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Author: Climate change has been in the news for years. But what is it? And how will it affect us? To understand climate change, you first need to know about the greenhouse effect.

The Earth gets heat from the sun in the atmosphere; greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide trap this heat and keep it from escaping back to outer space. Trapping some heat in the atmosphere is a good thing, because it keeps the planet warm enough for us to live. But there`s a problem. People all over the world are adding extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. That`s because today we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas to do many of our everyday activities, like driving our cars, using our computers, and heating our homes. All this extra carbon dioxide is trapping more heat in the atmosphere, making the Earth warmer and causing other climate changes, too.

The signs of climate change are all around us. Temperatures are getting warmer, giant ice sheets are melting, and the oceans are rising. In many places, flowers are blooming earlier, snow is melting sooner, and birds aren`t flying as far south for the winter. So why does this matter? Well, if the planet keeps getting warmer, we can expect more powerful storms and more flooding, droughts and heat waves. And these changes can cause additional problems, like the spread of certain diseases, more wildfires, and food and water shortages. Climate change could put entire ecosystems, like coral reefs, in danger, and many plants and animals could become extinct.

The good news is that we can take action! We can put less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere if we generate electricity from clean sources like solar and wind power instead of burning coal, oil or gas. We can also drive less, use public transportation, and choose cars that go further using less gas. And you can do your part! Reduce your energy use by turning off the lights, the computer, and TV when you`re not using them, and walk or ride your bike to work or school. By making smart choices and working together, we can make a difference.

Listening –Reading

Task 1. Listen and circle the best answer A, B, C or D.

CD2. Tapescript 2.

1. According to the speaker, more and more greenhouse gases are produced by

A) a heat from the sun

B) atmosphere change

C) actions of people

D) no answer in the recording

2. Which of these things is a greenhouse gas?

A) carbon monoxide

B) carbon dioxide

C) oxygen

D) no answer

3. Which of these things can help reduce levels of carbon dioxide?

A) Driving to work

B) Heating with coal

C) Using public transport

D) Leaving your TV on

4. Which of these predictions about climate change does the speaker make?

A) If planet gets warmer, then polar bears will become extinct

B) If planet gets warmer, then we can expect more floods

C) If planet gets warmer, then fuel will become less expensive

D) If planet gets warmer, then sea levels will rise

5. If the planet continues to heat up, __ __ __ expect to experience more extreme weather.

A) then will we

B) then can we

C) then we can

D) then should we​

Показать ответ
16.02.2022 03:05

ответ:1. Are you cleaning the floor

I'm making a cheese cake right now.

Last year we were in France.

Wait a moment! I'll carry this box for you.

2.I've forgotten my homework.

Have you ever been to Edinburgh?

She hasn't visited her uncle for half a year

3. at the moment



4.Anne does not play chess.

Do they go for a walk?

We play soccer every weekend.

5. every day



6. I lived in Odessa from 1985 to 1986.

Did you phone me last night?Yesterday my friend invited me to his party.

7.in 1999

last month

three days ago


8. have been walking

9. have you been doing

10. snowed


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15.06.2021 04:23
Emmy is climbing the stalks.Fred and Pete are sitting on the swing. They are laughing.Joe is throwing the ball.Look at those balloons!Those books are yours? No.Where are your books? They're in my box.That is my house.Those planes are fast.I love cakes and sweets.Do you like grapes? Yes.How about some orange juice? Great!Boys like bananas.Dan likes pineapple.What does Sam like? Sam loves basketball.Where's the gift? It's in a box.They are painting. They use paint.What sport do you like? I love tennisRabbits like carrots.The kitten likes milk.Does she like this jacket? Yes.Do they like the car? No.Cats don't like rain.I have a beautiful red dress.My mother has black boots and brown trousers.My sister has a green jacket and a white t-shirt.Dad wears a white t-shirt and shorts.These clothes are for football.This is a thin coat.Jenny likes beans. She doesn't like carrots.What time is it? Half past nine.Children go to school at eight o'clock.I do my homework at seven o'clock.My mother gets up at seven o'clock.When do you get up?What does she do in the morning? She brushes her teeth.Where does he play? He plays in the Park.Where is he? He swims after lunch.Whose bag is this? This is Anna's bag.Are these your sneakers? My sneakers are red.She doesn't like frogs.Their mother is in the kitchen.This is Sam's hat.Meg's cat has a long tail.There is some milk in the bottle.There are several sandwiches on the plate.Is there bread on the table? Yes.What do you have in the box?The girl never eats candy.The boys sometimes play football.I always eat fruit for lunch.Month of January. It's always cold.We wear boots, coats, hats, and gloves.July is always hot. We wear t-shirts, caps, shorts and dresses.Grandma always bakes cakes on Saturdays.We were in the Park yesterday.What day is today? Today is Wednesday.Yesterday the weather was cloudy.Can you hold a very hot dish? NoThe hippos were in the river.At four-thirty, Anna was at school.At three-thirty they were on the beach.The giraffes were tall. They were under the trees.Where's the shark? It's in front of the ship.Where is the Dolphin? It's between the rocks.Where is the lion? He's after the Zebra.There was a large orange bus behind the cars.This is our teacher. We love her very much.Look at him!Don't drink it. Listen to me.These are my sweets. Don't touch them.I went to the Park yesterday.First we went to the Park. Then we looked at the flowers.I like snow, but I don't like rain.I went to see my grandmother last night.In the restaurant, you can eat eggs for Breakfast and have a Cup of coffee.We were pushing our little boat into the water.Then a small fish jumped into the water. It wasn't a jellyfish. It was a small Dolphin.Mark was laughing. Dan was laughing, too.

Oh, my God!

Who asked you that? Giving up tails?

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