Task. Choose ONE of the topics to write. Topic 1. You are asked to write a story with the title ‘An Exciting Adventure’ for your school magazine. Write 3 paragraphs using the plan below:
(Paragraph 1) - when / where / description of the main characters
(Paragraph 2) - events in the order they happened/ your feelings
(Paragraph 3) - the end of the story (resolution)
Topic 2. You are asked to write an article about ‘The Saiga’ for your school newsletter ‘Our Endangered Planet’. Write 3 paragraphs using the plan below:
(Paragraph 1) - short information about the Saiga (what / where)
(Paragraph 2) - why it is endangered
(Paragraph 3) - ways of preservation
Total [6]
Did you like the film yesterday? - Тебе понравился вчерашний фильм? Используем the, т. к. речь идет об определенном фильме, который говорящий/ие смотрел/и вчера.
Do you speak French language? Ты говоришь по-французски? В данном случае артикль не требуется.
Do you know where the Volga River is? Ты знаешь, где находится река Волга? Артикль the употребляется с названиями рек, морей и океанов (но не озер!)
This well-known scientist has written a book and has read lectures in many universities. Этот известный ученый написал книгу (какую точно - не упоминается, артикль не ставим) и прочитал лекции во многих университетах.
place - places
page - pages
judge - judges
knife - knifes
problem - problems
lawyer - lawyers
scientist - scientists
action - actions
crime - crimes
thief - thiefs
court - courts
law - laws
witness - witnesses
victim - victims
address - addresses
face - faces
loss - losses
reply - replies
lady - ladies
brush - brushes
guy - guys
portfolio - portfolios
mother-in-law - mothers-in-law
enemy - enemies
sheep - sheep
ship - ships
criterion - criterions
datum - datums
formula - formulas
possibility - possibilities
crisis - crises
mischief-maker - mischief-makers
extremity - extremities
lie - lies
youth - youths
journey - journeys
policeman - policemen
investigator - investigators
criminal - criminals
subject - subjects
student - students
question - questions
academy - academies
university - universities