Task 1. Check your understanding: true or false Circle True or False for these sentences.
1. A - The boy revised all week for his Economics exam. True False
2. A - It wasn't an important exam. True False
3. A - His mum is worried about the cost of retaking the course. True False
4. B - The girl and the dog were playing in the park. True False
5. B - She took Bonzo to the vet's straight away. True False
6. B - She had only had Bonzo for a short time. True False
7. C - The boy was using the phone when someone stole it. True False
8. C - The boy thinks he would recognise the thief. True False
9. C - The dad will see if the phone is insured. True False
cyber surgeon
new tutorial for drivers
cyber security
cyber hacker
laptop лэптоп; ноутбук; портативный компьютерdesktop computer(часто используется сокращение desktop)персональный компьютерtablet computer(часто используется сокращение tablet)планшетPC (сокращённо от personal computer)персональный routerбеспроводной роутер; driveжёсткий cableкабель питания
to plug in подключить что-либо к компьютеруto unplug отсоединить; вытащить из розеткиto switch on или to turn onвключитьto switch off или to turn offвыключитьto start upзапустить системуto shut downвыключить системуto restart
Первая часть: "In an iridescent kingdom lives whole seven princesses, and all daughters, as one, look like a queen. Before every princess governed the lock. A laughter always stood in a red lock. In an orange lock the strongest dwelt and adroit given. They arranged contests every day, and in them won. Tale-tellers lived in a yellow lock. They knew so much fairy-tales, that if it was begun to tell them, then did it whole year without breathing space. The best cooks of iridescent kingdom lived in a green lock. And what foods prepared there, you and not able to imagine. In a blue lock nothing was done, but it always was merrily there. Scientists and inventors lived in a blue lock. They very much knew and invented constantly. Even for simple businesses - to comb one's hair or take off socks - there were the special mechanisms in this lock. Conjurers lived in a violet lock. This was the most enigmatic lock.
Вторая часть: Above an iridescent kingdom always, a rainbow stood in any weather. Certainly, magic. From iridescent magic all in a kingdom it lived by gladly and interestingly. Remarkable this was a kingdom, very we wanted you to itself to invite and to show him, but nothing will turn out. Princesses decided yesterday, that it will be better not alone rainbow for all, and at each it. And it was wanted to take apart a rainbow. They began to tear a rainbow on pieces, and she - one time! - and disappeared. Princesses began to swear at each other, hardly not fought. Then sent on the locks and loudly, on a lock slammed a gate. And at night a terrible bog appeared before a red lock. A deep sea spilled before orange. A yellow lock was surrounded by mountains, and before green fathomless pit was stretched. A passage-way to the blue lock overgrew the impassable forest. An enormous snake eating up all travelers settled on a way to a blue lock. And violet lock and disappeared quite. And appeared in a kingdom many wicked magic, and all kind magic all disappeared.
От поэтому мы вас и не зовем: Therefore we you and we do not call in our kingdom, that to you there to do".