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26.05.2021 16:10 •  Английский язык

Unit 3 Test

I. Use the words in the appropriate forms.

Do you think about electricity when you switch on the light? Do you ever think about any (1) … (science) issues when you use a microwave, a cell phone or a laser printer? No, we have already got used to all those devices and take them for granted.

Now we have much more (2) … (ambition) projects on the mind — launching space apparatus to Mars and studying the deeps of the ocean. If the (3) … (technology) development of society doesn’t slow down in the near future, (4) … (science) will make major breakthroughs in (5) … (communicate) technologies, space technologies and genetics. Nanotechnologies and robots will widen people’s abilities (6) ... (dramatical).

It’s (7) … (real) an exciting time to live in, as so many (8) … (fantasy) things are happening around.

II. Read the text and match the paragraphs (1-6) and the headings (A-G). There is one heading you do not need.

1. Research into alternative, clean energy is a hot issue for mass media and politi¬cians. “Clean” implies that no harm is done to the environment when the energy is produced. It sounds like a worthy mission for the humanity — to invent and implement technologies which allow us to enjoy all the technological society com¬modities being concurrently nature conscious, i.e. to keep water, land and air clean for our descendants. An old native Americans’ wisdom says “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children” and the borrowed should be run with care and returned in a good working state. 2. Most people do understand that burning huge amounts of oil and gas is the way to nowhere. We’ll either end up with a devastating ecological catastrophe or our industries will collapse when we run out of oil and gas supplies, which are non-renewable and are expected to run out relatively soon. The solution was provided by science fiction writers a century ago — solar and wind energy should be used instead of fuel. However, the manual on how to produce and store it in large quantities hasn’t been provided yet.

3. It’s true that nowadays it’s still too early to say that we are ready to switch to a clean energy. Our industries have got used to energy overconsumption, and people are unlikely to consent to give up their privilege of comfort. However, it would be wrong to state that nothing is being done and that we are not moving to our goal. There is evidence that solar energy can be used in real businesses and it doesn’t lessen the business’ success.

4. Solar Sailor has been successfully operating in Sydney, Australia, since 2000. It is a large ferry used for public transportation and tourist cruises. In spite of the fact that the ferry moves slower than other ferries, it’s particularly popular with people, tourists especially. Solar Sailor is used for sightseeing, for cocktail and dining cruises, for corporate and family events like weddings and anniversary parties. It is also used for taking people from one place to another as a conventional transport means, which holds as many as 80 people on board.

5. Solar Sailor is a renewable energy hybrid able to use solar, wind, battery or liquid petroleum gas, either individually or in combination. The unique feature of the ferry is its “solar wings”. Inspired by insects, which use their wings as solar collectors, the Solar Sailor’s wings are able to angle towards the sun. They can be stowed away in a storm, or when not wanted. The solar wings or solar panels can charge the ferry’s batteries in four hours, and they can power the ferry independently for up to six-hour cruise, day or night.

The length of the ferry is about 21.5 metres and it can move at a maximum speed of 10-12 knots, which is around 20 km per hour (1 knot equals 18.7 km per hour).

6. The speed may not look very impressive, but Solar Sailor creates low noise and no air and water pollution. It may be considered a baby step in clean technology development but every solid plan has to walk through baby steps.

A. Technical characteristics of the solar energy device.

B. The engineers’ comments on the solar technologies implementation.

C. A possible solution for the “alternative energy’s case”.

D. Good intentions and the real life situation.

E. Alternative energy technologies’ prospects for the future.

F. The reasons to look for alternative sources of energy.

G. The evidence that solar energy can be used by businesses.

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14.05.2021 01:10


текст 21 strawberry love джонсон был молчаливым человеком, возможно, 38 лет. много лет назад ° кршипман, но потом он (устал) от своих овец, (продал) 2 своих, он был перемещен в санта-розу. его единственное желание (быть) 3, чтобы вырастить соломенное ранчо, когда его земляника (начало) 4 (созревать) 5 гектор (купить) 6 ягод * w, как все дети санта-роза (смотреть) 7 ягоды тяжелые 8 и (попробовать ) 9 (получить) в свой сад. (gro0 однажды гектор увидел, что дети соседа (едят) 11 его соломенных ягод. он (берет) 12 своих кнутов и (поднимает) "над головой. дети (начинают) 14 (бегают) 15 и скоро (исчезают) 16. он (поворачивается) 17 раунд и (стоять) "неподвижно. он увидел панчитту, молодую и красивую девушку, которая (быть) 19 старшей дочери своего соседа. он (обратите внимание) 20 девушка (положить) 21 большая красная клубника в ее рот. он (шок) 22 настолько, что он (не сказать) 23 слово. после этого странная вещь произошла с гектором. впервые в своей жизни он влюбился в молодую и красивую девушку. он ( купить) 24 кареты и прекрасную лошадь, и каждый день он (водит) 25 с девушкой. он (начинает) 26 (носит) 27 красивой одежды, он (берет) 28 ее на танцы и вечеринки. ) 29 так трудно быть молодым, как он (делает) 30. однажды, когда он подошел к дому панчитты немного раньше, чем он (обещание) 31 он (слышит) 32 детей (смеется) 33. он посмотрел в открытую дверь и увидел панчитту, которая (одевается) 34 в мужскую одежду. она (развлекает) 35 своих братьев и сестры. он сразу (понимает) 36, кому она (действует) 37, и спокойно (иди) 38 возвращается домой. через двадцать минут после назначенного времени панчитта подошел к своим воротам. она (не может) 39 (понимает) 4 °, почему он (не пришел) 41. затем вышел гектор. он (носить) 42 свою старую одежду, и он не (заботиться) 43, сколько ему лет (вид) 44. «иди домой и сыграй еще несколько театральных постановок, а я (попробую) 45 (забуду) 46 тебе! » он (скажем) 47 девушке. но панчитта не двигалась. и в ее глазах он (читай) 48, что она никогда (не покидает) 49 его, даже если он (использует) 50 его кнутом.


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02.10.2020 11:10

there are many modern appliances in everyday life. we can say that computer is one of them. it is rather useful for those who work or study. i’m sure before the computer was invented people didn’t even think about instant message exchange or about having documents in electronic format.

today, thanks to this square object with the monitor and keyboard, many tasks have become easier to solve. we wouldn’t be able to type our messages or essays without computer. in that sense, it is of great help when doing home work. for people working in various spheres computer is also helpful. some specialists even work from home nowadays. it involves teachers, accountants, psychologists, chefs, and even fitness instructors. they create a blog and fill it with lots of useful information: articles, videos, instructions, advice.

the bad side of the computer is in its damage to health. after spending hours in front of the monitors some people start to experience back problems. others find that their eye sight deteriorates. health specialists advice to do more physical exercise. while working on a computer for many hours, we need to make occasional breaks, take a walk in the park or do some household chores.

also, with the appearance of internet people see their friends less. they know that they can communicate with them through various online messengers or social networking. that’s why there is no need to leave the room or flat. this is obviously the drawback of our favourite home appliance. we are losing the delight of live communication. that’s why everything should be done in moderation and even computers should be used with wariness.

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