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Task 1. Reading Read the text and answer the questions below

Water is necessary for life. All organisms contain it, some drink it and some live in it. Plants and animals require water that is moderately pure, and they cannot survive, if water contains toxic chemicals or harmful microorganisms. Water pollution kills large quantity of fish, birds, and other animals, in some cases killing everything in an affected area.
Pollution makes streams, lakes, and coastal waters unpleasant to swim in or to have a rest. Fish and shellfish harvested from polluted waters may be unsafe to eat. People who polluted water can become ill, if they drink polluted water for a long time, it may develop cancer or hurt their future children.
The major water pollutants are chemical, biological, and physical materials that lessen the water quality. Pollutants can be separated into several different classes:
The first class is petroleum products: oil, fuel, lubrication, plastics. The petroleum products get into water by accidental spills from ships, tanker trucks and when there are leaks from underground storage tanks. Many petroleum products are poisonous for animals. Spilled oil damages the feathers of birds and the fur of animals, often it causes death.
The second class is pesticides and herbicides. There are chemicals used to kill harmful animals and plants. If they penetrate into streams, rivers, lakes, these chemicals can be very dangerous. The chemicals can remain dangerous for a long time. When an animal eats a plant that's been treated with it, the poisons are absorbed into the tissues and organs of the animals.
The third class are heavy metals, such as, mercury, selenium, uranium, radium, cesium, etc. They get into the water from industries, automobile exhausts, mines, and natural soil. Heavy metals also become more harmful as they follow the food chain. They accumulate in living being's cells and when they reach high levels of concentration in the organism, they can be extremely poisonous, or can result in long-term health problems. They can sometimes cause liver and kidney damage.

1Choose a suitable title for the text
A Water is necessary for life
B Types of water pollution
C Classes of pollutants
D (write your answer)
2What are the major water pollutants?
3Why can pesticides and herbicides be dangerous if they penetrate into streams, rivers and lakes?
4What do heavy metals result in
5How do petroleum products affect the animals?

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14.07.2021 02:06


в 2006 году международный астрономический союз решил создать новую категорию для объектов солнечной системы - карликовые планеты, и плутон был переклассифицирован как одна из карликовых планет.

in 2006, the international astronomical union decided to create a new category for solar system objects called "dwarf planets", and pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet.в нашей солнечной системе 8 планет: меркурий, венера, земля, марс, юпитер, сатурн, уран и нептун.

there are 8 planets in our solar system: there's mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, and neptune.в составе солнечной системы четыре газовых гиганта: юпитер, сатурн, уран и нептун.

the solar system has four gas giants: jupiter, saturn, uranus, and neptune.

вскоре космические агентства запустили тысячи роботизированных зондов по всей солнечной системе для исследования планет и их спутников, астероидов,

soon, the space agencies launched thousands of robot probes all over the solar system to explore planets, moons, asteroids, and

земля - единственная внутренняя планета в нашей солнечной системе, на поверхности которой есть жидкая вода.

earth is the only inner planet in our solar system that has liquid water on its surface.


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31.07.2022 04:24

ответ: animals are very important in our life. some of them can become good friends for us. it is especially true about domestic animals. животные важны в нашей жизни. некоторые из них могут стать для нас хорошими друзьями. это особенно верно в отношении животных.

on days when i had no friends to play with in my childhood, i played with my dog. i had both dogs and cats. apart from these pets, once we bought a talking parrot and a hamster. i should say, parrots can be aggressive sometimes, although they are rather funny. hamsters need lots of attention and care. their cage often gets dirty and they need similar rodents to play with. в детстве, когда мне не с кем было играть, я играл со своей собакой. у меня были как собаки, так и кошки. помимо этих животных, однажды мы приобрели говорящего попугая и хомяка. нужно отметить, что попугаи иногда бывают агрессивными, хотя они довольно забавные. хомячкам нужно много внимания и заботы. их клетка часто загрязняется и им нужны другие грызуны для игр.

the best choice is to keep a cat or a dog as a pet. cats are very sweet animals. i had several cats during my childhood. some of them were grey, some black and white. as for dogs, i had only two dogs of various breeds. i can say that looking after animals and taking care of them is one of my favourite pastimes. out of all family members i was the one who went for a walk with our dogs. i fed them, played with them, trained and treated whenever they got ill. for example, my german shepherd has once broken its leg. i took gentle care of it until the leg was fine again. лучше всего в качестве питомца заводить кошку или собаку. кошки славные животные. у меня было несколько кошек в детстве. некоторые из них были серыми, другие черно- белыми. что касается собак, у меня было только две собаки различных пород. можно сказать, что уход за животными и забота о них являются одним из моих любимых занятий. из всех членов семьи именно я ходил на прогулку с нашими собаками. я кормил их, играл с ними, тренировал и лечил их всякий раз, когда они болели. например, моя овчарка однажды сломала ногу. я тщательно заботился о ней, пока нога не зажила.

speaking of other animals, i like almost all species that exist in the world, except insects. i’m not very fond of different insects. moreover, i’m afraid of spiders and cockroaches. when i want to learn something new about wild animals, i watch animal planet. it’s a very cognitive program that tells about a wide range of species. that’s how i learned that not all reptiles are dangerous and not all mammals are safe. говоря о других животных, я люблю почти все разновидности, которые существуют в мире, за исключением насекомых. я не люблю различных насекомых. более того, я боюсь пауков и тараканов. когда я хочу узнать что-то новое о диких животных, я смотрю «планету животных». это познавательная программа, которая рассказывает о многих видах животных. вот откуда я узнал, что не все рептилии опасны и не все млекопитающие безопасны.

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