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24.05.2020 07:28 •  Английский язык

Task 1. Read the text and add the sentences. Write a-e in the spaces in the text.
a) It has more than 27 million visitors spending over $770 million a year.
b) I just turn on the radio and listen to whatever comes.
c) You don’t want to play rock music and get them even more worked up.
d) But later on, it’s quieter.
e) But if we’ve got a big cup match and we play We will Rock You, they will clap.
A WORLD OF MUSIC – BUT WHO CHOOSES IT? Music is all around us. However, we rarely think about who chooses the music, and we’ve no idea how they decide what to play. ‘It is a science,’ explains Liam Collins, 41, who is DJ at the Bluewater Shopping Centre in Kent. 1. ‘We play music in the dining areas, entrance halls and the country yards, you can hear a whole range of different music, from Paul Oakenfold mixes to Frank Sinatra.’ ‘In the morning, the music is generally on loud. 2. . The busier the shopping centre gets, the more relaxing the music needs to be. People listen more carefully to the music than you might think.Once we accidentally played White Christmas At Easter. A huge crowd of people came to reception to tell us.’ ‘I don’t actually think the crowd care about the music, to be honest, ‘says Richie Tierney. PA announcer at Prenton Park football ground, the home of Tranmere Rovers. ‘3. .’ Otherwise, Richie and his assistant have clear rules. They play James Brown’s I Feel Good when Tranmere score and they play a special re-mix of Going Home by Mark Knopfler when people are leaving the stadium. We also spoke to several taxi drivers. What is important for them is to have music playing, but what they actually listen to is nothing like as important as how loudly they play it. ‘We play everything. No one complains about what it is, but the minute it gets too loud, then people complain.’ ‘I don’t really care what I listen to,’ says Jed Strange, a London cabby. ‘4. But I do change the music if the customer doesn’t like it. That way, the tips I get are much better.’ he admits. We also found a taxi driver who only plays classical music. ‘Classical music is just as enjoyable as rock,’ he says. ‘With classical music I feel far more relaxed, and I really need that with today’s traffic, which is getting a lot worse every day.’ And in that he’s not alone – classical music is also the preferred choice of Dr. Janet Highsmith, a dentist from Cambridge. ‘Most of my patients are pretty stressed,’ she says. 5. . It’s usually a piece of Baroque music that helps them to relax.’
Task 2. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. When do they play relaxing music in the Bluewater shopping centre?
2. Why is Liam Collins pretty sure that people actually listen to what they play in the shopping centre?
3. How do they decide what music to play at Prenton Park football ground?
4. What do taxi drivers have to do to keep their customers from complaining?
5. Why do some people choose to play classical music?

6. What other ways can you think of how the music affects our lives?
Task 3. What do these words mean? Look up the meaning of the words in a dictionary and write their meanings.
a) influence b) consult c) complain d) customer

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07.08.2020 06:32
Beginning to tell you about my favourite newspaper, firstly I would like to stress that the mass media and especially press play very important role in our lives.Needless to say that the mass media have done and continue doing much to excite and to maintain our interest in every aspect of the life in Russia. But I want to draw your attention to the work of press and its role in the life of society.The press is one of those few means of getting information, which exists in almost all parts of the world. Reading different newspapers and magazines, we learn about recent political, economical and cultural events in Russia and abroad, about international relations and progressive views, about ordinary and extraordinary things and cases. That is why I think it necessary that people should read newspapers and magazines.As for me, my favourite newspaper is “Moskovskiy Komsomolets” (“MK”, in brief). I am sure you have heard about this newspaper and have had a chance to read it. I suppose, it gives us a great amount of information and quickly and vividly reflects current and important events on its pages.The principal vital and actual problems are always discussed by the reporters of “Moskovskiy Komsomolets” and this feature attracts me much. On the pages of “MK” we also can find broad daylights of the political life of the country – this is another good tradition and positive particularity which is liked by its readers.For all items and saturation coverage of occasions this newspaper offers a lot of columns and headings with brief and interesting headlines.It goes without saying that the most exciting reports and latest news are always published on the first page of “MK” so that the readers could familiarize with them at once. To my mind, it’s very convenient!Recently a great amount of advertisements have appeared on the news pages and on the pages of “MK” too. I consider this is wrong: advertisements occupy the space which could be used for news or reviews and must be published only as special separate periodicals. They reduce the quality of the newspaper as a source of information and affect its prestige, and this point should be taken into account.On the whole my favourite newspaper meets my requirements and I hope that it will be printed in future.
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01.02.2020 05:03

Английский язык по скайпу Темы / Топики Темы 8 класс Генри Форд (Henry Ford)


Henry Ford was born near Dearborn, in the United States, in July 1863. As a boy, he enjoyed playing with clocks and machines. It was a great experience for the person who would create the first affordable car.

Cars had already been built in Europe when Ford tested his first vehicle in 1899. It had wheels like a bicycle’s and a gasoline-powered engine that made it move. It was called a Quadricycle and had only two speeds and no reverse. In four years Ford had started the Ford Motor Company. His ideas about making automobiles would change history.

Carmakers at that time used parts that were made by other companies and put them all together. Ford’s company made every part that went into its cars. What’s more, the company made sure that each kind of part was the same.

In 1908 Ford introduced the Model "T". This car worked well and wasn't expensive. It was a big success, but the company couldn’t manufacture them quickly. In 1913 Henry Ford built a large factory with the conveyor.

Instead of having workers go from car to car, the cars moved gently down a line while mechanics stood in place adding parts to them. Each worker added a different part until a whole car was put together. It helped to produce more cars. By 1918 half of all automobiles in the United States of America were Model "Ts". Ford’s company became the largest machine manufacturer in the world. And Ford had transformed the process of manufacturing

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