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19.04.2023 12:22 •  Английский язык

Two friends
Once upon a time there lived two mice. One of them lived in a big city. Her name was Minny. Minny’s friend lived in a village. Her name was Maggy. One day Maggy decided to visit Minny. She went to the city by train. She saw many beautiful houses, shops, parks and squares, there were a lot of buses, cars, trams and trolley-buses in the streets. She got to Minny’s house by bus. Maggy was glad to see her friend. “Do you like to live in the city?” Maggy asked Minny. Minny said, “Oh, of course, I like the city. There is a lot of to eat corn and cheese but there’s a big black cat in the Kitchen of every day. the house where I live”. Then Maggy had an idea, “Let’s buy a TV-set for the cat. He likes to watch TV”. Minny liked the idea. They went to the shop and bought a TV-set.
Every day the cat sat down to watch TV and the mice came to the kitchen to eat corn and cheesе.
Task 1 Выберите правильное окончание предложения
1. Once upon a time there lived...
two cats; b) three mice; с) two dogs; d) two mice;
2. One of them lived…
a) in a big village; b) in a small city; in a big city; d) in a small village.
3. One day Maggy decided to visit…
a) her mother; her friend; c) her teacher; d) her sister.
4. She went to the city…
a) by train; b) by plain; c) by car; d) by ship.
5. Maggy got to Minny’s house...
a) by car;
b) by trolley-bus; c) by tram; d) by bus.
6. Minny said it was nice to live...
a) in the village; b) in the house; c) in the flat; d) in the city.
7. There was...
a) a little black cat in the house; b) a big black dog in the house;
c) a big black cat in the house; d) a big white cat in the house.
8. They decided to buy...
a) a radio-set; b) an arm-chair; c) a TV-set; d) a sofa.
9. They went...
a) to the shop; b) to the hospital; c) to school; d) to the library.
Task 2 Дополни предложения
-1. Minny lived in
2. Maggy decided to visit __ him Minnie __
3. Maggy got to her friend by __ She saw many beautiful houses, shops, parks and squares. ___
4. __ Oh of course __ liked to live in the city
5. The only problem is a big __ black cat __
6. The cat liked to watch __ TV __
7. Two mice went to __ store __ and bought TV
8. Every day __ big black cat sat down __ sat down to watch TV
9. Every day __ two mice __ came to the kitchen to eat food

Moscow Zoo
1. Tigers, monkeys, snakes and fish in the centre of the Russian capital! These animals all live in the Moscow Zoo, one of the largest in the world. It is the home for over 7000 different kinds of animals. The zoo also has got many exotic animals and birds. Get a map to make sure you see everything.
2. First, visit the Animal Island. There you can see the Amur Tigers, the white snow leopard, the Himalaya bears, the Asian lions and even an Australian emu. There you can also see colourful fish in large aquariums.Don’t miss the Night World exhibition too. This is a great chance for you to see the night animals.
3. All the young visitors must see the Children’s Zoo. Children can see the heroes of fairy-tales: the three piglets, the wolf and seven young goats and many other animals. There are also cafés and picnic areas. Kids can visit playgrounds. You will not forget the day in the Moscow Zoo!
1. Подберите заголовки к абзацам.
2) For young visitors 1)About Moscow Zoo 3) Animals.
2. Отметьте предложения T (true), F (false), DS (doesn’t say)
1. Moscow Zoo is in London.-не правильно
2. You can see dancing Himalaya bears.-не правильно
3. There are a lot of exotic animals in the Zoo.+правильно
4. There are only lions and tigers on the Animal Island.-не правильно
5. Colourful fish live in large aquariums.+ правильно
6. Australian emu is 2 metres tall.
3. Расположите предложения в логическом порядке, перепишите их.
1. There are many heroes of Russian fairy-tales in the Children Zoo.
2. The Moscow zoo is located in the very center of the Russian capital
3. On the Animal Island, you can see tigers, leopards and other animals.
4. Moscow Zoo is one of the largest in the world.
5. You can watch the life of night animals in the Night World exhibition.
6. You will spend a perfect day here.
4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты:
1. в мире
2. разноцветные рыбы
3. игровые площадки
4. возьмите карту
5. трое поросят
6. разные виды животных
1. in the world
2. colorful fish
3. playgrounds
4. take a card
5. three piglets
6. different types of animals

Показать ответ
08.09.2020 00:46

ответ: my school isn't rather big. It has many classes, and to much equipment. In our own cabinet we always sit on our places,and it's clear everywhere.As good school, we have gorgeous teachers. They are professional and gifts us knowledg. Also they are often on our wave. Our teachers always can give you extra classes, if you don't understand something!But much Important part it's our collective, we always can accept you! We will be happy, if you get in our class!


