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Unit 4 THE GREEN DOCTOR by O. Henry Rudolf Steiner, a young piano salesman, was a true adventurer. Few were the evenings when he did not go to look for the unexpected. It seemed to him that the most interesting things in life might lie just around the corner. He was always dreaming of adventures. Once when he was walking along the street his attention was attracted by a Negro handing out a dentist's cards. The Negro slipped a card into Rudolf's hand. He turned it over and looked at it. Nothing was written on one side of the card; on the other three words were written: "The Green Door". And then Rudolf saw, three steps in front of him, a man throw away the card the Negro had given him as he passed. Rudolf picked it up. The dentist's name and address were printed on it. The adventurous piano salesman stopped at the corner and considered. Then he returned and joined the stream of people again. When he was passing the Negro the second time, he again got a card. Ten steps away he examined it. In the same handwriting that appeared on the first card "The Green door" was written upon it. Three or four cards were lying on the pavement. On all of them were the name and the address of the dentist. Whatever the written words on the cards might mean, the Negro had chose him twice from the crowd. Standing aside from the crowd, the young man looked at the building in which he thought his adventure must lie. It was a five-storey building. On the f irst floor there was a store. The second up were apartments. After finishing his inspection Rudolf walked rapidly up the stairs into the house. The hallway there was badly lighted. Rudolf looked toward the nearer door and saw that it was green. He hesitated for a moment, then he went straight to the green door and knocked on it. The door slowly opened. A girl not yet twenty stood there. She was very pale and as it seemed to Rudolf was about to faint. Rudolf caught her and laid her on a sofa. He closed the door and took a quick glance round the room. Neat, but great poverty was the story he read. "Fainted, didn't I?" the girl asked weakly. "Well, no wonder. You try going without anything to eat for three days and see." "Heavens!" cried Rudolf, jumping up. "Wait till I come back." He rushed out of the green door and in twenty minutes he was back with bread and butter, cold meat, cakes, pies, milk and hot tea. "It is foolish to go without eating. You should not do it again," Rudolf said. "Supper is ready." When the girl cheered up a little she told him her story. It was one of a thousand such as the city wears with indifference every day – a shop girl's story of low wages; of time lost through illness; and then of lost jobs, lost hope and unrealised dreams and – the knock of the young man upon the door. Rudolf looked at the girl with sympathy. "To think of you going through all that," he exclaimed. "And you have no relatives or friends in the city?" "None whatever." "As a matter of fact, I am all alone in the world too," said Rudolf after a pause. "I am glad of that," said the girl, and somehow it pleased the young man to hear that she approved of his having no relatives. Then the girl sighed deeply. "'I'm awfully sleepy," she said. Rudolf rose and took his hat. "How did it happen that you knocked at my door?" she asked. "One of our piano tuners lives in this house. I knocked at your door by mistake." There was no reason why the girl should not believe him. In the hallway he looked around and discovered to his great surprise that all the doors were green. In the street he met the same Negro. "Will you tell me why you gave me these cards and what they mean?" he asked. Pointing down the street to the entrance to a theatre with a bright electric sign of its new play, "The Green Door", the Negro told Rudolf that the theatre agent had given him a dollar to hand out a few of his cards together with the dentist's. "Still it was the hand of Fate that showed me the way to her," said Rudolf to himself.

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07.01.2020 09:24

максимум чем могу это 2,4

2) Частицу to в английском языке мы используем перед начальной (неопределенной) формой глагола. Начальная форма глагола — форма, которая не показывает нам, кто и когда будет выполнять действия.  Глаголы неопределенной формы отвечают на вопрос «что делать?» и «что сделать?». Например: (что делать?) to write — писать; (что сделать?) to see — увидеть. В английском языке неопределенную форму глагола мы называем инфинитивом.

4)Direct speech, или прямая речь, выражает фразу человека дословно, это цитата или передача сути фразы, сказанной другим человеком, от его лица.

Как и в русском языке, прямая речь в английском обрамляется кавычками, но используются «верхние» кавычки, называемые английскими двойными. Вместо двоеточия перед словами автора в начале или запятой и тире в конце, в английском языке используется одна простая запятая. Точка в конце предложения ставится перед закрывающей кавычкой, а не после, как в русском языке.

Схемы предложения с прямой речью:

Слова автора, “прямая речь.”

“Прямая речь”, слова автора.


The postman said, “I will deliver this letter tomorrow.” — Почтальон сказал: «Я доставлю это письмо завтра».

She asked, “Do you feel comfortable here?” — Она спросила: «Тебе здесь комфортно?»

“I will not accept his apology”, she said. — «Я не приму его извинения», — сказала она.


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14.09.2022 23:03

It is very important to have computer skills in today's workplace, because most places rely on computers to store and process data required to run business. Microsoft office applications in particular are very popular as most businesses' run their systems on Office applications like Word, Excel, Outlook.

Another important skill to have is social skills, especially if you are in a customer facing job, to ensure your communication skill help you keep Customers satisfied with the service you provide. It is also very important to be able to communicate with your colleagues and manage conflicts professionally, the ability to work with others in groups and teams.

It is also valuable if you can time manage, as it is very important to complete tasks on time. Being reliable and dependable, doing what you say you will by the deadline you have agreed, and turning up when you are meant to be there.

If you are working in a management position it is important to have good leadership skill to ensure you have the potential to motivate and lead others in order to achieve common objectives.

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