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15.02.2020 04:59 •  Английский язык

Тематична контрольна робота у 8 класі I.Translate from English into Ukrainian
1. adventure
2. poverty
3. literary activity
4. long-term
5. freedom
6. collection of poems
II. Complete the sentences with the words: biography, fairy tale, science fiction, adventure story, thriller, detective story, non-fiction, romance.
1. A book about killer or a crime is …
2. A story about 2 people who love each other is …
3. A story of a person’s life written by somebody is …
4. A book which describes real things and events is called…
5. Books about imaginary events in the future are called…
6. A children’s story in which magical things happen is …
7. A narrative about someone who investigates crimes and catches the robbers, killers is called…
8. A book in which you can find pirates, ships, islands, lost treasure is…
III. Open the brackets using Active or Passive Voice.
1.The news programme ( is watched / watched ) by millions of people every day.
2.The Mona Liza ( painted / was painted ) by Leonardo da Vinchi.
3.The new cinema ( be built / will be built ) next year.
4.New pop groups ( are much spoken / is much spoken ) about among teenagers.
5.Alexander Pushkin’s first poem ( was written / written ) when he was fourteen.
6.The letters (be sent / will be sent ) by post tomorrow.
7.The translation (was finished / were finished ) two hours ago.
8. London ( visited / is visited ) by hundreds of tourists every year.
9.The dinner ( be / will be ) ready in an hour (через час).
10.The dogs (were taken out/ was taken out) three times yesterday.

IV.The control-reading
1. Read the first text and do the tasks,
My favourite writer.
My name is John, I am thirteen years old. I iive in England, in Nottingham. I am fond of reading English literature. We've got a big home library. My favourite writer is Charles Dickens. He was born in 1812 and lived till 1 870. He is one of England's greatest writers. At a young age Dickens was forced to work in a factory under terrible conditions. The boy's childhood was very hard and sad. Then Dickens worked as a reporter in law courts and later for London newspapers. In 1837 he published his comic novel "The Pickwick Papers" which made him popular. A long line of successful novels followed: "Oliver Twist" (1837), "A Christmas Carol" (1843), "A Tale of Two Cities" (1859) and "Great Expectations" (1861). Dickens saw all the social evils of the English society and they worried him greatly. I'd like to point to the most favourite books of mine written by this famous writer. The first one is a novel "David Copperfield" which he wrote in 1849 - 1850. This novel is partly based on Dickens's early life and his struggle to become a writer. The characters in the book were actual people Dickens knew while many adventures of the hero, David Copperfield, were part of his own experience as a young boy. Another novel which is worth reading is "A Christmas Carol". It's a wonderful story written by Dickens more than a century and a half ago. The writer wanted to show that love, care and patience: were much, stronger that greediness, anger and hatred. People of all generations and of all times should remember about it.
1. Write what these numbers refer to :
18121837 1843 1849-1850

2. Answer the questions.
1. What is John's favourite writer?
2. What was Dicken's childhood?
3. What book made him popular?
4. What is "David Copperfield" based on?

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08.08.2020 13:03
Lewis Carrol (real name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) was a remarkable English writer, mathematician, philosopher and a deacon. One of his lifetime passions included photography. His most famous works is the fairy-tale “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. The writer was born on January 27th, 1832, in Daresbury, Cheshire. His father was a parish priest. Charles had seven sisters and three brothers. From the very childhood he showed himself as a clever and quick-witted boy. When he was twelve, he was sent to a private school near Richmond. In 1845 he had to move to another school, which he didn’t like much.

In 1851 Charles moved to Oxford and entered one of the best and aristocratic colleges there - Christ Church. After graduation he read lections on Mathematics at the same college for 26 years. It was his main income. He also became a deacon here and had the right to preach without work in the parish. His literature career began while he was still in college. He wrote short stories and poems, which he sent to various magazines. At that time he took the pseudonym “Lewis Carrol” on the advice of one editor. His works gradually gained popularity. By 1854, all serious English publishing houses were accepting them. While working at college, he met the new dean Henry Lidell and his family. The dean had three daughters: Alice, Edith and Lorina.
Льюис Кэррол (настоящее имя Чарльз Лютвидж Доджсон ) был замечательным английским писателем, математиком, философом и диаконом. Одна из его жизненных страстей включала фотографию. Его самые известные произведения - сказка «Приключения Алисы в Стране Чудес». Писатель родился 27 января 1832 года в Дарсбери, Чешир. Его отец был приходским священником. У Чарльза было семь сестер и трое братьев. С самого детства он казался умным и сообразительным мальчиком. Когда ему было двенадцать, его отправили в частную школу недалеко от Ричмонда. В 1845 году ему пришлось переехать в другую школу, которой он не очень понравился.

В 1851 году Чарльз переехал в Оксфорд и вошел в один из лучших и аристократических колледжей там - церковь Христа. После окончания школы он читал лекции по математике в том же колледже в течение 26 лет. Это был его главный доход. Он также стал дьяконом здесь и имел право проповедовать без работы в приходе. Его литературная карьера началась, пока он еще учился в колледже. Он писал короткие рассказы и стихи, которые он отправлял в различные журналы. В то время он взял псевдоним «Льюис Кэррол» по совету одного редактора. Его работы постепенно завоевали популярность. К 1854 году все серьезные английские издательства приняли их. Во время работы в колледже он познакомился с новым деканом Генри Лиделлом и его семьей. У декана было три дочери: Алиса, Эдит и Лорина.
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07.08.2022 10:50

A – Ann likes apples. A fox lives in the forest.

B – Ben and Ann are the best friends.  Bears like honey.

C – Cows give milk. Cabbage salad is my favorite dish.

D – Dogs hate cats. Ducks are walking in the street.

E – Elephants are big and kind. Eight is my favorite number.

F- Five mice live in the house. Four books are in the bag.

G- Girls are beautiful. Green crocodiles live in Africa.

 H- Horses are strong. Ham is useful.

 I – I can swim. I run in the morning.

 K- Kate likes reading. Keys are on the table.

 L- Lions are great. Lemons are yummy.

 M-Mother is the most important person in our life. Man can do everything he wants.

 N – Nurses work in a hospital. Nina lives in Moscow.

O – Oranges grow in the south. Owls are very wise birds.

P – Pink is my favorite color. Pigs can swim.

Q – Queens should rule the country.

R – Rats are miserable. Roses are beautiful flowers.

S – Sit down please. Send a letter please.

 T – Talk loudly please. Tell me the truth.

 V-Violin music is wonderful. Vinnie is very kind.

 X – Xylophone music is strange for me.

Y –Yogurt is useful for children.

Z  - Zoo is open every day. Zebra can run fast.

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