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Translate into English. Use necessary Modal Verbs or their equivalents.

1. Неужели вы его не увидели?

a) Can you have failed to see him?
b) Could you fail to see him?
c) Might you fail to see him?
d) Might you have failed to see him?
e) Could you have seen him?

2. Не может быть, что этого он не заметил.

a) He couldn’t have failed to notice it.
b) He can’t have noticed it.
c) He mayn’t have failed to notice it.
d) He might have noticed it.
e) He can’t notice it.

3. Не может быть, чтобы он не одобрил вашего мнения.

a) He can’t have disapproved of your opinion.
b) He can’t have not approved of your opinion.
c) He mustn’t have disapproved of you opinion.
d) He shouldn’t have disapproved of you opinion.
e) He oughtn’t not disapproved of you opinion.

4. Не может взрослый человек не любить такие книги.

a) The grown-up person can’t dislike such books.
b) The grown-up person could not like such books.
c) The grown-up person can’t have disliked such books.
d) The grown-up person could not have liked such books.
e) The grown-up person may like such books.

5. Неужели он верит этому?

a) Can he believe it?
b) Could he have believed it?
c) May he believe it?
d) Can he have believed it?
e) Does he have to believe it?

6. Неужели он не верит этому?

a) Can he disbelieve it?
b) Could he not believe it?
c) Can he have disbelieved it?
d) May he disbelieve it?
e) Must he disbelieve it?

7. Неужели было так холодно?

a) Can it have been so cold?
b) Could it be so cold?
c) Can it be so cold?
d) Were it so cold?
e) It could be very cold, couldn’t it?

8. Здесь нельзя переходить улицу.

a) You can’t cross the street here.
b) You are to cross the street here.
c) You mustn’t cross the street here.
d) You shouldn’t cross the street here.
e) You wouldn’t cross the street here.

9. Он смог решить эту проблему.

a) He was able to settle this problem.
b) He could settle this problem.
c) He was able to have settled this problem.
d) He had to be able to settle this problem.
e) He is able to settle this problem.

10. Карандашом писать нельзя.

a) You can’t write with a pencil.
b) You mustn’t write with a pencil.
c) You are not write with a pencil.
d) You may not write with a pencil.
e) You couldn’t write with a pencil.

11. Я мог бы купить вам эту книгу тогда.

a) I could have bought this book for you then.
b) I could buy this book for you then.
c) I was able to buy this book for you then.
d) I might buy this book for you then.
e) I may have bought this book for you then.

12. Вы бы не могли немножко подождать?

a) Could you wait for a little while?
b) Can you wait for a little while?
c) May you wait for a little while?
d) Might you want for a little while?
e) Do you have to wait for a little while?

13. Нельзя так говорить со стариками.

a) You can’t speak so to old people.
b) You mustn’t speak so to old people.
c) You were not to speak so to old people.
d) You may not speak so to old people.
e) You don’t have to speak so to old people.

14. Хорошо, если бы ты мог пойти с нами.

a) I wish you could go with us.
b) I wish you can go with us.
c) I wish you are able to go with us.
d) I wish you had to go with us.
e) I wish you may go with us.

15. Она могла читать английские книги.

a) She could read English books.
b) She was able to read English books.
c) She may read English books.
d) She might read English books.
e) She were able to read English books.

16. Она смогла прочитать эту английскую книгу.

a) She was able to read this English book.
b) She could read this English book.
c) She had to read this English book.
d) She is to read this English book.
e) She could have read this English book.

17. Она должно быть ждёт нас в институте сейчас.

a) She must be waiting for us at the Institute now.
b) She must have been waiting for us at the Institute now.
c) She must wait for us at the Institute now.
d) She is to wait for us at the Institute now.
e) She ought wait for us at the Institute now.

18. Доктор говорит, что она должна жить на юге.

a) The doctor says that she must live in the South.
b) The doctor says that she needs to live in the South.
c) The doctor says that she has to live in the South.
d) The doctor says that she may live in the South.
e) The doctor says that she ought live in the South.
19. Он, по всей вероятности, забыл, что обещал прийти.

a) He must have forgotten that he promissed to come.
b) He must forget that he promissed to come.
c) He should forget that he promissed to come.
d) He ought have forgotten he promissed to come.
e) He might have forgotten he promissed to come.

20. Они, наверное, пишут сочинение уже около 2-х часов.

a) They must have been writing the composition for about 2 hours.
b) They must write the composition for about 2 hours.
c) They must have written the composition for about 2 hours.
d) They may be writing the composition for about 2 hours.
e) They must have been written the composition for about 2 hours.

Показать ответ
30.11.2021 18:09

Founded in 1925 by Mikhail Pavlushkov, arrested by the KGB for anti-Soviet activities, advocating the withdrawal of the Ukrainian SSR from the Soviet Union. In 1989 it did not officially exist as the "Union of Independent Ukrainian Youth". In 1991 After the collapse of the Soviet Union and Ukraine's declaration of independence, the organization was officially registered in Ukraine under the new name "Union of Ukrainian Youth". Headquarters in Kiev.Ukrainian youth organization operating in Poland between the two world wars.

It was created in 1926 with the aim of ideological education of Ukrainian youth and their involvement in active political activity.

Oleg Bodnarovich, editor of the Smoloskip newspaper, became the head of the Union. The leadership of the organization also included Mikola Dobriansky-Demkovich, Bogdan Kravtsiv, Stepan Lenkavsky.

In 1929 the Union became part of the OUN.


Надеюсь )

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10.05.2020 18:46

1 sadder-the saddest

2 happier-the happiest

3 bigger-the biggest

4 greyer-the greyest

5 worse-the worst

6 drier-the driest

7 nearer-the nearest

8 older-the oldest

9 more unusual-the most unusual

10 more brilliant-the most brilliant

11 lovelier-the loveliest

12 less-the least

13 uglier-the most ugliest

14 lower-the lowest

15 stronger-the strongest

16 heavier-heaviest

17 more famous-the most famous

18 more polite-the most polite

19 slower-the slowest

20 taller-the tallest

21 younger-the youngest

22 better-the best

23 hotter-the hottest

24 tastier-the tastiest

25 cheaper-the cheapest

26 larger-the largest

27 higher-the highest

28 busier-the busiest


не писала 1 форму, она у вас в задании написана. сразу написала сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения прилагательных.

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