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13.04.2023 13:38 •  Английский язык

Test 1.Choose the correct variant: If you don’t work hard,youpass the test. A. won’t B. can C. will D. would E. shall 2.Choose the right variant: The weather ……. last week. A. good B. is good C. were good D. was good E. had good 3.Choose the right variant: Have you ….. the new cinema yet? A. been to B. gone C. spent D. look at E. beeing 4.Choose the right variant: She was having dinner …. her husband called. A. when B. since C. after D. while E. for 5.Choose the right variant: He’s the most boring person we’ve …. met. A. yet B. never C. ever D. sometimes E. already 6.Choose the right variant: Bill has got a wide … and wrinkles. A. chin B. build C. forehead D. ears E. eyes 7.Choose the right variant: Nick and Jason ….. each other since childhood. A. have known B. were knowing C. used to know D. know E. to know 8.Choose the correct preposition: Mike is dedicated ….. his work. A. from B. at C. in D. with E. to 9.Choose the right variant. There weren’t any sports there, ?. A. were there B. was there C. aren’there D. weren’t you E. was he 10.Choose the right variant. I can’t find my shoes. I’ve looked. A. where B. nowhere C. everywhere D. somewhere E. anywhere 11. Choose the correct variant: … people……..cars one hundred years ago? A. Do/drive B. Have/driven C. Are/driving D. Will/drive E. Did/drive 12.Choose the correct word: Lucy likes things ….. are useful. A. why B. whom C. where D. who E. which 13. Choose the correct variant: He ……. for that phone call since 5 o’clock A. has been waiting B. waits C. has been D. will wait E. is waiting 14.Choose the correct modal verb: She ….. be married. She was wearing a wedding ring. A. could B. must C. needn’t D. can’t E. have to 15.Complete the second part: If I hear from Jack, I ……. you know. A. will let B. let C. will be letting D. am letting E. is let 16.Choose the correct variant. He’s set the table. A. already B. yet C. still D. as E. for 17.Choose the correct preposition: He is proud … his mother. A. on B. by C. in D. at E. of 18.Choose the correct indefinite pronoun . Would you like …. more bread? A. no B. any C. some D. every E. few 19. Choose the correct variant: If I were you , I ….. for that job. A. would apply B. apply C. will apply D. had applied E. to apply 20.Fill in the right variant: If I hadn’t got stuck in traffic, I …. the train. A. wouldn’t have missed B. would miss C. will miss D. had missed E. am missing E. buying 21. Choose the correct variant: Neither Tom … Mary can speak Italian. A. or B. nor C. both D. either E. some 22.Choose the correct variant: ….. the bad weather, they decided to go out. A. despite B. then C. moreover D. secondly E. in order to 23.Choose the right variant: I've got a meeting……Thursday afternoon. A. for B. in C. under D. to E. on 24.Choose the right variant: You’ve got two sisters,? A. haven’t you B. has you C. do you D. don’t you E. have you 25.Choose the right variant: She ... playing tennis with her father when she ... three years old A. started, was B. starts, is C. starts, was D. start, be E. started, been 26.Choose the right variant: Rob got in the car and… …. away. A. driving B. had driven C. was driving D. drove E. is driving 27.Choose the right variant: When I was a child, we…….swimming every day. A. were going B. had gone C. used to go D. had been going E. are going 28.Choose the right variant: I'll drop you a line……I'm on holiday. A. till B. when C. as soon as D. untill E. before 29.Choose the right variant: Did you know that Hannah ….. forty next October? A. has been B. shall be C. will have been D. is going to be E. to be 30.Choose the right variant: Oil……on water. A. floats B. waters C. drinks D. soaks E. sweeps 31.Choose the right variant: Where…… on holiday last year? A have you gone B. were you going C. have you been D. did you go E. will you go 32.Choose the right variant : At nine o’clock yesterday morning we …..for the bus. A. were waiting B. wait C. are wait D. was waiting E. waiting 33.Choose the correct variant: My parents have worked for this company1993. A.never B.--- C.for D. since E.so far 34.Choose the right variant: Excuse me,I have to getat the next station. A.on B.off C.by D.in E.out of 35.Choose the right variant: A new filmin this cinema tomorrow. A. shown B. Showing. C. Will be shown D. Was shown E. Are shown​

Показать ответ
17.12.2020 14:24
1. If number of speakers decrease, some languages will be endangered.
2. If Internet reaches all corners of the world, English as the Net language will influence the culture of non-speaking countries.
3. If English keeps on being global, other languages won’t set foot on Internet. 4. The world’s linguistic experts will be alarmed if many languages disappear at an alarming rate.
5. If some tribes aren’t urbanized and assimilated into mainstream, their languages won’t die out.
6. Youngsters will be able to communicate with people from abroad, if they learn foreign languages.
7. If the EU wasn’t worried about endangered languages, they wouldn’t issue a special directive on preserving them.
8. If minority languages aren’t politically tolerated, they will be in jeopardy.
9. If the high number of languages spoken in the EU corridors, it would be like a Tower of Babel.
10. If English is the language of trade and diplomacy, it will be considered as lingua franca nowadays. 
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03.12.2020 05:37
We always hear many students complain about having to study math or chemistry, even when they don't want to become a doctor or an engeneer. And it's possible to understand, it is actually true, the majority of the students won't even use math in the future. however, it is still important to study compulsory subjects. First of all, there are thousands of jobs that require knowing mathematics, even the final exam mark will matter to a college or the university you'll apply to. Actually, everyone uses math whether they realize it or not. In our everyday life we count in stores to find out how much something costs, and in the future things like that will stay important as well. Math helps us with other subjects, like physics and chemistry. A lot of math problems help the students to solve tasks in physics. 
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