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Three young men were playing with a gun in a street in a quiet area of the town after dark when one of them fired it by mistake without aiming it at anything. the bullet broke a window in an old lady’s house. The young men made off at once when they saw the damage they had done, but the old lady looked out of a window when she heard the explosion, and she recognized one of them as the son of a man and woman who lived not far from her. The old lady complained to the police, and a detective came to her house. The old lady gave him a detailed account of everything that had happened, and then the detective asked her if she knew where the young man lived. The old lady told him that too, so the detective went to the young man’s house. he and his companions tried to hide, but the detective found them and the gun and took them to the police station. There his chief officer questioned the young men to find out which of them owned the gun, but none of them was willing to say. The young man who owned the gun did not dare to admit that he did, because he didn’t have a licence for it. At last the chief officer decided to put an end to the conversation, so he turned to the detective and demanded to know whether he had got an officer’s permission to take the gun away from the young man who owned it. The detective felt anxious when he heard this questions. ”No, sir,” he answered nervously, “I didn’t get it.” “In that case,” the officer declared angrily, “you were quite wrong to take it away from him. You’d better return it immediately, or there’ll be trouble!” This made the young smile happily at each other, and as soon as the detective held the gun out and said, “Here you are,” one of them put his hand out in order to get it back. That is how the officer finally discovered whom the gun belong to. Exercise 1. Look at these questions. Find the right answers. Then write the questions and the answers; 1 What broke the old lady s window? a) A bullet. b) A gun. c) Some fire. 2 Where did the young man live? a) Near the old lady. b)Near the police station. 3 Where did the detective take the young man? a) To the next station b)To the old lady s house. c)To the police station. 4 Who asked the young man questions at the police station ? a) An officer. b)The old lady. c)The detective. 5 Did the young man say who owned the gun? a) No. b)Yes, one of them did. c) Yes, they did. 6 Did the young man who owned the gun have a licence for it? a) No, he didn’’ t. b) Yes, he did. 7 What did the officer ask the detective? a)”Did you get an officer permission to take the gun away?” b) “Have you got a licence for this gun?” 8 What did the officer tell the detective to do? a) To get a licence. b) To give the gun back. 9 Why did he tell the detective to do this? a) Because he didn’ t like him. b) Because he wanted to find the young man who owned the gun. 10 How did one of the young man show that he owned the gun? a) By holding the gun out. b)By putting out his hand to take it. c) By smiling happily. Exercise 2 Write this story. Choose the right words each time: A young man broke an old lady s window (by mistake / on purpose).He was (not trying/trying) to hit her house. He and his (friend/friends) ran away when they saw the (broken window/damaged bullet),but the (shot/shout) had made the old lady look out, and when she saw the young (man and woman /men) she knew where (all/one) of them lived. (His/Their) home was rather (a long way from/near) hers. When (a detective/the young man) came to the old lady s house, she (gave him a bill for the broken window/told him about the shot), and she also (asked/told) him where the young man lived. The detective found ( all/one) of the young men, and took them and the gun (did not/was not willing to) have a licence for it, so he (admitted saying/refused to say) that it was his. But the ( detective/chief officer) discovered the owner in a clever way. He ordered ( him/the detective) to give the gun (away/back) to (its owner/the old lady), because he had not had permission to take it(away/back). Then, when the detective(held/took) the gun out, its real owner put his hand out to(receive/recognize) it. Put these sentences into reported speech: 1 The detective said to the old lady, “Where does the young man live?” 2 The officer said to the young man, ”Who owns the gun?” 3 The officer said to the detective, “Did you get an officer s permission to take the gun away from the young man?” 4 The officer said to the young man, ”Did you fire the gun?”

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26.06.2021 23:35

Progress Cheek 1 I variant 1.Complete the sentences in past perfect 1. When I came home, mother already (to cook) dinner. 2. When father returned from work, we already (to do) our homework. 3. When the teacher entered the classroom, the pupils already (10 open) their books. 4. Kate gave me the book which she (to buy) the day before 5. Nick showed the teacher the picture which he (to draw). 6. The boy gave the goats the grass which he (to bring) from the ficld 2. Write the sentences in the interrogative form and make general and who-questions. 1. Rose had written the letter by 7 о'clock yesterday. 2 Mrs Rogers had cooked the dinner by 6 о'clock last Sunday. 3. Jane and Ann had built the toy house by four o'clock yesterday. 3. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) That day Jane felt so sad ahe could (ery/smile). 2) The puplls (ended/ finished) decorating the hall late in the afternoon. 3) Do you watch matehes of your favourite football (сrеw/teаm) on television? 4) We are playing basketball in the gyт, would you 1ike to joln (- /1in)? 5) No one liked the dish, we thought it was rather (Lasteful/tasteless). 6) In the I variant 1.Compleie the sentences in past рerfect

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26.05.2022 02:10

Запас слов 1 Напишите букву в каждом промежутке, чтобы завершить слова или фразы. Первое письмо дано, чтобы вам. 1 Это то, что два человека делают своими руками, когда они встречаются или прощаются. 2 Это то, что вы делаете со своей головой, когда вы имеете в виду "да". 3. Это то, что вы делаете ртом, чтобы показать, что любите кого-то, к. Это то, что вы делаете рукой, когда хотите сказать "привет" кому-то, кто находится далеко. W 5 Это то что вы делаете пальцем когда хотите что то кому то показать, P 6 Это то, что вы делаете, когда быстро двигаете головой из стороны в сторону,



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