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30.07.2021 07:05 •  Английский язык

Task I Write three leisure activities that you like/don't like and reasons why you like/don't like each of them.
too hard
a wide
tebing ang
han ting
I find it ...
I enjoy... I really like
I hate I absolutely hate
How often do you do your hobbies?
Every day, once/twice a week, three times a month​

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03.04.2022 05:06

P.S. не обещаю перевод 100-й это во 1-х, во 2-х всё на реальном примере


Global problems of humanity - problems that have arisen as a result of the interaction of humanity and nature. While the standard of living and economic development increases significantly, the level of equilibrium or restoration of natural processes decreases. In the 21st century, the greatest threats to humanity are both social and environmental problems. Let's highlight three of them:

demographic problem;

environmental problem;

the problem of the nuclear threat.

Within each one, we can identify a number of other problems, but let us focus on the main ones, because it is their solution that will allow a person to preserve and restore the world in which he lives.

The 19th century, with the growth of production, the development of medicine and new social laws, led to an increase in the birth rate in underdeveloped countries. This situation persisted throughout the 20th century, and only in the 21st century did countries move from a demographic explosion to a demographic transition. This social policy is aimed at reducing the birth rate (legally in underdeveloped countries) and increasing mortality (by increasing the birth rate in countries where the aging of nations is planned). Controlling population growth will help to stabilize the social development of countries, which will lead to a reduction in national conflicts, a revision of foreign policy and an emphasis on solving domestic problems.

It is social instability, as well as the struggle for resources, that is the main cause of military conflicts between countries. With the invention of nuclear weapons, this problem has become global, because every knowledgeable person knows the consequences of a nuclear explosion. After its application in 1945, the politicians of the world thought about deterrence. In 1972, the world powers signed the first treaty on curbing the growth of weapons. Then the States adopted treaties on the reduction of nuclear weapons stockpiles. In 2017, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was drawn up, it will enter into force after ratification by fifty States.

The 21st century has turned man to face an environmental catastrophe. There is also the pollution of the environment by industrial and household waste, the depletion of natural resources, the destruction of ecosystems as a result of illiterate use. With the growth and development of industry, people have reached a new level of consumption. Energy resources: oil, gas, coal-have been used on a scale that leads to the depletion of non-renewable natural deposits. At the same time, transport and industrial enterprises emit such a large amount of waste into the environment that disturbs the balance in nature due to the deterioration of water, air and soil pollution. This leads to the death of animals, the disappearance of rare species, mutation and the emergence of new diseases.

Today, solutions are a priority:

Control of the production of harmful substances (Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, Kyoto Protocol);

equipping the production with modern high-tech waste disposal equipment;

sorting and recycling of garbage:

control over the consumption of energy resources (heat and electricity saving, maintenance of equipment in proper mode, to avoid losses and unauthorized emissions);

transition to alternative energy sources (solar, wind, tidal power plants, replacement of fuel engines with electric ones);

various conservation and recreational measures in wildlife.

Remaining indifferent to environmental problems, humanity is digging its own grave with its own hands. After all, decisions start with each of us. Consumption meters, a serviceable car, sorted and properly disposed of garbage-these are the first steps to solving environmental problems. This is the least that an ordinary citizen can do. Getting an education in the field of high technologies, medicine, economics and law will allow everyone to make a feasible contribution to the stabilization of relations between Humanity and the Earth.

