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06.03.2022 17:15 •  Английский язык

Task 1 Reading

The Great North Run is one of the UK`s most popular sporting events. It is the biggest and best-known half-marathon in the world. Around fifty thousand competitors sign up to take part in the Great North Run every September, and run the thirteen miles between Newcastle upon Tyne and South Shields. Around one hundred thousand friends and family members line the roads to watch the race, and cheer the runners on from the sidelines.

The first Great North Run was held in 1981, to help raise money for charities and other worthy causes. The race has evolved over the years from a small, low key event to become one of the most popular road running events in the sporting calendar, and the most famous competition of its kind in the world.

A lot of people enjoy running, and men and women of all ages compete in the race to help raise money for their favourite charity. Most ordinary people who enter the race are pleased if they just manage to finish it, but for some athletes the competition is a serious business and they are out to win it! Many well-known celebrities also sign up to take part in the race and raise money for good causes.

Running road races can be exhausting, and amateur runners often find them challenging. Not all runners who enter the race manage to go the full distance and complete it, and there are always some who fall by the wayside. Ambulances are kept on standby in case any runners need any medical attention, and bottled water is provided for competitors to keep them hydrated in various stops along the way. Around two hundred and fifty thousand (a quarter of a million) bottles of

water are handed out during the race along, with a thousand or more additional drinks handed out at the start and finish!

Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).

1. The Great North Run is a small, low key event.

2. Professional athletes and amateur runners compete in the race.

3. Some people who take part don`t complete the race.

4. Bottles are recycled after water is finished

1. If ... rich, I would traаvel around the world. а) was; b) were; c ) wоula be;B d) will ьe 2. We would have left yesterday а) didn't snow; b) wаsn't snowin8: с) hadn't snowed; 3. Wegot used to ... our own food when we had tolivealone, d) had snowed. а) соoking: b) соok: с) being соoked; d) coob 4. When I was young I used to ... for our family а) соoking: b) соok; с) being соoked3B d) cooked 5. I ... drink coffee than tea. a) had better: b) wоuld rather; с) had rather: d) . better 6. John... to class yesterday than today. а) would rather go; b) wоuld rather have gone; с) wonla rather had gone; d) would rather went. 7. "... you ... to dance with me?" a) Should, have;B b) Would, mind; с) Do, want; d) Woula, ike. 8. John would rather that his girlfriend... the same times he does. a) studies;B b) study; с ) studied; d) have studied. 9. We wish that they ... yesterday. а) сате; b) had come;B с) иere coming: d) have come. 10. We hope that they .. yesterday. а) сате;B b) had come; с) еre coming: d) have come 11.I don't feel like... out today. а) going: b) g0; с ) I wеnt; d)'l go. 12. If I... 100 dollars in the street, I would keер 1t. a) have found; b) will find; c) find; d) found. 13. Тom would be angry.. I didn't visit him. a) when; b) if: с) unless; d) as if.

14. He wishes he ... her name. know; b) had known; c) knew; d) had been knowing. E She ... get a job more easily if she.. type. ) could, could; 6) can, can; c) could, can; d) can, could. 16. If I ... you when you passed me in the street, I would have said hello. a) saw; b) have seen; c) could see; d) had seen. 17. I feel sick. I wish I... so much. A) hadn't eaten; b) hadn't ate; c) didn't eat; d) haven't ate. 18. Jim wears two watches... one of them a) unless, stops; b) in case, will stop; c) in case, stops; d) in se, stop. 19. "Can you give it to her ... you see her?" 4) if:b) providing; c) in case; d) when. 20. "Can you take it with you... you see her?" a)if: b) providing; c) in case; d) when. 21.If we had known that you were there, we... you a letter. a) would have written; b) wrote; c) would write; d) had written.​

Показать ответ
18.05.2023 23:24
Можно на русском? первый вариант легкий второй - посложнее.
первый вариант
Анна и  Боб
Анна - о! боб! привет, я не видела тебя целую вечность!
боб - привет анна! как ты?
анна - я купила новый дом, и машину, а ты? (что про тебя -дословно)
боб - у меня все хорошо, пока
анна - удачи
второй вариант
теже Ана им Боб
Анна - О! Боб, мой лучший друг! Где ты пропадал все это время(где ты был)
боб- привет, Анна. я отучился в институте на экономиста и тепер работаю экономистом. родители каждый год путешевствуют, а моя дочь Дора уже пошла в школу.
анна - замечательно(прекрасно)! Моя жизнь тоже начала налаживаться! я вышла замуж, мы купили дом и хорошую(дорогую) машину. работаю с удовольствием парикмахером!
боб - замечательно, ну что ж(so)? Может попьем чаю у нас дома?!
анна - давай, с радостью!хорошо что встректились
0,0(0 оценок)
02.08.2022 09:22
My favorite subject in school - is biology . In these lessons I sit and I think that I did not breathe . I'm afraid to miss some important word teacher. Every time I look forward to the next lesson. I do not understand those who are not interested in this subject , because biology - the science about life , about us , about all living organisms. It explores the stages of development of living beings , sentient beings themselves , their interaction with the outside world . Biology - the science of ancient as life itself . After all, to understand how to live - it was necessary to understand yourself , to find your place in this world , to understand how to interact with the world around them and keep yourself as a species. So the development of science was not only from curiosity , but also because of the need . So I carefully preparing for each lesson, I re-read a lot of literature and even signed up for extra classes . Not because I have to catch up with the course or I have a bad performance , but because it is very interesting . I confess that I liked as much as biology in the eighth grade when we started to study human anatomy . Perhaps it was due to the fact that her teacher taught us that he dearly loved this item . His lessons have flown as one instant .
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