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24.07.2021 09:19 •  Английский язык

Тема: Урок позакласного читання. В Києві є на що подивитися. THINGS TO SEE IN KYIV
1. Розвиток діалогічного мовлення. Підбери правильні відповіді під запитання. Put the phrases of the dialogue in the logical order. Make up the dialogue and act it out.
- What country are you from?
- What is the capital of your country?
- Is Ukraine an independent country?
- Are there any national symbols in our country?
- Do you live in Kyiv?
A) Yes, it became independent in 1991.
B) I’m from Ukraine.
C) Our national symbols are the state flag, the state emblem and the state anthem.
D) No, I live in Poltava.
E) The capital of our country is Kyiv, an ancient and beautiful city.
a) match English words with Ukrainian equivalents. З‘єднай .
1.to be situated on а) проходити (про час)
2. exhibition b) каштан
3.to pass c) мешканець
4.to be proud d) бути розташованим на
5.fifteen centuries e) виставка
6. inhabitant f) давні горби
7. to be held g) проводитися
8. ancient hills h) пишатися
9.chestnut tree I) пятнадцять століть
3. Read the text.
Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is one of the most beau­tiful cities in the world. It is located on the scenic banks of the Dnipro River. There are a lot of parks, tree-lined broad and straight streets in our capital.
Kyiv is one of the oldest cities of Europe and it has many places of historic interest. Among them are famous churches, cathedrals and monasteries, because Kyiv is the ancestral home of Christianity in Kyivan Rus.
If you want to discover Kyiv, it is best to start with a tour on a sightseeing bus. Would you like to start your tour with visiting the imposing building of St. Volodymyr Cathedral? It was built in 1882 in a new Byzantic style by the architect Baretti. It is a traditionally Slavic six-column, three apse church crowned by seven cupolas. The height to the top of the cross on the main cupola is 48.9 m. The murals of the church interior are of considerable artistic significance. They were made in 1885—1896 by the famous Russian painters such as Nesterov, Vasnetsov, and Prakhov. The mosaics lining the cathedral's interior were made by Venitian masters.
A visit to St Sophia Cathedral may be the high­light of your stay in Kyiv. Kyivites say that if you do not see it while here, then you did not see Kyiv. The church was built in 1037 by Prince Yaroslav the Wise on the site of a battle-field to commemorate the victory over the Pechenegs (Asian nomadic tribes) and to glorify the wis­dom of Christianity (Sophia in Greek means "wisdom").
The most visitors are impressed by the beauty of St Andrew's Church. This church stands elegantly outlined against Kyiv skyline. It was built in 1748 by the archi­tect Rastrelli, who also built the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg and the Mariyinsky Palace in Kyiv. From its terraces the famous writer Gogol used to look down at the lower town of Podil. The winding brick street Andriyvski Uzviz leading up the hill to the church has a vari­ety of interesting art galleries and shops. This is one of the best areas to find traditional Ukrainian crafts and arts.
Kyiv Pecherska Lavra Monastery is one of the most famous sites of Kyiv. "Lavra" is the term used by the Orthodox Church for its largest monastery. It was built in the eleventh century. The monks lived in caves under the monastery, which still can be visited. The famous monk Nestor wrote the chronicle "The Story of Begone Days" while living in this monastery. Lavra incorporates a number of old buildings, churches and museums. There is a lot to see there.
4. Read to these statements and write true or false. If the sentence is false, correct it. Прочитай реченняі напиши правда чи неправда. Якщо речення неправдиві – виправ їх.
- Kyiv is situated on the picturesque banks of the river Dnieper.
- The streets of Kyiv are lined up with chestnut trees.
- The population of Ukraine is 52 million.
- The people of Ukraine are proud of their capital.
- The main river of Ukraine is the Dniester.
- There are 20 regions in Ukraine.
- St. Sophia Cathedral was built by Prince Yaroslav the Wise.
- Ukraine is washed by the Irish Sea.
- Khreschatyk is the Kyivite’s favourite street.
- Our country is a nice place to live and to travel in.

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15.11.2022 15:44
Рик отдыхает у своего бассейна в Лос-Анджелесе.
Он любит проводить время со своими друзьями, но он ненавидит вечеринки. 
Рик находится в своем доме в пустыне. Он любит рисовать. 
Рик находится в своей квартире в Нью-Йорке. Он любит есть, но он ненавидит готовить! 
Рик находится в своем доме в швейцарских Альпах. Он любит писать песни для своего друга Карла Дей.
What Rick likes to do:
He likes spending time with his friends.
He loves painting.
He likes eating.
He enjoys writing songs for his friend Carla Day.
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16.10.2022 07:20
My personal problem  
As I know personal problems can be psychological, emotional or physical. My personal problem is connected with hair loss. I am afraid of it so much. I'm afraid of combing my hair. It worries me every minute. I have very low self-confidence. I`ve become a very angry person. My mind is clouded by negative thoughts. I have a great fear and I don`t know how to get rid of it. I clearly understand that I mustn`t be a good loser! I should be patient. I explained my feelings to friends and family.
We decided that only a doctor could help me. I asked him for help and advice. He told me that I would recovery, but my treatment should involve such things as medicament, healthy food, and sport activities. And as a result I would less depressed and apathetic. I think it is necessary to think positively.    

Насколько я знаю, личные проблемы могут быть психологическими, эмоциональными или физическими. Моя личная проблема связана с потерей волос. Я боюсь этого очень сильно. Я боюсь расчёсывать свои волосы. Это беспокоит меня каждую минуту. У меня очень низкая самооценка. Я стала очень злым человеком. Мой разум затмевается негативными мыслями. У меня большой страх, и я не знаю, как от него избавиться. Я четко понимаю, что я не должна отчаиваться/унывать! Я должна быть терпеливой. Я объяснила мои чувства друзьям и семье. Мы решили, что только врач может мне. Я попросила у него и совета. Он сказал мне, что я выздоровлю, но мое лечение должно включать в себя такие вещи, как медикаментозное лечение, здоровое питание и занятия спортом. И, как результат, я буду менее депрессивна и апатична. Я думаю, что необходимо мыслить позитивно.
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