моя школа не очень большая. В нем много классов и много оборудования. В нашем собственном кабинете мы всегда сидим на своих местах,и везде все чисто.Как хорошая школа, у нас великолепные учителя. Они профессиональны и дарят нам знания. Также они часто бывают на нашей волне. Наши преподаватели всегда могут дать вам дополнительные занятия, если вы чего-то не понимаете!Но очень важная часть-это наш коллектив, мы всегда можем принять вас! Мы будем рады, если вы попадете в наш класс!

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22.07.2020 11:14

Ne 87 Present Perfect wu Past Simple: 1. Звездные войны »(быть ночью по телевидению. Я думаю, что (вижу) это раз десять. Вы (посещаете) Пон Авентура? Я (хожу) туда летом. 3. Моя мама (купите) новую машину. Она (заплатила) за это вчера. 4. Вы снова (забываете) домашнее задание? Ты (оставь) его и вчера дома. 5. Вы (красите) свой дом! - Да, я (расписываю) его две недели назад. 6. Кто-нибудь (озеро) мои ключи. Я положил их на стол пять минут назад. 7. Отметьте (съешьте) японскую еду. Он (живет) в Японии в году. 8. Хулио Иглесиас (ставит) новый рекорд. Я (слышу) это по радио ночью. 9. Его волосы очень светлые. У него (есть) стрижка. 10. Вы (посещали) много музеев, когда были в Париже? 11. Автомобиль выглядит очень чистым. Вы (мыть ночью я (приезжаю) домой в половине первого. Я принимаю ванну, а затем ложусь спать. 13. Я не могу делать домашнее задание, я (теряю) свою книгу. 14. Когда вы (бросаете) курить? 15. Моего велосипеда больше нет. Кто-нибудь (возьми) это. 16. Почему Джим (не хочет) играть в теннис в пятницу? 17. Она не может писать, потому что (сломала) руку. 18. Он (живет) в Америке три года.

Ne 87 Present Perfect wu Past Simple: 1. Zvezdnyye voyny »(byt') proshloy noch'yu po televideniyu. YA dumayu, chto (vizhu) eto raz desyat'. Vy (poseshchayete) Pon Aventura? YA (khozhu) tuda proshlym letom. 3. Moya mama (kupite) novuyu mashinu. Ona (zaplatila) za eto vchera. 4. Vy snova (zabyvayete) domashneye zadaniye? Ty (ostav') yego i vchera doma. 5. Vy (krasite) svoy dom! - Da, ya (raspisyvayu) yego dve nedeli nazad. 6. Kto-nibud' (ozero) moi klyuchi. YA polozhil ikh na stol pyat' minut nazad. 7. Otmet'te (s"yesh'te) yaponskuyu yedu. On (zhivet) v Yaponii v proshlom godu. 8. Khulio Iglesias (stavit) novyy rekord. YA (slyshu) eto po radio noch'yu. 9. Yego volosy ochen' svetlyye. U nego (yest') strizhka. 10. Vy (poseshchali) mnogo muzeyev, kogda byli v Parizhe? 11. Avtomobil' vyglyadit ochen' chistym. Vy (myt') ir? 12. Proshloy noch'yu ya (priyezzhayu) domoy v polovine pervogo. YA prinimayu vannu, a zatem lozhus' spat'. 13. YA ne mogu delat' domashneye zadaniye, ya (teryayu) svoyu knigu. 14. Kogda vy (brosayete) kurit'? 15. Moyego velosipeda bol'she net. Kto-nibud' (voz'mi) eto. 16. Pochemu Dzhim (ne khochet) igrat' v tennis v proshluyu pyatnitsu? 17. Ona ne mozhet pisat', potomu chto (slomala) ruku. 18. On (zhivet) v Amerike tri goda.

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