Matt Suter
19-year-old high school student Matt Suter was visiting When Matt vroke was lying on the grass in
his grandmother in her trailer in Missouri, USA. Earlier middle of a field, as tres from the trailer! He had
in the day the weather was nice, but during the cut on his head and some small cuts and bruises on his
afternoon dark clouds started gathering in the sky. By body. When he realised where he was, he went to a
night, it was raining heavily and strong winds were neighbour for help. His neighbour wrapped him in a
'blowing against the trailer.
blanket and drove him back to the trailer. His grandma
It was then that Matt heard a strange loud noise. "It was OK, but the trailer was in pieces. Matt's grandma
was like ten aeroplanes around us," he said. Suddenly, was delighted to see him.
the walls, floor and ceiling started shaking. Furniture Matt was very lucky to escape disaster. No other person
was moving around in all directions. Terrified, Matt on record has travelled that distance 'by tornado' and
tried to hold onto the sofa, but he couldn't. Something lived to tell the story. For Matt it was a frightening
lifted him off his feet and out as the walls of the trailer experience. “I always wanted to see a tornado," he
were collapsing.
said. "But I definitely didn't want to be in one!" напишите краткий пересказ надо. умоляю вас сделайте
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School is an integral part of any child's life! There you can make friends, learn new things and have fun. But still, in order not to cause chaos in the school, some rules are needed. Basic school rules - the usual snouts that are easy to implement. One of the elemantar rules is discipline, each student must come before the lesson begins. Also in the school there are many unspoken rules, for example, rudeness and rude vision has never been welcomed in schools. Although there are many rules in schools, but oam
Школа є невід'ємною частиною життя будь-якої дитини! Там ви можете завести друзів, дізнатися нові речі і отримувати задоволення. Але все-таки, для того, щоб не було хаосу у школі, потрібні деякі правила. Основні правила школи - звичайні правила , яких легко дотримуватись . Одним з елемантарнмх правил є дисципліна, кожен учень повинен прийти до початку уроку. Також у школі є багато не офіційних правил, наприклад, грубіянство і агресія ніколи не вважвлись нормою в школах в школах. Хоча є багато правил в школах, але там весело!
Сорі, на більше мені фантазіїї не хватить, можеш скомбінувати мою відповідь з відповідями інших :Р