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05.02.2023 08:39 •  Английский язык

Test 1. Choose the right variant: More than three hundred years ago the Ukraine with Russia.
a) reunite; b) was reuniting; c) was reunited; d) reunites e) reunited;
2. When I , he .
a) came in/ reads b) come in/was reading c) is come /was read d) coming in/was reading e) came in/was reading
3. Choose the right variant: The oldest political party in Great Britain is … .
a) Republican Party b) Conservative Party c) Labour Party d) Liberal Party e) Democratic Party
4. There are more than books in the library.
a) 2 million; b) 2 millions; c) 2nd million; d) the 2 million; e) 2th millions.
5. Your advice very useful. I usually use your when I am in trouble.
a) is / advice; b) is / advices; c) are / advice; d) are / advices; e) were / advices.
6. Choose the right variant: Many books in Kazakhstan every year.
a) Will published b) Was published c) Publish d) Are publishing e) Are published
7. Choose the right variant: I see only two students in the room. Where are ?
a) The others b) Others c) The other d) Another e) Other
8. Complete the sentence. It has been raining lunch time.
a) for b) in c) since d) about e) during
9. Choose the right variant: When I looked round the door, the baby quietly.
a) Is sleeping b) were sleeping c) was sleeping d) slept e) are sleeping
10. Choose the right variant: Unfortunately the driver the red light
a) saw not b) didn’t see c) didn’t saw d) don’t see e) no saw
11. Complete the sentence. These flowers three times a week.
a) is watering b) water c) are watering d) are watered e) is watered
12. Add the sentence. Last week Justin said “I’ll do it tomorrow” He said he would do it .
the previous day today the following day yesterday tomorrow
13. We wished the bride and groom happiness in ... new life together.
a) there b) their c) theirs d) these e) there is
14. Diana's parents don't let her go to late-night disco. She ... be at home at 9 o'clock in the evening.
a) must b) can c) may d) have to
15. … book is more interesting than … one.
a) this, that b) these, this c) that, that d) this, those e) this, these
16. Note the word combination in Possessive Case:
a) the pen of the doctor b) teacher's room c) the hats of the men d) the voice of that girl
e) the pen of the boy
17. Chоose the sentence with uncountable noun:
a) His courage [ˈkʌrɪʤ] мужество impressed me very much. b) How do you find this book?
c) We have been close friends for many years. d) - Last year I visited my relatives who lived in Germany. e) I have a new dress.
18. Choose the right form of the verb: Did you see Jane yesterday? - Yes, when I (to come), she (to write) answers to our customers.
a) to come / was writing b) came / was write c) came / was writing d) came / wrote
e) come / is writing
19. Choose the right form of the adjective: Private transport in Canada is (expensive).
a) the expensivest b) the most expensive c) more expensive d) expensiver e) expensiverer
20. Determine the correct word-order:
a) What usually do you on Sundays? b) What you do on Sundays usually? c) What do you usually do on Sundays? d) On Sundays usually what you do? e) Usually do you what do on Sundays?

Показать ответ
04.02.2023 07:15
Я уверен, что поддерживать благотворительность просто необходимо. Я каждый раз думаю о пожертвовании денег для милосердия, когда я вижу копилку для пожертвований. Обычно я не даю много денег, ведь моя семья не столь богата. Я знаю, что мои друзья в основном тоже не могут много пожертвовать. Но я никогда не говорю:"Нет", когда наша школа нуждается в добровольцах для уборки школьной территории или когда нужно принять какое-то участие в благотворительных мероприятиях. Я верю, что даже такой маленький вклад хоть чем-то сможет
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05.05.2021 06:35
Я всегда занят! У занят в школе, домашней работой, футбольными тренировками и моей собакой Джуди. Но у меня есть время на все это. Так проходит мой день: я встаю в 7:00. Я умываюсь, одеваюсь и завтракаю. Я не смотрю телевизор по утрам (это мое правило номер 1). Занятия начинаются в 8:00. В 16:00 я возвращаюсь домой. Что я делаю после школы? Я обедаю, смотрю телевизор или сижу за компьютером. После этого я делаю домашнюю работу, но не каждый день. Почему? Вместо этого я много занимаюсь в школе! (Это мое правило номер 2). В 18:30 по средам и пятницам я хожу на футбольные тренировки Это очень весело! Я прихожу домой в 20:00. Я ем и смотрю телевизор. В 21:30 я иду спать. Ой, я забыл! Каждый вечер я гуляю с Джуди. Она любит гулять со мной! Но у меня не хватает времени на друзей. А жаль! Но мы часто разговариваем по телефону или в интернете. По выходным я бываю ОЧЕНЬ ленив. Я могу лежать в постели и смотреть телевизор весь день!

1. Yes, he is.
2. He wakes up early, gets ready and goes to school. There he spends eight hours studying hard so he doesn't have to do too much homework. At home he relaxes by watching TV and using the computer. He walks his dog in the evening and then goes to bed at half past nine. Twice a week he goes to football practice after school and at the weekends he just relaxes at home.
3. He has time for football practice, homework, school work and his dog. 
4. He doesn't have time for his friends.
5. Yes, he has. He's got two rules. He never watches TV in the morning and he works hard at school so he doesn't have to do a lot of homework. 
6. He has time for almost everything, but not enough time to meet up with his friends. 
7. Yes, he can. At the weekends he can stay in bed all day and watch TV. 
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