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(transformation of the sentences according to the models)
1.1. Replace with the modal equivalents.
Не can translate very well. They can translate very well.
He is able to translate very well. They are able to translate well.
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1. She can jump from that height. 2. They can ask questions quickly.
3. We can watch stars in the sky. 4. He can clean the flowerbed in the yard.
5. He can play computer games at home. 6. We can repeat short and long
sounds from this exercise. 7. Their sons can play football well. 8. Her daughter can translate this text from the book. 9. We can walk along this street.
10. He can walk quickly across the road.
2. Replace with the modal equivalents.
He may watch TV. They may watch TV.
He is allowed to watch TV. They are allowed to watch TV.
1. They may take the books from the library. 2. He may play computer
games at home. 3. He may get up late tomorrow. 4. Your son may go to the
garden. 5. The patient may walk to this green park. 6. Her daughter may put
the flowers into the vase. 7. You may share the work with another student.
8. You may help him. 9. Their sons may play football in the yard. 10. She may
go out of the room.
3. Replace with the modal equivalents.
He must translate the text. They should translate the text.
He has to translate the text. They have to translate the text.
He is to translate the text. They are to translate the text.
1. She should jump from this height. 2. They must ask questions quickly.
3. We should prepare for the classes. 4. He must clean the flowerbed in the
yard. 5. He should do his homework. 6. We must go out of the house. 7. A pedestrian should cross the street when the traffic lights are on green. 8. The students should translate the text from this book. 9. She must answer this question. 10. Our grandfather should go to this office.
4. Replace with the modal verbs.
He was to translate the text. They were able to translate the text.
He had to translate the text. They could translate the text.
He should translate the text.
1. He was to go to the office. 2. They had to clean the swimming pool.
3. We were able to play computer games. 4. My brother was to perform this
task. 5. Our teacher had to change the task. 6. Our relatives had to go to the
hotel. 7. The journalist was able to have an interview with this politician. 8. The
children were able to jump from that height. 9. His parents had to help their
relatives. 10. The lawyer had to ask questions.

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27.03.2022 15:42

Everybody of us at least once in the life had time to visit the McDonald's restaurant. This is a well-known American company, which, under its own name, opens cafes and fast food restaurants all over the world. McDonald's has long won the love of both children and adults. These cafes are never empty, you can see a lot of people there always. McDonald's restaurants offer an easy, friendly atmosphere where you can easily find a free table and order your favorite dish. The menu of such restaurants is very diverse and consists of fast food: hamburgers, French fries, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, milkshakes, salads with different sauces, chicken wings, coca-cola, and many other delicious dishes. A large choice of dishes, excellent quality of products, and first-class staff service, and affordable prices, attract thousands of people who want to visit McDonald's again and again.

It is always possible not only to have a delicious meal, but also to spend time with friends, celebrate a birthday, have a party, or just have fun. People of different ages, with different interests and standard of living come here.

The founders of the company thought separately about the children, inviting them to produce a special product, Happy Meal, in form of beautiful boxes with food and toys. In addition to the fascinating toy, the set includes a hamburger, French fries, biscuits and natural juice. Toys are constantly changing, and children are happy to collect their toy riches.


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16.04.2021 15:08

Today the danger to our natural world is growing every day . Modern life is not suitable for many species of animals. The air is not fresh and the water is not clean. They don’t often have good things to eat and space to live. Every day people destroy rainforests and when trees are cut down many animals lose their homes. We need to do something soon or else many creatures won’t survive.

For example, Indian tigers are in the Red Book now. People have hunted and killed many tigers in India. Some people killed them to save their domestic animals or their lives. And some people killed the tigers for fun or for their beautiful skin which they can easily sell at high prices. As a result, there are few Indian tigers on the Earth now. Many of them are old animals and most tigers hide from people in deep dark forests. And the question is: “Have these animals got a future?”

Helping endangered wildlife around the world requires global interventions that are not feasible for individuals. Therefore, entire organizations with worldwide recognition are being created, such as WWF, Greenpeace. With their help, it has become much easier to solve the problems of preserving the diversity of biological species of animals in the wild. A large number of reserves are being created, where animals will be protected. It is also necessary to reduce the scale of illegal hunting in the near future, because today the problem has become truly serious.

Such an important and global goal as the conservation of rare and endangered animals, to the extent necessary for its implementation, requires the intervention of the maximum number of people. Therefore, if people begin to think more about whether their descendants will inherit something, it may then be possible to preserve a little more part of the living world. Even a small donation or the simplest volunteer work is another step towards restoring natural resources.

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