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19.10.2021 01:34 •  Английский язык

Twelve flowers of the year

My granny likes nature very much. She has lived in a small village all her life. She
knows a lot about different plants. My granny says that there is a special flower for
each month of the year. She often tells me about these flowers and she also shows
them to me as they are all in her garden collection. This is what she says.
The snowdrop is the flower for January. It is as white as snow, and appears in
forests and gardens when there is still snow there. The little plant is a native flower
of Europe.
February’s flower is the primrose. Primrose can be white, yellow, red, pink, rose,
purple and orange. The flowers look like stars. The primrose is one of the earliest
spring flowers. They grow wild in some countries in Europe, and Northern
America, but you can find lots of them in china.
The flower of the month of March is the daffodil. It appears very early in spring
too. They flowers are usually yellow. The plant has long leaves and a sweet
pleasant smell. It has been a favourite flower in many gardens.
April’s flowers are daisies. You can see them everywhere in the fields, gardens
and even roadsides.
The flower for May is the hawthorn. It grows on a small tree and its blossoms are
pink, white or red. The hawthorn also has small hard fruit which looks like a little
apple. June’s flower is the honeysuckle.
July’s flowers are water lilies. You can often see them on the waters of a quite
lake. Frogs like to use their large green leaves as platforms. Some water lilies are
deep yellow in colour and some are white , pink, blue or even purple.
The flower for August is the poppy. Poppies have bright red, oranges, purple or
yellow flowers. They look like cups. They often grow wild in the mountains and in
the fields.
The morning glory, September’s flower is a climbing plant with blue or purple
flowers. Their green leaves look like small green hearts. The morning glory opens
early in the morning, but when the hot sun appears in the sky it closes. The
blossom are like bells. The morning glory has sweet smell and can grow wild.
October’s flower is the hop. People use it to make bear. It is a climbing plant
which often decorates country houses.
The flower for November is the chrysanthemum. It is one of the oldest known
flowers. It has been grown in Japan for nearly two thousand years and is the
national flower and the emblem of that island country. This lovely flower can be
the yellow, red, purple or pink. Chrysanthemums appear from late August to
December when most other flowers have stopped flowering ready for the weather.December’s plant is the holly. Its flowers have produced red berries for the
Christmas season. The holly has prickly green leaves. It is an evergreen.
1.Answer for the questions:
1. What is the national flower of Japan?
2. What is the plant of the Christmas season?
3. What is the earliest spring flower?
4. What is the flower that you can see on the surface of a lake?
5. What is the flower that never closes when the sun is in the sky?

Показать ответ
26.07.2021 14:45
1.The letter was received some hours ago.
2 He will bring the magazine tomorrow.
3.His sister teaches physics at the Institute.
4.The book is being read with pleasure
5.Your report will be discussed to tumorrow.
6 I answered my brothers letter last week 

1. The book was published by him last year.
2. the work will be stopped by Tiney because of the weather
3. regular voyages were made by our ship to London. 

A lot of homes are  built in our town every year. 
2. Letters are sent to the office staff every day. 
3. Negotiations (the negotuations) will be conducted in 20 minutes. 
4. The construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral (The St. Isaac's Cathedral) was begun in 1768.

1. В фильме много говорится о...
 2. На моего друга можно положиться.
3. Дети будут под присмотром ТГК .
4. Тепло и свет дает нам солнце.
5. Гостям были показаны достопримечательности города.
6. Дом будет построен через несколько лет.
7. Врач был отправлен за этим сразу.
0,0(0 оценок)
27.05.2023 02:00
Britain today is a country of highly a developed, strong and independent economy. The economic recovery after the Second World War took almost forty years. In addition to internal resources, the recovery process has also contributed to the entry Britain in the European Community in 1973, which contributed to the rise of competitiveness of the country. Now Britain is the forefront among developed countries in terms of growth, productivity and competitiveness. The share of production and engineering during the years after the Second World War fell from one-third to one-fifth, while the service sector has expanded considerably and has become to bring a significant part of the income of the country. The United States and Japan - the most significant trading partners are the UK and Japanese companies often choose the UK as their base in Europe. Other the developing countries of East Asia with export-oriented economy actively participate in the open UK market. Thus, The United Kingdom actively cooperates not only with member countries Of the Commonwealth, but with Europe, Asia and North America. 80 years have witnessed large-scale privatization of state enterprises, which were nationalized in previous years. Also rose the average standard of living, although still left the division more successful South-Eastern part of the country, including London, and less rich areas of West and North. The levels of unemployment and inflation gradually were reduced, but remained high. The country played the role of world financial leader, which, along with the discovery of natural gas and oil in the North sea has reduced the economy's dependence on more traditional energy sources and significantly improved the domestic economy and the government's economic policy. The main points of economic policy of the government began regulating and frequent change of interest rates, gradual reduction of direct taxation, reducing the role and influence of professional associations, promoting real estate property among the population, increasing the proportion individuals - shareholders of the companies, raising the level of the actual preparation of pupils of educational institutions to work in the real world. Significant efforts have been made to improve the productivity and competitiveness of goods and services. Продайте машину быстрее – разместите объявление в приложении Auto.ru
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