Task 1. translateдля обіду необхідно накрити стіл.скатертина захищає стіл від гарячих блюдхолодні блюда або закуски відкривають обід.їжа має бути корисною, обільною, збагаченою вітамінами.я можу приготувати цю страву і моя сестра також.я не думаю, що це м’ясо недоварене. мені здається воно занадто солоне.торгові працівники намагаються продати товар за ціною, яка може принести їм прибуток.ходіння по магазинах – це частина нашого повсякденного життя.task 2.answer the questions: how do we lay the table for dinner, for supper? what is “tea” for british people? what is the main meal of the day for english people? where do we go if we want to buy food? what is exposed in a shop-window? why do sellers often advertise their wares? how do they do it? is there a very good service called postal market? why?
1) We’ll miss the train if you don't pack the suitcase yet.
2) If Stuart stills to wate for me, I’ll catch a taxi.
3) If Susan stills to sleep, I won’t wake her.
4) If Tony works on this project for a week now, we should help him.
5) We can have dinner if Cindy already lays the table.
6) We should stop the boys if they stills to fight.
7) If the taxi doesn't arrive yet, I’ll wait for it outdoors.
8) Jane should take a break if she prepares for her exam for more than two hours now.
9) Unfortunately, we can’t have a picnic if it stills to rain.
10) If they do not repair your car yet, I can give you a lift
I save money to buy this for myself. So that I don't ask my parents and I like it. The way I collect my is that I use this economically and I keep the change for myself. I don't tell anyone that I am collecting money for something and that is the best way to save it. Because you don't want your money to get stolen and you don't want your siblings to take it. As I have collect enough money, I use them for good and useful things. Like: Books, computer, clothes, shoes and some productive things. Most of the people doesn't collect money or they don't use it for the things they need. It's hard hard to save and collect money but as you learn the best ways to save it, you will enjoy it and you will be grateful that you had learned it. Advantages are that your parent won't pay everything for you and you will be able to use money in the good way in life. Most of the students and young people work to make money so that they can buy the things they need. It is hard work but they have to. My opinion is that saving money is important in life.