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12.04.2020 04:00
Actress Anna Snatkina is a real star of Russian TV, who managed to play in 38 paintings, including not only a soap Opera and a TV movie. Also, the actress is actively playing in the theater and sings.
Born in a family of career, Anna from a young age dreamed of becoming an actress. At the age of five she was sent to the section of sports gymnastics. In high school, the future actress on a professional level been engaged in sports aerobics, winning several major competitions. But the dream to act in films or play in the play did not leave her even for a day. Snatkina independently studied the history of theatre and the Stanislavsky and shone in a school theatrical circle.As a entrant, was engaged on preparatory courses WTU them. B. Shchukin and Cinematography. The result of hard work not long to wait – right after high school, Anna immediately took in three of the theatrical school of Moscow. Her choice fell on the University, a student came to the course Vitaly Solomin.
Being in a creative atmosphere, Snatkina actively and persistently seek in the movie, while not neglecting the filming of commercials. In 2003 she was lucky, Anna guest-starred in the TV series “Plot”, followed by a mini-serial “Moscow Saga”. After graduating in 2005, classic beauty Anna gets the role of Princess Tatiana in the TV series “Yesenin”, after playing the very Natalia Goncharova in the drama “Pushkin: Last duel” and becomes defensive Anastasia Vorontsova in melodramatic series “notes of the secret Chancellery forwarder 2”, released in 2011.

In 2012, hard-working Anna Snatkina plays in the mystical drama “the Effect of bogarne”, a children's movie “Mystery of the Snow Queen”, “barbarian 3D” and the TV series “I'm not going back,” in which the actress gets just two roles she plays twin sisters.
Anna also tightly involved in the theatrical repertory company where he played leading roles in productions of “die Fledermaus”, “Intrigue and love”, “the Big Zebra” and many others. Possessing good vocal skills, the actress Snatkina also performs the soundtrack. Her voice sounds in the series: “I'm not going back”, “Doomed to become a star,” “Two loves” and “Tatyana's day”.
In 2013, Anna Snatkina participated in the filming of the scenes: “Dollhouse”, “Process”, “Save or destroy” and “Kill the dragon”.
Актриса Анна Снаткина – настоящая звезда российских сериалов, успевшая сняться в 38 картинах, среди которых не только мыльные оперы, но и телевизионное кино. Также актриса активно играет в театре и поет. Рожденная в семье авиаинженеров, Анна с младых ногтей мечтала стать актрисой. В пятилетнем возрасте ее отдали в секцию спортивной гимнастики. В старших классах будущая актриса на профессиональном уровне занималась спортивной аэробикой и даже выиграла несколько крупных соревнований. Но мечта сняться в кино или сыграть в спектакле не оставляла ее ни на день. Снаткина самостоятельно изучала историю театра и систему Станиславского и блистала в школьном театральном кружке.Будучи абитуриенткой, занималась на подготовительных курсах ВТУ им. Б. Щукина и ВГИКа. Итога упорной работы не заставил себя долго ждать – сразу по окончанию средней школы Анна сразу в три театральных ВУЗа Москвы. Ее выбор пал на ВГИК, студентка попала на курс Виталия Соломина. Оказавшись в творческой атмосфере, Снаткина активно и настойчиво стремиться в кино, не пренебрегая съемками в рекламных роликах. В 2003 году ей улыбнулась удача, Анну пригласили сниматься в сериале “Участок”, далее последовал мини-сериал “Московская сага”. После окончания университета в 2005 году классическая красавица Анна получает роль княжны Татьяны в сериале “Есенин”, после играет саму Наталью Гончарову в драме “Пушкин: Последняя дуэль”, а также становится крепостной Анастасией Воронцовой в мелодраматическом сериале “Записки экспедитора тайной канцелярии 2”, вышедшем в 2011 году. В 2012 году трудолюбивая Анна Снаткина играет в мистической драме “Эффект Богарне”, детском кино “Тайна Снежной Королевы”, “Варвара 3D” и сериале “Я не вернусь”, в котором актрисе достаются сразу две роли – она играет сестер-близнецов. Также Анна плотно задействована в театральной антрепризе, где играет ведущие роли в спектаклях “Летучая мышь”, “Коварство и любовь”, “Большая зебра” и многие другие. Обладая хорошими вокальными данными, актриса Снаткина также исполняет саундреки. Ее голос звучит в сериалах: “Я не вернусь”, “Обреченная стать звездой”, “Две любви” и “Татьянин день”. В 2013 году Анна Снаткина принимала участия в съемках картин: “Кукольный дом”, “Процесс или  уничтожить”, а также “Убить дракона”.
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