit) in the stalls and (watch) the performance.

3. We knew that the 2 o'clock train (start) already and (decide) to go by bus.

4. If she (go) on holiday on Monday, she (have to) go shopping tomorrow.

5. Where (be) your sister? - She (translate) an English text in her room. She (translate) it since 10 o'clock but she (not, finish) her work yet.

6. We (celebrate ) Victory Day on the 9th of May since the end of World War II.

7. The nearest way to the station (show) to them an hour ago, but they (not, arrive) yet.

8. The patient (operate) in two days by a well-known surgeon.

9. The examinations (pass) by the end of January and now the students are (on, in, at) holidays.

10. It must (do) it at once. We have (not, no, neither) time to waste.

11. Passengers come to the airport an hour before the take-off time.

12. ... I check in for the flight to Moscow here?

13. ... I have your ticket and passport, please? - Here (you are, are you).

14. Usually we go to the South by plane but tomorrow we ... go there by train as we didn't make a reservation for the flight.

15. I think they ... (see) all the sights of London by the end of their stay there.

16. The train ... to arrive in London at 10. ( can, must, may, to have to, to be to, to be able to).
17. Are there (good) stores in the new districts than in the center of Minsk?

18. Is a cheap thing always (bad) than an expensive one?

19. This exercise is as (difficult) as the previous one.

20. In some parts of the country prices are (low) than in others.
. His illness is much (serious) than we thought at first.

22. The (little) I get bad information the (good) I feel myself.

23. While my mother (cook) dinner, I will be laying the table.

24. What platform does your train start from? - ... Platform 3. (a/an, the, -)

25. My sister works as ... economist at ... big company. (a/an, the)

26.1 'd like to speak to ... manager, please, (a, the, —)

27. Do you know ... Browns? They are ... very nice couple, (a, the, -)

28. Her hair (is, are) long and thick, but she wants to have (it, them) cut.

29. Where (be) my glasses. I can't find (them, it).

30. There (are, is) a book and a lot of newspapers on the table.

31. How much money do (this, these) clothes (cost)? - (They, it) (be) rather expensive.

32. Will you ask Ann if she (take part) in the excursion next Sunday?

33. The phone (ring). Can you answer it?

34. If he (pass) the entrance examinations successfully, he (be) a student of Belarusian State University soon.

35. The postman usually (come) at 8 in the morning. It's half past 8 now, but he (not, come) yet.

36. Linda (be) very busy when we (come) to see her yesterday. She(wash) up.

37. I'm too tired to walk. I think I (take) a taxi. I'll phone you when I (be) at home.

38. We (walk) along the forest road when it began raining. We had to walk (in, under, through) the rain.

39. Before I came to the office the manager already (sign) the documents.

40. Some TV serials like "The Land of Love" (make) especially for housewives.

41. I hoped that my article (publish) soon, but it (not, appeare) in the newspaper yet.

42. St. Petersburg (found) by Peter I in 1703. It's one of (beautiful) cities in the world.

43. She wanted to know where I (live) before finishing school.

44. Mary told me she (not, go) home the next day until she (finish) her work.

45. Kate said that she (love) children very much, that's why she (want) to be a teacher.

46. Yesterday I (can, could, may) not finish my work because I (be) very tired.

47. The policeman told the driver that he (must, to be to, could) drive more carefully.

Use the Reported Speech:

48. I asked my friend, "Did you fill in an entry form when you went abroad?"

49. He answered, " I had only my personal things when I travelled to England."

50. I'd like you to answer my question, "Why is it necessary to go through passport control and through the customs when you arrive in a foreign country?"

Показать ответ
13.10.2021 15:50

1) Her father is not watching TV at the moment.  He is sleeping because he is tired

2) Where does your uncle work? He works at school.

3) Is your friend doing his homework now?

4) When do you usually come home from school?  I come at four o'clock.

5) My sister is not playing the piano now. She plays the piano in the evening.

6) Are you reading a magazine and thinking about your holiday at the moment?

7) I am siting in a waiting room at the dentist now.

8) When do you listen to the news on the radio?

9) Are you playing chess now?

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24.06.2022 02:39


1.many birds fly south in winter.

2. Ken writing a book about the Aztec Indians. He`ll finish it soon.

3. Mandy usually sits with Sandra in history classes. But today Sandra is absent, so Mandy will sit with Beth.

4. We don't wear uniforms to school.  

5. “Great John! I see you are working very hard today! "

6. My brother doesn't listen to pop music, but today he listens to Madonna.

7. I don't understand what you are saying. Please speak more clearly!

8. I support Greenpeace because I believe in their philosophy.

9. Our teachers giving us a test twice a month.

10. "What are you doing?" "I taste the soup to see if it has enough salt."


1.Be careful! You will hurt yourself with scissors.  

2. Come quickly! Look, snow out!  

3. I do not know the answer, so I am looking it up.  

4. The buses leave from the depot at 9 o'clock every day.  

5. When I grow up, I will become an astronaut.  

6. If you keep on play with this knife, you will cut yourself.  

7. I will wear my new dress to the party tonight!  

8. Jane will visit us these days and we are having a wonderful time together!  

9. Don't worry! The plane will take off in three hours. We have a lots of time!  

10. Jenny will be back soon. You could wait for her if you like.


1.My father took me to my first football game ten years ago.  

2. When I arrive home, Susan cries.  

3. Luke and Tony have a fight over Sheila at the pub last night.  

4. I wrote an email when a dog comes in.  

5. When I was young, my mum walk me to school every morning. In the afternoon my grandmother picked me up because my mother had to work.  

6. While I driving to work, it startted snowing.


1. My father will take us to the park tomorrow.  

2. Mary is doing her homework for tomorrow.  

3. We live at 17 Burrows Street.  

4. All day yesterday they were preparing for the English test.

5 . My mother worked in a good store before she was married.  

6. We clean the house every day.  

7. “Don't worry John, I'll pick up my dry cleaning on my way home. "  

8. I will go to China if I win a lot of money.  

9. My brother goes to school every morning.  

10. When she was crossing the road, she was hit by a motorcycle.

11. When she arrives, we will ask her about it.  

12. I will visit her while I am in Athens.  

13. Ten minutes ago he took out the trash.  

14. Do you get a lot of gifts for your birthday?  

15. I will help with the laundry if I have time.











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