Исчисляемые можно посчитать - There are 4 rooms in this apartment (В этой квартире 4 комнаты)
Неисчисляемые - нельзя, но может показаться, что можно - Can I have a glass of milk (Можно мне стакан молока?) Но в таком случае исчисляются стаканы, а не само молоко
Вот перевод 1. He looked up from his Cup of coffee he was stirring, but didn't drink. 2. Tom never wanted his mother knew what we all the time did. C She saw it on their wet suits, they just swam. 4. The people she met seemed to know where she was or what she was doing there. 5. The machine was inserted a sheet of paper on which someone was learning to type. 6. When he came back, we tried to pretend we weren't talking about him. 7. Max picked up the book that he read, and turned down the corner of pages to mark the place. 8. I sat in the kitchen and smoked. Flora that was playing in the living room, came to see what I'm doing.
car - исчисляемое
milk - неисчисляемое
book - исчисляемое
fox - исчисляемое
room - исчисляемое
air - неисчисляемое
weather - неисчисляемое
meat - неисчисляемое
wall - исчисляемое
sister - исчисляемое
oil - неисчисляемое
ice - неисчисляемое
sugar - неисчисляемое
butter - неисчисляемое
family - исчисляемое
Исчисляемые можно посчитать - There are 4 rooms in this apartment (В этой квартире 4 комнаты)
Неисчисляемые - нельзя, но может показаться, что можно - Can I have a glass of milk (Можно мне стакан молока?) Но в таком случае исчисляются стаканы, а не само молоко
1. He looked up from his Cup of coffee he was stirring, but didn't drink. 2. Tom never wanted his mother knew what we all the time
did. C She saw it on their wet suits, they just swam. 4. The people she met seemed to know where she was or what she was doing there. 5. The machine was inserted a sheet of paper on which someone was learning to type. 6. When he came back, we tried to pretend we weren't talking about him. 7. Max picked up the book that he read, and turned down the corner of pages to mark the place. 8. I sat in the kitchen and smoked. Flora that was playing in the living room, came to see what I'm doing.