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1.Tell him not to forget ticket. She mustn’t forget either.
a)him; her b)his; her c)his; hers d) his; shes

2.If you want a job done well, do it .
a)yourself b)your c)you d) yours

3.How much ___ these shoes?
a)is b)are c)am d) ---

4.Are you hungry? – No,
a) I is not b)I am not c)aren’t I d)you aren’t

5.How many students in your group?
a) are there b)there are c) is there d)there is

6.Will there be many people there? No,
a) there isn’t b)there aren’t c)there won’t d)there wasn’t

7.Be careful! There is ___ broken glass on the road.
a) a b)an c)the d)---

8.The papers ___ dull, and all the news local and stale.
a) was; was b)were; were c)was; were d)were; was

9.I have got ___ interesting information for you.
a) a b)an c)the d)---

10.I was hungry but there anything to eat.
a) isn’t b)was c)wasn’t d) weren’t

11.How much money ?
a) does you have? b)do you have? c)have you? d) you have?

12.Where is my newspaper? – I don’t know. I cannot find it .
a) nowhere b)somewhere c)everywhere d) anywhere

13.Without word he left the room.
a)other b)another c)the other d)others

14.I simply took this book because it was the first I chanced to see.
a)one b)ones c)a d)an

15. I can’t eat it. It tastes .
a)terrible b)terribly c)well d)good

16.Basketball is than football in Russia.
a)more popular b)less popular c)popular d) popularer

17.She looks lovely tonight, ?
a)isn’t she? b)isn’t it? c) doesn’t she? d)doesn’t it?

18.What are you looking ___ ? Have you lost anything?
a)at b)by c) from d)for

19. What are you looking ___ ? Am I green or something?
a)at b)by c) from d)for

20.Don’t worry, I promise I you.
a)do not hurt b)am not hurting c) does not hurt d)will not hurt

21.She spectacles which are not sunglasses.
a)always wearing b)always wears c) is always wearing d)was always wearing

22.He the window and the light.
a) shutted; switch b) shut; switched c) shutted; switched
d) shut; swatch; e) shut; switch

23. I ___ at home if you anything.
a) will be; need b)will be; will need c) am; need d) am; will need

24.Please don’t interrupt. He sense.
a) will be talking b)talks c) talking d) is talking

25.Sean has already finished the letter, ?
a) has he not? b) has he? c) hasn’t he? d) isn’t he?

26.We each other for ages.
a)haven’t meet b)didn’t met c) didn’t meet d) haven’t met

27.I can not find my umbrella. I’ m afraid it by mistake.
a)have taken b)was took c) has taken d) has been taken

28.You know, Elinor, a lot in our family since we last .
a) has changed; met b)changed; meet
c) has changed; has met d) changed; met

29. my little daughter yet, Mr Smith?
a) did you see b) did you saw
c) have you seen d) have you saw

30.On Mondays we tennis together.
a) play b) are playing c) is playing d) plays

31.He’s a night watchman. He works at night and in the daytime.
It is noon now, and he .
a) is sleeping; is sleeping b)is sleeping; sleeps
c) sleeps; is sleeping d) sleeps; sleeps

32.Was Father at home when I phoned? – No, he .
a) has already left b) already left
c) had already left d) had had already left

33. The discovery of the art of writing enabled the ancient Egyptians to remember what ancestors had done before .
a) them; their b)their; them c) their; they d) them; they

34.Do you come to school bus or foot?
a) on; by b)on; on c) by; on d) by; by

35.The person who types is called a .
a) typist b)typer c) typing d) type-recorder

36. You have never been to Poland, ?
a) has you? b) have you?
c) hasn’t you? d) haven’t you?

37.I don’t call it ___ running. It is ___ jogging.
a) --- ; b)the; c) ; the d) the; the
e) a; the f) a; a g) a: --- h) --- ; a i) the; a

38. ___ floor is in good order. We’ll probably cover it with ___ carpet.
a) --- ; b)the; c) ; the d) the; the
e) a; the f) the; a g) a: --- h) --- ; a i) a; a

39.The water was clean and fit to drink; it boiled.
a) needn’t be b) needn’t to be c) needn’t been
d) needn’t have been needn’t to have been f) needn’t had been

40.I’m really looking forward to New York.
a) to go b)to going c) go d) going

41.I apologize, though I felt right.
a) must b)have to c) musted d) had to

42. you stand on your head?
a) may b)can c) must d) should

43.Mother says I go out.
a) may not b)can not c) must not d) should not

44.Your aunt is running a temperature. You see the doctor.
a) may b)can c) must d) should

45.___ it be 7 o’clock now?
a) may b)can c) must d) should

46.___ I have the last piece of your Christmas turkey?
a) may b)can c) must d) should

47.He is proud of to. (что с ним поговорили)
a) speak b)be spoken c) have spoken d) have been spoken
e)being spoken f)having been spoken

48.It’s a thing .
a) remember b)to remember c) remembering d) have remembered

49.They seemed the way.
a) lose b)to lose c) have lost d) to have lost

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25.08.2022 14:26
Раскрыть скобки. пассивный залог. 1) В 2002 году эта книга (продается) где угодно. 2) Мягкий климат обычно (не делают) людям никакого вреда. 3) Ислад всегда (мыть) водой. 4) Этот текст (прочитанный) на последнем уроке. 5) мы (дышим) воздух. 6) Фотографии (рисунки) моего сына, когда он был ребенком. 7) Теплая одежда (не изнашивается) летом. 8) В году было много лесов (ожог) от пожаров. 9) Волк (убил) вчера охотников. 10) Обычно крокодилы (не держатся) дома. 11) Информация (дается) полицейскому, потому что он об этом спрашивал. 12) Мороженое (молоко). 13) Помидоры (купить) на ужин 3 часа назад. 14) Победа (победа) в 1945 году.
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12.01.2021 05:24
It was the 23 of February, my mother woke me up. She congratulated me and I went in the bathroom where I met my Father. He was very happy. He helped me to cleen my teeth. Then I went to the Kitchen where I saw a very delicios breakfast. I eated it with pleasure and went to dress up. After 10 minutes I was ready for school. I took my backpack and went to school. There was a very interessted lessons. All teachers told us about the second world war. I uderstood that I must defend my country. Like my great grandfather did.
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