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25.05.2023 14:43 •  Английский язык

Тест по английскому языку

TASK 1 Use must not or do/does not have to to complete these sentences
1. I have already finished all my work, so I ………………………………… study tonight.
2. I …………………………… forget to take my notebook with me.
3. Bats can navigate in the darkness. They …………………… see in order to avoid obstacles.
4. David! You ………………………… play with sharp knives.
5. We …………………………………… go to the cinema if you don’t want to watch the film.
6. If you want to be a good manager, you ……………………………. be rude with a customer.
7. If you are afraid of dogs, you ………………………………………... show any signs of fear.
8. You ……………………………. tell anyone my secrets.
9. A person ………………………… become rich and famous in order to live a successful life.
10. I ………………………………. do the dishes in the morning. My brother always does them.

TASK 2 Complete the sentences using the following words:
(desire, worn, supplied, variety, advantages, recorded, case, predicted, insists, irritable)
1. The children got a …………………………………………………. of toys on their birthdays.
2. I have a sudden ………………………………………………………... for a bar of chocolate.
3. What are the …………………………………………………………….………. of air travel?
4. The teacher ………………………………………………………………. on good behaviour.
5. The old man ………………………………………………………… a change in the weather.
6. John is happy. He has ……………………………... the whole concert of his favourite group.
7. I’ve had the jacket for seven years, it is absolutely ………………………………………. out.
8. I’ll take an umbrella in …………………….…………………………………………. it rains.
9. Jack had a headache and was in an ……………………………………………………. mood.
10. The town is …………………………………. with water from a river in the hills.

TASK 3 Choose either, any, neither, none to complete the sentences.
1. I have two full-time Disney cartoons and I like …………….… of them, I think they are silly.
2. I’ll talk ………………………. to Victor or to Sam.
3. The Green’s dog has puppies and they say I can have …………………. of the five.
4. He promised to lend me three new video films but gave me …………………….

5. …………………… of our teachers works on Sundays.
6. Could I have ………………………...……… fish or chicken, please?
7. I’m afraid I don’t like ………………... of the stories in his collection.
8. ………………………. Ireland nor Great Britain is a big country.
9. Please give me ……………………. of these five postcards.
10. I have a lot of friends: ………….…. is the same age as me.

TASK 4 Use right prepositions to complete the sentences.
1. I was quite thrilled ………… the idea of going to South America.
2. Why drop ……………... me? It’s not my fault and you know it.
3. The children gave a groan …………………. disappointment when their team lost the game.
4. The poor dog was trembling …………... cold outside the house.
5. She cried again, but this time they were tears ………………. joy.
6. When we arrived …….… our destination the sun had gone in and a cold wind was blowing.
7. Every time we mention the broken toy the little girl bursts ………………. tears.
8. The battleship sank ………… the bottom of the sea and stayed there for many years.
9. The Angara flows …………... of Lake Baikal.
10. The heavy drops of rain began clattering …………………... the roof of our cottage.
TASK 5 Chose the right form of the verb to complete the sentences
1. I remember (watching/to watch) the first man landing on the Moon.
2. Remember (telephoning/to telephone) me tonight.
3. Do you remember (travelling/to travel) in Europe last year?
4. Stop (eating/to eat), you’ve had enough.
5. Our friend stopped (saying/to say) hi.
6. The train stopped at the station (taking/to take) in the passengers.
7. We regretted (telling/to tell) Mary that we didn’t want her to go with us.
8. I regret (telling/to tell) you that we’re closing earlier today. Please leave the shop.
9. They do not allow pupils (visiting/to visit) nightclubs.
10. Sorry, we do not allow (bringing/to bring) dogs to the stadium.

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11.05.2023 02:06

Объяснение:We’ll have packed our luggage by the time the taxi comes.

The government will close the old jail.

My son will be meeting me at the airport at 8 on Tuesday.

I’ll go roller-skating next weekend.

Bob will have left India by this time tomorrow.

By 2050 they’ll have been living in the country for forty years.

The baby will be sleeping at 9 tonight.

They’ll have been working for this company for 10 years next September.

2. Выберите верный вариант глагола и переведите предложения.

