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21.09.2022 16:00 •  Английский язык

Text 1
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Dear Boris,
Thanks for your nice letter.
You asked me how I was getting on with my English. Well, after I had spent a week with my English family, I slowly began to understand their English a little better. It’s very different from what I learned at school! Students in my group are from different cities of Britain and their dialects are different too! Some of their accents are quite strong and they also have their own words and expressions. I noticed that they love to talk about languages and especially about the different accents in different parts of Britain.But it’s not only the language that’s different and surprising. Before I came to England I had thought that fish and chips were what most Englishmen ate every day. That’s quite wrong!
I had expected to see «London fog». Do you remember our texts about it? We had no idea that most of this «thick fog» disappeared many years ago when people stopped using coal in their homes. But the advice to speak about the weather was very helpful. The weather in London is changeable indeed. Besides, people like talking about it.
On the other hand there are habits which are different. People tell me that what is typically British here in London is not always typical in Wales or Scotland. Local habits and traditions vary a lot here – very different from what we know in Russia.
But what is common for all the countries of Britain is that they follow traditions. Probably, Britain has more living symbols of its past than many other countries. The royal family is something out of a fairy tale. The capitals, big cities and countryside boast many ancient buildings, castles and cathedrals. Every year there are historical ceremonies, for example, the State Opening of Parliament, the Lord Mayor’s Show or the meeting of the Knights of the Garter at Windsor each St. George’s Day. These events are a true representation of the past.
I will tell you more about Britain in my other letters.
Love from Britain,
1) Дополни предложения.
1. Pete slowly began to understand English because …
a) it was very different from what he learned at school.
b) he disliked English.
c) he wanted to study German.
2. «Thick fog» disappeared because …
a) the weather was changeable in London.
b) people stopped using coal in their homes.
c) people in Britain like talking about it.
3. People in Britain like talking about …
a) food.
b) clothes.
c) the weather.
2) Отметь (V) верное утверждение.
1. ___ There are different accents in different parts of Britain.
2. ___ Englishmen eat fish and chips every day.
3. ___ English habits and traditions are not different from what we know in Russia.
3) Cooтнеси глагол и время.
1. asked a) Past Perfect
2. had spent b) Future Simple
3. know c) Past Simple
4. will tell d) Present Simple

4) Write out three things from the text that Pete didn’t expect to know about Britain (Выпишите из текста 3 вещи, которые Петр не ожидал узнать о Британии).
a) __
b) __
c) __

5) Complete the following sentences (Дополните предложения).1. Pete noticed that students in his group love to talk about …
a) the weather b) schools c) languages
2. Typical English food is fish and chips. It is …
a) nonsense b) truth c) gossip
3. Historical ceremonies are a true representation of the …
a) present b) past c) future
6) T (true) or F (false) (Верное или ложное высказывание).
1.___ After Pete had spent a week with English family his English was better.
2. ___ English is the same in different parts in Britain.
3. ___ Englishmen eat fish and chips every day.
4. ___ The weather is changeable in London.
5. ___ Russian and English habits and traditions are very alike.
6. ___ The royal family is not a myth it is a reality.
7) Put the sentences into the right order (Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке).
1. ___ He noticed that languages and especially accents were different in different parts of Britain.
2. ___ He knew that habits in different parts of Britain weren’t the same.
3. ___ Pete wrote a letter to his friend Boris from Britain.
4. ___ Pete wrote that historical ceremonies in Britain were popular nowadays.
5. ___ At first it was difficult for Pete to understand people.

Показать ответ
13.10.2021 15:50

1) Her father is not watching TV at the moment.  He is sleeping because he is tired

2) Where does your uncle work? He works at school.

3) Is your friend doing his homework now?

4) When do you usually come home from school?  I come at four o'clock.

5) My sister is not playing the piano now. She plays the piano in the evening.

6) Are you reading a magazine and thinking about your holiday at the moment?

7) I am siting in a waiting room at the dentist now.

8) When do you listen to the news on the radio?

9) Are you playing chess now?

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24.06.2022 02:39


1.many birds fly south in winter.

2. Ken writing a book about the Aztec Indians. He`ll finish it soon.

3. Mandy usually sits with Sandra in history classes. But today Sandra is absent, so Mandy will sit with Beth.

4. We don't wear uniforms to school.  

5. “Great John! I see you are working very hard today! "

6. My brother doesn't listen to pop music, but today he listens to Madonna.

7. I don't understand what you are saying. Please speak more clearly!

8. I support Greenpeace because I believe in their philosophy.

9. Our teachers giving us a test twice a month.

10. "What are you doing?" "I taste the soup to see if it has enough salt."


1.Be careful! You will hurt yourself with scissors.  

2. Come quickly! Look, snow out!  

3. I do not know the answer, so I am looking it up.  

4. The buses leave from the depot at 9 o'clock every day.  

5. When I grow up, I will become an astronaut.  

6. If you keep on play with this knife, you will cut yourself.  

7. I will wear my new dress to the party tonight!  

8. Jane will visit us these days and we are having a wonderful time together!  

9. Don't worry! The plane will take off in three hours. We have a lots of time!  

10. Jenny will be back soon. You could wait for her if you like.


1.My father took me to my first football game ten years ago.  

2. When I arrive home, Susan cries.  

3. Luke and Tony have a fight over Sheila at the pub last night.  

4. I wrote an email when a dog comes in.  

5. When I was young, my mum walk me to school every morning. In the afternoon my grandmother picked me up because my mother had to work.  

6. While I driving to work, it startted snowing.


1. My father will take us to the park tomorrow.  

2. Mary is doing her homework for tomorrow.  

3. We live at 17 Burrows Street.  

4. All day yesterday they were preparing for the English test.

5 . My mother worked in a good store before she was married.  

6. We clean the house every day.  

7. “Don't worry John, I'll pick up my dry cleaning on my way home. "  

8. I will go to China if I win a lot of money.  

9. My brother goes to school every morning.  

10. When she was crossing the road, she was hit by a motorcycle.

11. When she arrives, we will ask her about it.  

12. I will visit her while I am in Athens.  

13. Ten minutes ago he took out the trash.  

14. Do you get a lot of gifts for your birthday?  

15. I will help with the laundry if I have time.











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