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THE TRUTH isn't out there. or is it? he annual UFO testival in Roswell, New Mexico attracts thousands of visitors each year to this remote desert town. This year, we sent travel journalist Ruth Bradley to take part in a new UFO Discovery Tour to visit key sites in the area where the famous 1947 Roswell UFO case unfolded. T Did her out-of-this-world experience make her a true believer? When I was first asked by my editor to report on a UFO discovery tour. my heart sank. 1| A few days later, I was greeted at the airport in New Mexico by the tour's triendly guide and the other enthusiastic UFO-spotters in my group. We were driven to the hotel along busy freeways lined with UFO diners, UFO Souvenir shops and even UFO motels. Little grey aliens stared down at us from billboards and road signs with huge insect eyes. 2 f nothing else, I had the feeling I would be having some fun on this assignment! The following morning, we were taken to the spot in Roswell where a cattle farmer, Mack Brazel, came across some large pieces of metal and a huge hole in the ground on 8th July, 1947. Our guide told us that shortly after Mr Brazel reported what he had seen, the newspaper wrote that he had seen a flying saucer. The next day, however, they changed the story and reported that it wasn't a UFO at all, but simply a weather balloon. I wandered away Trom the group and looked around in the grass, half hoping to find one last piece of debris from the craft. 3 had to admit, the story so tar was fascinating and I found fhyself looking forward to the next stage of the tour where we would be shown "Building 84'. This was the huge aircraft hangar on the old army base where the remains of the strange craft were taken to be examined. It was an impressive sight. 4 They said it was made of a material as light as plastic, as strong as steel, impossible to burn and covered in strange hieroglyphics. Others described seeing alien bodies. The day ended with a visit to the UFO Museum and I was fascinated by some creepy sketches of alien bodies on autopsy tables which were drawn by a nurse working in the base hospitat at the time. 5 The next day, we visited the town of Socorro where, in 1964, Lonnie Zamora, a respected police officer, reported an oval-shaped object with two small creatures inside. As he drew near, blue flames burst from the craft and it soared into the sky When Zamora came back with other officers, all that could be seen were burn marks on the ground and strange footprints, The locals in this area have many stories like this one and I asked whether we were going to go back home with a UFO story of our own. 6 That night, we camped out in one of the Nevada Desert's UFO hotspots. As we looked up into the dark sky, one couple from Phoenix, Arizona, told me about the night in March 1997 when they saw a weird formation of lights hovering above the city. They weren't alone; the strange phenomenon had been witnessed by over 10,000 locals and there is even video footage of it. 7 What better souvenir to take back to the editor than a photo of a real UFO! I'm still doubtful whether UFOS and aliens exist. However, after spending a night under the stars in the eerie Nevada Desert, I have to admit that if intelligent life from a far-off world decided to land on Earth, I wouldn't be at all surprised if this wasthe place they chose to visit! Match the words/phrases in bold with their meanings: moved quickly up, bothered, felt unhappy, destroyed remains, walked without a purpose, strange & frightening, floating in the same position, scary.​

Показать ответ
21.05.2020 19:53
1. What flowers smell so nice?
Roses smell so nice.

2. What parents travel just round Europe?
Don’s parents travel round Europe.

3. Why didn’t Victor swing himself in the garden yesterday evening?
He was ill yesterday evening.

4. What kind of books does your sister like to read best of all?
She likes to read fairy tales.

5. What is your favourite TV programme?
My favourite TV programme is news.

6. How did the travel round Africa last year?
They travelled round Africa by car last year.

7. Which of your family has moved the grass in the field this morning?
My father has moved the grass in the field this morning.

8. When did Fred ride a horse last time?
Fred rode a horse last June.

9. What seeds did you sow in the kitchen garden the other day?
I sowed carrots and radish in the kitchen garden the other day.

10. What game are the boys playing in the yard now?
The boys are playing rugby in the yard now.

11. What colour does your uncle paint his house in the country?
My uncle paints his house grey in the country.
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03.03.2023 10:15

Look, ask and answer

1 A: How much bread is there? - [Хау мач брэд из з’эа:?] - Сколько там хлеба?

  В: A lot! - [Э лот!] - Много!

2 A: How much olive oil is there? - [Хау мач олив ойл из з’эа:?] - Сколько там оливкового масла?

  В: Not much! - [Нот мач!] - Немного!

3 A: How many eggs are there? - [Хау мэни эгз а: з’эа:?] - Сколько там яиц?

  В: Not many! - [Нот мэни!] - Немного!

4 A: How much cheese is there? - [Хау мач чи:з из з’эа:?] - Сколько там сыра?

  В: A lot! - [Э лот!] - Много!

5 A: How much lemon juice is there? - [Хау мач лемэн джу:с из з’эа:?] - Сколько там лимонного сока?

  В: Not much! - [Нот мач!] - Немного!

6 A: How many potatoes are there? - [Хау мэни потэйтоуз з’эа:?] - Сколько там картошки?

  В: Not many! - [Нот мэни!] - Немного!

7 A: How many tomatoes are there? - [Хау мэни тэма:тоуз а: з’эа:?] - Сколько там помидоров?

  В: Not many! - [Нот мэни!] - Немного!

8 A: How much butter is there? - [Хау мач батэ: из з’эа:?] - Сколько там масла?

  В: Not much! - [Нот мач!] - Немного!

9 A: How much pepper is there? - [Хау мач пэпэ: из з’эа:?] - Сколько там перца?

  В: A lot! - [Э лот!] - Много!

10 A: How many biscuits are there? - [Хау мэни бискуитс а: з’эа:?] - Сколько там печенья?

  В: A lot! - [Э лот!] - Много!

0,0(0 оценок)
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