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20.02.2023 20:41 •  Английский язык

Тест по английскому, буду очень сильно благодарен .
The Jamaican Bobsleigh Team

In 1987, George Fitch and William Maloney, two businessmen from Jamaica, had a
rather surprising idea. They had a local ‘pushcart’ race in Kingston, and they noticed that it
looked a bit like a bobsleigh. So why not have an Olympic bobsleigh team?
There were some obvious problems. There was no ice, Jamaica was thousands of miles
from the nearest snow, and there was very little money and nowhere to buy equipment. Lastly,
although the country had plenty of cricket players, runners and other athletes, there were no
These difficulties did not put Fitch and Maloney off, and they started to try and create a
team. They found three men from Jamaican Army and later got three others to join. The team
moved to Austria to learn how to bobsleigh. At first they found practising cold, difficult and very
painful. They crashed again and again, and the equipment kept breaking down. But things started
to get better, and they hired an Austrian coach to train them. He chose Dudley Stokes as the
driver, because he had experience as an army helicopter pilot!
In 2000, the Jamaican team won a gold medal at the World Push Championships in
Monte Carlo, beating other teams from snowy countries all over the world!

1. Choose the right answer.
1. Who gave the idea of setting up a bobsleigh team?
a) the Jamaican President;
b) George Fitch and William Maloney;
c) Dudley Strokes.
2. What country did the team travel to for their training?
a) to Africa;
b) to the USA;
c) to Austria.
3. What nationality was the team’s coach?
a) an Austrian coach;
b) a Ukrainian coach;
c) an English coach.
4. Who was chosen to be the driver?
a) Vitaliy Klychko;
b) Dudley Stokes;
c) David Backham.
5. What was the team’s best moment?
a) the Jamaican team won a gold medal at the World Push Championships;
b)the Jamaican team didn’t a gold medal at the World Push Championships;
c)the Jamaican team won a silver medal at the World Push Championships.

2. Match the columns.
1. to be proud of a. заклад
2. a state grant b. пишатися
3. an institution c. бути заснованим
4. a department d. стипендія
5. to be found e. кафедра

3. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1. I want to get fit. I am going to …… a health club.
a take part in, b join
2. John likes to do…. at school.
a game b sport
3. Manchester United ….. Liverpool in the football match.
a win b beat
4. The coach ….. the players for their important match.
a trained b practised
5. Many tennis ….. go to Wimbledon every year.
a fans b viewers

4. Match these words to make compound nouns, and explain their meaning
1. life a. ball
2. home b. style
3. snow c. coaster
4. jet d. skiing
5. roller e. work
5. Decide if the following statements are true or false:
1. Knowing a foreign language is very important for everybody.
2. Very few people speak English now.
3. Our university was founded in 1912.
4. Ukrainian people do not like football.
5. Ukrainians made a great contribution to the science, literature, music and arts of the world.

6. Match words from A with those from B:

1. dealing with a. in newspapers
2. advertisements b. people
3. previous c. experience
4. working d. salary
5. starting e. conditions

7. Choose the correct item:
a. combined team b. champion c. coaches d. score e. record holders
1. Dynamo-Kyiv defeated the first of Kharkiv in 1932.
2. Many football players became famous .
3. The aim of the play is to a goal.
4. Dynamo-Kyiv became the of the Football Championship.
5. The football players, and football fans compose one whole organism.

8. Match the following words and expressions with their Ukrainian equivalents
1. keeping fit a. стрибки на лижах з трампліна
2. jogging b. вести здоровий б життя
3. leisure centre c. біг підтюпцем
4. psychological benefit d. центр відпочинку
5. ski-jumping e. психологічна користь

9. Mark one odd out word.
1. A swimming B sailing C running D wind-surfing
2. A judo B boxing C wrestling D volleyball

3. A tennis B dancing C boxing D volleyball
4. A baseball B volleyball C football D golf
5. A basketball B tennis C baseball D football

10. Grammar.
1. The sandals are … than the high-heeled shoes.
a) cheap b) cheaper c) the cheapest

2. Paula saw... nice hat in the shop yesterday.
a) a b) the c) –
3. Jasper…your manager tomorrow.
a) will consult b) consult c) will be consulting
4. He …have told Sara how he felt. She’s really embarrassed.
a) shouldn’t b) couldn’t c) mustn’t
5. Where is Andy? He is in … .
a) the tenth carriage b) carriage ten c) ten carriage

Показать ответ
08.01.2021 07:59
А. Распредели слова по столбикам в зависимости от правила чтения буквы y.
[ai]                       [i]
dry                    Вetsy
my                    jelly
eye                  History
bue                 Geography

Б. Напиши,какие глаза,уши,нос,голова,ноги,хвост и тело у этих животных.
1. An elephant has got a  FAT body. 2. A frog has got BIG eyes. 3. A mouse has got a LONG tail. 4. A sheep has got THIN legs. 5. A dog has got BIG ears. 6. An elephant has got a LONG nose. 7. A dog has got a BIG head.
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03.03.2020 21:07
It is almost impossible to imagine our life without TV. It plays a great and a very important role in the life of modern man. There is practically no family that doesn't have a TV set. TV is one of the mass media kinds. Radio and newspapers tell us about different events but TV not only tells but also shows. TV has a lot of channels and everybody can watch the programs he likes. Our television suggests various programs: talk show and game show, news and sporting events, about animals and about foreign countries and so on. Soaps-lovers can watch their favorite films almost every day. TV shows us a lot of films of different countries: detective and melodrama, comedy and triller. As former I like to see adventure films, fantasy, comedies. My favorite sporting events programs are about volleyball, swimming, track-and-field athletics and gymnastic. I watch many programs with great interest. These programs are: a wild nature program, "Anshlag", some game shows and so on. There are a lot of films (most of them of foreign TV-companies) with a great number of corpses, with seas of blood now. It's not very good to my mind. I think that one of the aims of TV is to bring up TV-viewers, to cultivate love to our country, kindness and other positive features of character.
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