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22.05.2022 08:53 •  Английский язык

тест за текстом
6 )All of the following concerning shoes is mentioned in the passage EXCEPT
A shoes could make people up to half a meter taller
B shoes are an indicator of the wearer's social position
C high-heeled shoes have been women's prerogative D many books have been inspired by sandal shoes
7)According to the passage A the first shoes had a soft sole
B shoes were invented later than socks
C the earliest pcople learned to make shoes for either foot
D the choice of footwear material used to be influenced by law
8 )The underlined expression "got out of hand" is closest in meaning to
A shoes became uncomfortable
B shoes drove their owners mad
C shoe toes were too long to feel safe
D fashionable shoes were too expensive
9) Which of the following was among the aspects restricted by law?
A the shape of heels
B the shoe material
C the thickness of the sole D the width of shoe toes
10) It is stated in the passage that
A there used to be groups of people who were forbidden to wear shoes
B the first sports shoes are more than two hundred years old
C we have had industrially produced shoes since the early 1900s
D high-heeled shoes first appeared in France in the Middle Ages​

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05.12.2021 08:09

In this picture you can see a pedestrian street. Two girls are drawing on the pavement. A few people are sitting at the cafe tables. Some people are walking and some are riding their bicycles. In the distance there are people sitting on the benches enjoying the sunshine. I think it is spring because the grass and the leaves of the trees are light green.

На этой фотографии видно пешеходную улицу. Две девочки рисуют на тротуаре. Несколько человек сидят за столиками в кафе. Некоторые люди гуляют, а некоторые едут на велосипедах. Вдалеке люди сидят на скамейках, наслаждаясь солнцем. Я думаю, что это весна, потому что трава и листья деревьев светло-зеленые.

Найти картину уличная сцена, и написать короткий абзац о том, что происходит, и то, что люди делают.
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08.07.2021 08:13
Sierra ClubThe Sierra Club, founded in 1892, is one of the oldest conservation organizations in existence. (You can read more about it in the overview of the modern environmental movement.) With over 1.3 million members, this organization is one of the most effective and powerful at effecting changes in government and corporate America. Fighting for the preservation of land and forest, clean air and water, and a host of other issues, the Sierra Club is well-known and respected.National Audubon SocietyThe Audubon Society’s declared mission is “to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth’s biological diversity” and since the late 1800s the organization has worked hard to achieve its mission. Interestingly, the original John Audubon, who created the foremost guide to North American birds, was not the founder, but did inspire the organization’s founders, namelyGeorge Bird Grinnell. Today bird conservation and Audubon are practically synonymous.World Wildlife FundThe iconic panda logo has made the WWF instantly recognizable to many people around the world. With 5 million members internationally and over 1.2 million in the States, this 45-year-old wildlife defense organization is going h2. h2ly promoting an emphasis on science, the WWF works to preserve nature and its creatures. From the organization’s website: “We are committed to reversing the degradation of our planet’s natural environment and to building a future in which human needs are met in harmony with nature. We recognize the critical relevance of human numbers, poverty and consumption patterns to meeting these goals.”
EarthFirst!Famously unapologetic, EarthFirst! came to national prominence in the 1990s. EarthFirst! is a little different. There’s no slick website. There’s no bureacracy. There are no members. They welcome any and all. The entire premise of this biocentric “movement” as it calls itself is to foster direct action. Founded in 1979 out of disgust at corporate environmentalism and “namby pamby” green action, EarthFirst!ers have famously gotten involved in green issues directly, sometimes breaking the law. Calling itself a priority, not an organization, the website explains: “Earth First! has survived attacks by moderates, would-be leaders and the agents of the system, remaining the most diverse, passionate, committed, and uncompromising group of environmental activists. Our direct actions in defense of the last wild places only seem radical compared to an entire paradigm of denial and control, where the individual is convinced they are powerless, and the organizations set up to protect the wilderness continue to bargain it away.”GreenpeaceGreenpeace began in 1971 when a group of activists put themselves directly in harm’s way in order to protest nuclear testing off the coast of Alaska. Believing that concerted action from ordinary people is the best way – according to their signature quote from Margaret Mead, theonly way – the organization has helped to stop whaling, nuclear testing, as well as leading efforts to protect Antarctica. Over 2.5 million members worldwide.

National Wildlife FederationThe National Wildlife Federation is dedicated to preserving animals in the United States and works with local agencies in the 48 contiguous states. It is one of the largest environmental organizations, with over 4 million members participating in grass-roots efforts on a variety of wildlife issues. The organization was actually founded by a cartoonist named Jay Darling (aka “Ding” Darling) in 1936 at the behest of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)According to the official website: “The Natural Resources Defense Council works to protect wildlife and wild places and to ensure a healthy environment for all life on earth.” The NRDC combines hundreds of active lawyers with over 1.2 million members to create direct and legislative change. The focus is on preventing climate change and saving endangered species, among other goals.1% For The PlanetIf you’ve shopped for anything organic or sustainable you’ve likely seen the 1% logo. With nearly 1,000 firms and companies now participating, 1% is helping corporate interests green their bottom lines by giving back to environmental causes. It’s a meaningful start.

Friends of Earth (FOE)Champions of healthy people, animals, plants, land, water and air, and devoted to stopping global warming, Friends of Earth supports a number of causes and is focused primarily on the United States, especially political and economic decisions as they affect public health and land conservation. In the 39 years in operation FOE has stopped over 150 dams from being built (among other achievements).
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