To, in, over, back, out, 1. We have never been England.
2. I often borrow books …my school library.
3. Alice speaks Italian, it's her mother tongue.
4. Can you hand my bag It is too far from me.
5. Children should spend much time the open air.
6. The lesson is over. Please, hand your exercise books.
7. Tom looked at my picture and handed it …to me.
8. I prefer biology…geography.
9. Pupils should follow the school rules.
A tube: We still have an old tube television.-
У нас до сих пор есть старый телевизионный приёмник с кинескопом.
As: I remember it, as it was yesterday- Я помню это,как это было вчера
To pack: I need some cardboard boxes to pack my possessions.
Мне нужны несколько картонных коробок, чтобы упаковать мои вещи.
An item: I received an item that I did not order.
Я получил товар, который я не заказывал.
An icon:
To use an item simply click on its icon in the inventory.
Чтобы использовать предмет, просто нажмите на его иконку в инвентаре.
To include: Rare gems include aquamarine, amethyst, emerald, quartz and ruby.
Редкие драгоценные камни включают в себя аквамарин, аметист, изумруд, кварц и рубин.
Вроде так, но немного не уверен в паре номеров в Е
1) was, would go
2) will not get, tries
3) want, open
4) will not be, does not work
5) would not buy, gave
6) was not, would lose
7) would look, wore
8) will not come, do not ask
1) want
2) ask
3) would not help
4) said
5) do not like
6) will not enjoy
7) will send
8) does not need
9) is
10) do not come
1) If you do not eat, you will be hungry this afternoon
2) Unless she sees a doctor, she will not feel better
3) You will need a car if you get that job
4) You would go to bed if you were tired
5) She would have moved to New York is she took the job
6) If they wanted a pizza they would make one