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23.11.2022 21:11 •  Английский язык

текст и вставьте very C С Проверочная работа. Английский язык 6 класс. Задание 5. Грамматика Прочитайте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из четырёх предложенных вариантов. Halloween I remember my first Halloween. It was a cold evening, 31 October, 1988. I was А far from my home country, B my British neighbours whose kids were about that day. I was thinking about my family when, suddenly, there was an energetic knock at the door. I opened the door wondering who was there knocking D loudly. To my surprise I saw a group of kids, dressed up as ghosts, witches, queens and cowboys. Two of them were carrying a E with cut out eyes, a nose and a mouth. There was a candle inside, and the holes were shining. “Trick or treat!” they shouted. I was surprised. I didn't know what to do. My son Tom, told me, “Give them some sweets, Mummy, or they will play a trick on us.” “Like what?” I asked. “They can throw water on the windows, put a pin into the front door keyhole or break an egg on the windscreen of your car”, he explained. A 1) lived 2) live 3) lives 4) living B 1) among 2) between 3) behind 4) with C 1) tired 2) excited 3) tiring 4) exciting D 1) such 2) such a 3) so 4) so a E 1) potato 2) pumpkin 3) carrot 4) cabbage Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами. ответ: A B С D E 2

текст и вставьте very C С Проверочная работа. Английский язык 6 класс. Задание 5. Грамматика Прочита

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18.12.2020 20:35

1. I happened to be  (looking) out of the window when I saw his car  (approaching) the gate.

2. It has (been) ages since I last  (saw) Nick. He is said  (to have been married) Darcy and they are believed  (to have left) the country.

3. We are going by sea but I'd rather we (went) by air. I (have never/been) a good sailor.

4. Listen to the birds (singing). You know, I recently bought a parrot, but now I am (thinking) of buying a canary bird. I want it to (sing) for me in the morning.

5. Look at her! She (has had her hair/cut). She looks gorgeous!

6. We’d better (hurry up)… I’d hate to (arrive) late. / I’d rather we (would not arrive) late.

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05.11.2020 07:39

The word logistic has originated from Greek word ‘Logistikos’ and the Latin word ‘Logisticus’ which means science of computing & calculating In ancient times it was used more in connection with moving armies, the supplies of food & armaments to the war front. During World War II logistics gained importance in army operations covering the movement of supplies, men & equipment across the border Today It has acquired the wider meaning and is used in the business for the movement of material from suppliers to the manufacturer and finally the finished goods to the consumers.

Logistics involves the integration of the production and delivery of a product or service in order to ensure efficient and effective management. Originally, logistics was…show more content…

• Consolidate product movement by grouping shipments.

• Maintain high quality and engage in continuous improvement.

• Support the entire product life cycle and the reverse logistics supply chain.

An effective logistics management strategy depends upon the following tactics:

• Coordinating functions (transportation management, warehousing, packaging, etc.) to create maximum value for the customer.

• Integrating the supply chain.

• Substituting information for inventory.

• Reducing supply chain partners to an effective minimum number.

• Pooling

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