There's one extra word in each sentence. Cross it out It might be a good idea to cut out on sugar.
You might be feel better if you go to bed earlier.
If I were you, I would better go on a diet.
I don't know what mango is like, so I'm going to try do it when we visit Thailand.
I have done that yet and it didn't work.
You had better do not drink latte if you are lactose intolerant.
Why don't you book visit a doctor?
I'm not sure that drinking more of water will help
Пиши: Health is something, that people can't discover at all. There are many secrets. By the way, we have to save our health. U have to make sport, eat healthy products like vegetables and fruits. U have to breath with o2 usually to clean Ur lungs. It will be better if u will do it in the village or at the place where is no cars. Also, U have to be sure that Ur psychological health is also good. U have to make ur wishes true and etc. Don't forget, that u are the only one, who can change Ur health
Иногда надо включать фантазию за внимание :з
have you ever seen dancing bees, gorillas sticking their tongues out? well, you may be surprised to learn that these are not just the things they do to entertain themselves or visitors at the zoo!
smell. the sense of smell is the easiest way to communicate even the simplest creatures. many animals, including humans, release odors to attract other people to breed, save predators or attract prey, and so on.
sight. many animals make extensive use of body language to convey their thoughts. the female rabbit, for example, shows the white lower part of the tail to tell young ones to follow her to the mink.
sensory. not only do people shake hands when they meet - chimpanzees also greet each other.
sound. we all woke up with the pleasant sound of birdsong, but birds are not the only animals that use the sense of sound to communicate. for example, the world's largest mammal, the whale, has a complex repertoire of songs. virtually all animals say something.