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25.04.2021 08:10 •  Английский язык

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Task 1. Listen to the description and try to guess about what part of the United Kingdom is spoken.

Guess the Country

It is the largest and the richest country of Great Britain. It is in the southern and central part of Great Britain. Its surface is flat. Great Britain is rich in coal, iron and other metals. The biggest coal and iron mines are in the north-east of this country. There are such large industrial cities as Birmingham, Liver­pool, Manchester and other fa­mous and interesting cities such as Oxford and Cam­bridge. There are also many places of interest in this country. They are: Stonehenge, Salisbury Cathedral, Oxford university, Christ Church, Cambridge University, etc. The capital of it is London.
It is a country in the north of Great Brit­ain. It is a part of the United Kingdom. It is divided into three natural regions: the Southern Uplands, the Central Lowlands and the Highlands. A lot of places in this country are a natural para­dise, still untouched by man. Glasgow is the industrial capital of this country. It is the third largest city in Great Britain. The typi­cal products of this country are timber, whisky and salmon. Golf is its natural sport. This country is also the land of myths and mysteries; every castle has ghost. Its capital, Edinburgh, is well known for its castle.
It is the country in the west of Great Britain. It is one of the most beautiful parts of Great Britain. It is mainly a mountainous land with a chiefly agricultural econo­my and an industrial and coal mining area in the south. There are many sheep and cattle farms. Most of them are in the central and in the northern parts. The southern part of the country is industrial. The landscape is beautiful. Many English people move to this country to spend their holidays there. It is known as the Land of Songs. Its capital is Cardiff, a large city in the south.
This country is one of the poorest regions of the United Kingdom. It has ship-building, textile and chemical industries which are centered in Belfast and Londonderry. The other parts of it are agricultural. Its capital is Belfast. It is also the most important port and commer­cial center. This country has a strong cultural tradi­tion: songs, dances, literature and festi­vals. It has its own art Council, and there are orchestras, theatres, ballet and opera companies.
Task 2. Answer the following questions

1. What is the official name of Brit­ain?
2. Where's the United Kingdom situ­ated?
3. What parts does the United King­dom consist of?
4. Where do the British Isles lie?
5. Who is Patron Saint of England?
6. Who is Patron Saint of Wales?
7. Who is Patron Saint of Scotland?

Task 3. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
1. Put the countries in the order according to their territory, from the smallest to the biggest.
a) Scotland b) Wales c) England d) Northern Ireland
2. Match the country and its capital.
1) England a) Cardiff
2) Scotland b) Edinburgh
3) Wales c) London
4) Northern Ireland d) Belfast
3. Match the country and its symbol.
1) England a) a shamrock
2) Scotland b) a daffodil
3) Wales c) a rose
4) Northern Ireland d) a thistle
4. Which country has the biggest population?
a) England b) Wales c) N. Ireland d) Scotland
5. Where is the home of the British queen?
a) The Tower of London b) Westminster Abbey c) Buckingham Palace
6. What is the national musical instrument in Scotland?
a) the violin b) the bagpipes c) the guitar
7. Where is the lake Loch Ness situated?
a) Scotland b) England c) Wales
8. What is Eisteddfod?
a) a musicians’ and writers’ competition
b) a sports competition
c) a culinary competition
9. Say where in York you can:
1) see the famous colored glass windows
2) find out (узнать) about the history of York
3) see Viking ice-skates
4) find out about the trains of the future
5) go on a ghost walk at night
a) the York city walls b) York Cathedral c) the National Railway Museum d) the Jorvik Viking Centre e) Clifford’s Tower f) Yorkshire Museum
10. Say where in Bath you can:
1) see the first stamp in the world
2) buy a book on the history of fashion
3) enjoy tea with a famous bun
4) go on a river trip
5) drink water from the spring
a) the Roman Baths b) Sally Lunn’s House c) the Bath Boating Station d) the Museum of Costume e) Bath Postal Museum f) Victoria Park
11. Say true or false.
1)350 million people speak English worldwide.
2) Big Ben is the name of the big bell in the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament.
3) There is a museum about Sherlock Holmes in York.
4) 5 million people live in Scotland.
5) Belfast in Northern Ireland is the oldest capital in the world.
6) Queen Elizabeth II’s son, Charles, is Prince of Scotland.

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12.04.2022 03:20
Сегодня тюмень — это культуры, обещание и образовательный центр сибири салат с высоко развитой промышленность. его машиностроитель завод, электрон-машиностроитель завод, завод медицинского оборудования,  мотор-строительный завод и другие известные в россии и за рубежом. есть также многочисленные научные исследования  института, сетку-и газопроводы и нефтеперерабатывающие sod. внедрение новых технологий и теперь-как в  таких отраслях , как лесопереработка, промышленность, пищевая промышленность, текстильная промышленность  позволяет люди быть среди лидеров на печи и rb каток.  большое количество высших учебных заведений в тюмени  дает возможность поставлять все отрасли региональной отбор  и робсон специалистов. это также позволяет обеспечить широкий спектр образовательных услуг  многие соседние регионы и север города. он имеет двух университет, колледж;   сельскохозяйственные, медицинские, военные, здания академии, юридического института, международной в  институт и права, института культуры и искусств. люди государственный университет  в регионе крупнейший, хотя она была показана всего 35 лет назад. его vespucci работают в различных  отраслям в нашей стране и за рубежом.  есть много музеев, библиотека. театр, пять великолепных домов культуры. тюмень  имеет выходные дом национальных культур, расположенный на живописном берегу реки тура. наш  театр cook пользуется популярностью по всей россии и снг. драматический театр и концерт зал, семь  после того, как юрий гуляев, находятся в центре города. многие samantha певцы и мускат приезжают на своих  концерт-туры в оформление тюмень культура-reveal праздник для tyumenians. тюмень  обладает уникально коллекция shaders в его корзину галерею. многие постоянные выставки  кибер народного искусства и умения privet внимание туристов.  тюмень славян своими достопримечательностями: музей и этнографии  ван в 1920 году в официальную здание городской «думы». шаманы храм был построен  в середине 18 века, и он до сих пор является одним из самых красивых и известных служить в  россия. особенностей monster-первое came здание в городе. с 1741 до настоящего времени его и  может служить мемориал в мастер местных прогуляемся и мастеров своего архитектор  мтв maxim. можно вспомнить, что все усилия, чтобы уничтожить его в пост-революции  раз не удалось. церковь благовещенск, дин tchaika федя и кирилл shader, и  много деревянных домов, подшипник кос архитектура традиции, украшают наш город.  : выпишите из злоупотреблений слот, в которых определения вера-  существительными жены, и предотвратить их. 
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27.06.2022 07:46
The current time differs from the previous one: here is ruled by technology and product is information. no wonder they say that the 21st century is the century of information technology. what only recently seemed new and unknown, it is now irrelevant. we conquer space not in the near-earth space, and sent their research mini-station on mars, is the exploration of saturn, jupiter, and titan. once this can only be read in science fiction books. for example, the ideas of the novels of jules verne, such as a submarine, became a reality in the 20th century. the time has come to realize the most daring fantasies of modernity. man explores the ocean floor with the help of sophisticated equipment and online mode it can be observed by millions of internet users. the global wide web has become a comprehensive space, which united all and all.
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