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02.11.2022 12:24 •  Английский язык

The Oscars
The Academy Awards – or 'Oscars' – are prizes for talented actors, writers and directors for their work in films. The awards are given every year at a special ceremony in Hollywood. The first Academy Awards ceremony was on May 16th 1929 at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. Tickets to the ceremony cost five dollars and there were fewer than 250 people in the audience. The ceremony only lasted for fifteen minutes and it was not on television or radio. In 1953 the awards were shown on TV for the first time. Now, the ceremonies on television last for four hours, and millions of people around the world watch to see their favourite movie stars receive awards. The audience is made up of hundreds of glamorous actors, but only-a few will be winners. Every Academy Award winner is given a golden statue. The statues are called Oscars. They are made of metal and are in the shape of a knight who is standing on a round film can and holding a sword. Fifty new Oscar statues are made every year.

There are different stories about how the Oscar got its name. Some people say that the director of the Academy gave the statue its name in 1931 because she said that it looked like her cousin Oscar. However, actress Bette Davis said that she called her award Oscar as a joke, because her husband's name was Oscar. Nobody knows which story is correct, but in 1939, the Academy named the award the 'Oscar'. Most Oscar winners have been adults, but a few have been children. In the past the Academy gave out 'baby' Oscars to child actors, which were half the size of the normal statues. Now, child actors compete against adults for Best Actor or Actress awards. In 1993, Anna Paquin won an Oscar for her acting in a film called The Piano. She was eleven! The person who has won the most Oscars was Walt Disney, who won twenty-six altogether for his films. And the film with the most Oscars was Titanic. In 1997, it won eleven Oscars. Today, the Academy Awards ceremony is very popular. We look forward to the ceremony each year and we want to know who will win. We love to watch talented actors and directors when they win their prizes and say thank you to the audience. And everyone hopes their favourite film will get an Oscar!

3. Use the words from the text to complete the sentences.
1. At the Olympics, winners are given medals in a special ceremony. can drive a car.
2. Children aren't allowed to drive - only
3. Famous actors are sometimes called
4. In the football World Cup, teams from different countries against each other.
5. Brave soldiers in the past that rode horses were called S.
6. My sister's getting married soon, and l'm looking wedding.
7. That cake is too big to eat so l'll only eat to the of it.
8. My brother is never serious. He's always making
9. That actress with the diamond necklace looks very S.
10. The Oscars are for actors and other people who make films.

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22.12.2022 05:20

in my free time i like writing some texts in english, this is so cool. when i go home, after hard day at school, i'm starting doing my homework, and i can't wait, when i can write the text in english, excuse my tautology. when my friends go for a walk and have fun, i'm writing the texts, like this; i can write texts for 10 hours. i could built a perfect card castles or i could create incredible domino rally. but instead of this i'm naturally create the sentences and make a texts of them in english of course. sometimes i going to a street and take some notes in my notepad, about everything, like what humans prefer to do. usually they do nothing, just pretending to busy with something. i have a second little hobby, which i do then i don't write some lyrics - it's collecting bugs and some insects. i just go to the forest and put the bottle traps, after i use special technique to perpetuate them. and also i love a dreaming.

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13.11.2020 14:40
Любовь ударил меня, когда мне было двенадцать. Я по-прежнему был в шортах, но маленькие волоски начинают расти на верхней губе. Молодая девушка, Люси, жил в квартире над нашей. Она была довольно с симпатичной, каштановые волосы и великолепные зубы. Однажды, после того, как я мою денег на карманные расходы в течение некоторого времени, я предложил Люси пойти в варьете со мной. У меня было только семьдесят центов, но я работал все это: два билета в театр, пятьдесят центов и четыре трамвайные билеты, двадцать центов.
Это был февраль и шел снег в этот день так что мы сели на трамвай. Люси была обворожительна и я посмотрел красавец, когда мы сошли на Таймс-сквер. Площади. 4

К сожалению, конфеты продавец стоял за пределами театра. Я не думал об этом. Люси увидела ее любимые кокосовые конфеты и напросился. Как дурак, я купил его за десять центов.
Мы были далеко от сцены и шума Люси ест ее конфеты были громче, чем голоса актеров. Во время выступления, Люси съели каждый бит конфеты. На пути к выходу, я был немного расстроен по поводу конфеты. Но затем я понял, только хватило денег на один билет домой. Сегодня я чувствую себя ужасно по этому поводу, но помню, мне было всего двенадцать, она была очень холодной и Люси съела все конфеты.
Я повернулся к ней и сказал: “Люси, когда мы покидали дом, я имел семьдесят центов, хватит на билеты и проезд на трамвае. Я не планировала конфеты. Я не хочу конфеты. Вы хотели конфеты и у тебя все конфеты. Я имею право поехать домой на трамвае и оставить вас ходить. Но, ты знаешь, я схожу по тебе с ума. Так что я собираюсь дать тебе шанс. Я собираюсь бросить эту монету. Если выпадает Орел, вы добираетесь, чтобы поехать домой. А если Орел, я домой.” Это была решка. Для некоторых любопытных причина, Люси никогда не говорил со мной снова. Что я сделала не так?”
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