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18.03.2021 08:52 •  Английский язык

Текст: Following the market turbulence of the 1990s financial crises and September 11 attacks on the U.S. in 2001, financial integration intensified among developed nations and emerging markets, with substantial growth in capital flows among banks and in the trading of financial derivatives and structured finance products. Worldwide international capital flows grew from $3 trillion to $11 trillion U.S. dollars from 2002 to 2007, primarily in the form of short-term money market instruments. The United States experienced growth in the size and complexity of firms engaged in a broad range of financial services across borders in the wake of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 which repealed the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933, ending limitations on commercial banks' investment banking activity. Industrialized nations began relying more on foreign capital to finance domestic investment opportunities, resulting in unprecedented capital flows to advanced economies from developing countries, as reflected by global imbalances which grew to 6% of gross world product in 2007 from 3% in 2001. The global financial crisis precipitated in 2007 and 2008 shared some of the key features exhibited by the wave of international financial crises in the 1990s, including accelerated capital influxes, weak regulatory frameworks, relaxed monetary policies, herd behaviour during investment bubbles, collapsing asset prices, and massive deleveraging. The systemic problems originated in the United States and other advanced nations. Similarly to the 1997 Asian crisis, the global crisis entailed broad lending by banks undertaking unproductive real estate investments as well as poor standards of corporate governance within financial intermediaries. Particularly in the United States, the crisis was characterized by growing securitization of non-performing assets, large fiscal deficits, and excessive financing in the housing sector. While the real estate bubble in the U.S. triggered the financial crisis, the bubble was financed by foreign capital flowing from many different countries. As its contagious effects began infecting other nations, the crisis became a precursor for the global economic downturn now referred to as the Great Recession. In the wake of the crisis, total volume of world trade in goods and services fell 10% from 2008 to 2009 and did not recover until 2011, with an increased concentration in emerging market countries. The global financial crisis demonstrated the negative effects of worldwide financial integration, sparking discourse on how and whether some countries should decouple themselves from the system altogether.

Задание 1. Выпишите из текста слова и фразы со следующим значением a) аннулировать, отменить b) в след за c) валовый мировой продукт d) великий экономический спад e) внутренние инвестиционные возможности f) возникающие рынки g) волнения на рынке h) глобальный дисбаланс i) денежные потоки j) дефицит бюджета k) жилищный сектор l) заразное влияние m) инвестиционная банковская деятельность n) инвестиционный пузырь o) корпоративное управление p) кратко инструмент денежного рынка q) массивный сброс акций r) мировая торговля s) непродуктивные инвестиции в недвижимость t) отделиться u) передовые экономики v) повлечь за собой w) подтолкнуть x) показать y) превращение неработающих активов в рыночные ценные бумаги z) предвестник aa) размер и сложность bb) смягченная денежно-кредитная политика cc) усилиться dd) ускоренный приток капитала ee) ускорять

Задание 2. Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту 1. When were the September 11 attacks on the U.S.? 2. How did worldwide international capital flows change from 2002 to 2007? 3. What did industrialized nations rely on to finance domestic investment opportunities? 4. What features did the global financial crisis of 2007 have in common with international financial crises of the 1990s? 5. What financed the real estate bubble in the U.S.? 6. What is the Great Recession? 7. What did the global financial crisis demonstrate?

Задание 3. Напишите 10 предложений с ключевой лексикой из задания 2

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10.07.2022 07:56

My Summer Holidays

Summer is a wonderful season for me. It is the hottest and the best season of the year. The weather is always nice and sunny. It’s a real pleasure to spend some days out of my town. So many people leave towns for countryside, seaside and mountains.

In summer schoolchildren do not go to school. They have summer holidays which are three months long. Children don’t have to get up early. There is no homework to do or lessons to learn. So, they like holidays. I never stay in bed long in a bright summer morning. Sometimes my friends and I go to the cinema or to forest. Sometimes we play football or tennis in the yard.

Every summer I go to the country to stay with my grandmother for a month or two. I help Granny to work in the kitchen garden or to look after chickens and pigs. In the village I often go for long bike rides with my brother. There is a nice river Prut not far from my Granny’s place. Sometimes we go fishing or boating. I like to sit in silence for a while waiting for a fish to get caught and listening to the birds singing in the forest. I like to go to the beach in the morning when it is not too hot. I swim, sunbathe and play with my friends on the bank of the river.

Мої літні канікули

На мою думку, літо це прекрасна пора року. Це найтепліший і найкращий сезон за увесь рік. Погода завжди хороша та сонячна. Проводити час за містом є справжньою насолодою. Дуже багато людей їдуть з міста до села, моря та гір.

Влітку діти не ходять до школи. У них літні канікули цілі три місяці. Дітям не потрібно вставати зранку. Немає домашнього завдання та уроків для вивчення. Отож, вони люблять канікули. Я ніколи не затримуюсь довго в ліжку яскравого літнього ранку. Деколи я з друзями йду в кіно або в ліс погуляти. Час від часу ми граємо в футбол або в теніс в дворі.

Кожне літо я проводжу у своєї бабусі в селі, зазвичай місяць-два. Я допомагаю бабусі прибирати в саду та доглядати за курками та свинками. Зазвичай ми з братом довго катаємось на велосипедах. Недалеко від нас є чудова річка Прут. Деколи ми рибачимо або плаваємо на човні. Я люблю сидіти в тишині очікуючи поки риба почне клювати та слухати на пташиний спів. Також я люблю ходити на пляж зранку, коли не дуже холодно. Я плаваю, загоряю та граюсь зі своїми друзями на березі річки.

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27.03.2021 10:47

This text tells us that we are finishing school this year. In 10 months we will be issuing exams and will decide what we will do in our adult life. It takes long and hard work to successfully complete exams. This text also tells us about the fact that Learning is very important in modern life, and especially learning English. Half a billion people speak English. It is impossible to solve the problems of hunger of war without English, education is available. After all, all people should speak the same language to solve these problems.

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