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10.12.2021 20:34 •  Английский язык

The check these wors the cor
read the key words in the check
and look at the picture. what do you
about? .. listen, read and check.
what do you think thes
2. read the text and pop questions
r the correct answer a, b, c or d.
any of the above?
last monday someone sprayed paint on
the school walls. we were very upset.
1 on a monday, 21st august, 1911, the
a opened at 9 am
copened at
- the vanishing n
he issing mona lisa tre
2 peruggia
b was closed. d closed at a
studio. an afternoon and evening passed by
2 museum workers found out the pa
the mona lisa by leonardo da vinci is probably the his studio. an afternoon and a
dd a star wasn't until the following day that they realised tere
wasn't until the follo
a later that morning. c on monda
most famous painting in the world. a star
artwork was missing. 1
artwork was missing. it was the beginning das b on tuesday. d during the
attraction at the louvre museum in paris, her famous
international search for the missing me
smile continues to inspire! however, did you know that a
thief once stole the mona lisa from the museum and was the discovery of the paintino's hest
on the stairs. there were conflicting tutton
a was the guard on duty. c hid in th
caused an international scandal?
newspapers; the mona lisa was now in switzeten
8 worked at the museum. d left his
the mystery:
america, or in a small apartment in the broris, newly 4 for over two years, peruggia kept the
7 an, 21st august, 1911 and just another monday morning
one knew who really committed the crime and to a at the museum. c in his hom
at the louvre. guards, cleaning staff, maintenance workers
b in a stairwell. d in florence
the solution:
and curators were all working in the building before
reopening its doors to the public on tuesday. while they on that fateful monday morning, an italien mz 5 the police arrested him
were working, though, at some time between 7 and 8: 30 vincenzo peruggia was hiding in a small room a at his flat.
c in florenc
am, someone entered the empty salon carré, unhooked the museum. peruggia, once a worker at the louve la b in his hometown. d in paris
mona lisa from the wall and carried it off down a stairwell. building very well. the guard on duty in the san
the stairs led to a door, locked from the outside, but admitted leaving his post for a few minutes at zon
w the
while the guard was away, peruggia lifted the 14
somehow, the thief escaped through it. at first, museum
complete the sentences with: insp
workers assumed that the official photographer was from her four iron pegs, entered the stairwel, en
unhook, assume, admit, remove, hurry
shooting pictures of the painting in
painting's frame and hurried down the steps reside, commit, catch in the co
unlocked the door and escaped from the 1 the thief
the nai
peruggia hid the painting in his small pars
remained, in a cupboard, for over two years. la 2 the thief
stealing th
took the mona lisa to florence, italy, and ameno 3 the po
it. it was there, back in the mona lisa's home the crir
police finally caught peruggia.
peruggia served a short prison sentence. h
to france and opened a paint shop in
the mona lisa? after touring her tal
returned to the louvre museum, where s
day, behind bulletproof glass, still smiling.
in his small paris!
the painting so it was easier to carry
ouring her italian homsel
italy, and altero 3 the police have no idea who
isa's home the crime or why?
4 leonardo da vinci continues to
artists even today.
5 the police set a trap to
the thief.
ore she e 6 the caretaker.
from the wall for cleaning.
7 people shouldn't
should find out the truth.
8 we have to or we'll mi
9 the mona lisa
louvre museum
check these words
someone entered in
guard, reopen its doors, someone enter
from the wall, carried it off, thief escape
artwork, huge international search, clue,. составить 10 вопросов ​

Показать ответ
01.05.2022 01:35

What do you like best about your school?

I like my school a lot. Our teachers are very good. Their lessons are usually interesting. There are large classrooms in the school where our pupils study different subjects. We have a library with many books. I like to go to the library during breaks and read books there. I also like our school gym and our PT lessons. Our PT teacher teaches us to play football, and in winter we learn to ski and skate. But the best thing about our school is that I have a lot of friends here! Most of my friends are my classmates.

Что  в твоей школе нравится тебе больше всего?

Мне очень нравится моя школа. Наши учителя очень хорошие. Их уроки обычно интересны. В школе есть большие кабинеты, где ученики изучают разные предметы. У нас есть библиотека с множеством книг. Я люблю ходить в библиотеку на переменах и читать там книги. Мне также нравится наш школьный спортзал и наши уроки физкультуры. Наш учитель физкультуры учит нас играть в футбол, а зимой мы учимся кататься на лыжах и коньках. Но самое лучшее в нашей школе то, что у меня здесь много друзей! Большинство моих друзей - мои одноклассники.

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13.06.2020 21:57
"My perfect day"

My perfect day started with a shining, sunny day. Was wekend, because of that I did not make any homework and housework.
When I dressed up, I had breakfast. Then I went with my boyfriend to the seaside. I took his hand and I was very happy, because he was with me. The ocean was very beautiful and silent. On the beach was nobody only a wonderful sand of castle. We wrote our names in the sand. and we again took our hands.In the afternoon we had lunch, and we went to Hollywood. In Hollywood we went a cinema and there we watched a funny film. I saw my favourite actor in the film and I was very glad of this. I thanked to my boyfriend, how he brings me here.Finally my perfect day came to an end in a pizza restaurant in Roma. In the pizza restaurant everybody was speaking Italy, because of that I understand nothing. But I felt very good myself.When we finished with our dinner, we went to London. In London we went to a night club and we only went to home in the morning.This day was very beautiful and I never forget it.
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