By the time Teddy comes home Pamela … (will eat/will have eaten/will be eating) all the apple jam.

It’s still not clear if the weather … (will change/will have changed/changes) for the better.

When Sandra enters a Design College she … (will study/will be studying/will have been studying) Drawing for 5 years there.

We … (will travel/will have travelled/will have been travelling) to lake Baikal in 2 months.

She … (will be playing/will have played/will have been playing) tennis tomorrow afternoon.

My dear granny … (will become/will be becoming/will have become) a pensioner by 2018.

When you come to the station I … (will wait/will be waiting/will have waited) for you by the central entrance.

By the time he returns, we … (will starve/will have starved/will have been starving) here for 3 days!

3. Поставьте глагол в форму Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect или Future Perfect Continuous.

to work

I … in Brazil at this time next year.

Dad … in the garden next Sunday.

By next Monday she … here for one month already.

In May our Russian teacher … at our school for 30 years!

to read

He … the report by that time.

We … the letters when you come.

Pearson … the contract tomorrow.

Ann … this book for two weeks the day after tomorrow.




We won’t have packed our luggage by the time the taxi comes. (Мы не упакуем наш багаж ко времени приезда такси.)

The government won’t close the old jail. (Правительство не закроет старую тюрьму.)

My son won’t be meeting me at the airport at 8 on Tuesday. (Мой сын не будет встречать меня в аэропорту в 8 часов во вторник.)

I won’t go roller-skating next weekend. (Я не пойду кататься на роликах в следующие выходные.)

Bob won’t have left India by this time tomorrow. (Боб не уедет из Индии к этому времени завтра.)

By 2050 they won’t have been living in the country for forty years. (К 2050 году они не будут жить в стране в течение 40 лет.)

The baby won’t be sleeping at 9 tonight. (Малыш не будет спать сегодня в девять вечера.)

They won’t have been working for this company for 10 years next September. (Они не будут работать в этой компании в течение 10 лет в следующем сентябре.)


will have eaten (К моменту прихода Тедди домой Памела съест весь яблочный джем.)

will change (Все еще неясно, изменится ли погода к лучшему.)

will have been studying (Когда Сандра поступит в дизайнерский колледж, она будет изучать рисование в течение пяти лет.)

will travel (Мы отправимся в путешествие к озеру Байкал через 2 месяца.)

will be playing (Она будет играть в теннис завтра днем.)

will have become (Моя дорогая бабуля выйдет на пенсию к 2018 году.)

will be waiting (Когда ты придешь на вокзал, я буду ждать тебя у центрального входа.)

will have been starving (К тому времени, когда он вернется, мы будем изнемогать от голода 3 дня!)


will be working (Я буду работать в Бразилии в это время в следующем году.)

will work (Папа будет работать в саду в следующее воскресенье.)

will have worked (К следующему понедельнику она будет работать здесь уже месяц.)

will have been working (В мае наш учитель русского языка проработает в школе 30 лет!)

will have read (К тому времени он прочитает доклад.)

will be reading (Мы будем читать письма, когда ты придешь.)

will read (Мистер Пирсон прочитает контракт завтра.)

will have been reading (Анна будет читать эту книгу в течение двух недель послезавтра.)


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17.02.2022 07:09
My school is large and light.There are many classrooms and a teachers’ room . Our Our classrooms are very large and light. There are twelve desks, a teacher’s table, a blackboard and many flowers in our classrooms. My school life is wonderful. There are lots of concerts, performances and sport competitions in our school. My classmates and I often take part in different school events. I have a lot of friends in my class.  Our teachers are kind and intelligent and my classmates are smart and friendly.     

Моя школа очень просторная и светлая.Есть много классов и учительская. Наши классные комнаты очень большие и светлые. В наших классных комнатах двенадцать парт, учительский стол, доска и много цветов. Моя школьная жизнь прекрасна. У нас много концертов, спектаклей, спортивных соревнований в нашей школе. Мои одноклассники и я часто принимаем участие в различных школьных мероприятиях. У меня много друзей в моем классе. Наши учителя добрые и умные и мои одноклассники умные и доброжелательные. 
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