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17.02.2021 22:42 •  Английский язык

Упражнение 1. Заполните пропуски, используя who, which, where, whose.

I don’t agree with people… say that all modern music is rub­bish.
That’s the music … I like best of all.
The shop … I bought this CD is next to the post office.
The man … party I went to is a composer.
I’ve broken the vase … you presented me.
That’s the only rock group … music I like.
Musicians … are really successful work hard.
* * *

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски местоимениями that, which, who, whom, whose, where. Поставьте в скобки те из них, ко­торые можно опустить. Переведите предложения.

Придаточные определительные могут относиться как к дополнению, так и к подлежащему. В последнем случае, особенно если местоимения опущены, могут возникнуть трудности при переводе с английского. Выполните упражнение ниже и потренируйтесь!
A. Придаточные определительные в роли дополнения

1.I like the song … Jane sang yesterday. 2. This is the boy …. bicycle Tom borrowed. 3. It was the best film … I’ve ever seen. 4. Here is the man …. has lost his dog. 5. He showed me his new car, … is very modern and expensive. 6. This is the dictionary… I bought yesterday. 7. She is the girl .. I saw yesterday. 8. Let us meet in the park … we got acquainted.

B. Придаточные определительные в роли подлежащего

1.The job … I applied for is in Manchester. 2. The hotel … I stayed during the summer was excellent. 3. The photo … I liked was taken in England. 4. The man … I met was Andrew Manson. 5. The boy … dog was lost was very unhappy. 6. The people … I got acquainted were all very pleasant. 7. The picture … hangs on the wall was painted by my sister. 8. The money … was in my pocket has been stolen.

* * *

Упражнение 3. Вставьте относительные местоимения, где нужно.

My uncle works for a company… makes cars.
The book is about the man … made wonderful things.
It seems … the Earth is the only planet… life exists.
Have you found the notebook …. you lost?
What was the name of the man… wife had been taken to the hospital?
Is there a shop near here … I can buy bread?
The reason… I am phoning you is to invite you to the party.
She game me the money, … I put in my pocket.
* * *

Упражнение 4. Соедините предложения, используя относительные местоимения.

1.Не is the man. He lives next door. 2. This is the picture. You presented to me last month. 3. These are the gloves. I found them on the train. 4. I met two actors. We watched them on TV show last night. 5. This is the house. My father built it many years ago. 6. The person got a reward. He took the lost wallet to the police station. 7. Where is the letter? I put it in the table.8. This is the picture. I took it on holidays.

* * *

Упражнение 5. Соедините предложения, используя относительные местоимения.

1.This is the house. I was born here. 2. That is the woman. She gave you the book. 3. That is the book. The woman gave it to you. 4. Where is the shop? You bought the book there. 5. Is that the man? He owns the shop. 6. Is that the woman? She married the man. He owns the shop. I bought the book there.

* * *

Упражнение 6. В данном тексте содержится 11 ошибок. Найдите и исправьте их.

The town which I was born has changed greatly over the last fifty years. Now there is a modern shopping center on the place that my school used to be and all the children whose went there have grown up and moved away. The local cinema, that was built several years ago, used to be a dance hall which big bands played. The park, where was my favourite place as a child, is now a car park. Some things are still the same though. Mrs Jones, whom is now seventy years old, still lives in the High Street and Mr Jones still owns the baker’s shop, that two sons now work instead of him. The hospital where I was born in is still standing, although it is now much bigger than it was at the time which I was born. On the day which my family and I left our town we were all very sad.

Показать ответ
22.07.2022 01:25

ответ:I would to tell you about my last visit to a wonderful concert. I am not a big fan of classical music and have never been to musical theater. But my current friend is a pianist. Music is his life and his hobby, his studies and his work. He invited me to a piano concert last Saturday night. I didn't want to leave, but I didn't want to hurt him either. And so we went to the theater. I had a great experience. It was such beautiful gentle music, beautiful hall, beautiful interior, my loving friend ... There were unforgettable exciting moments. I was pleasantly surprised by the magnificence of the musical sounds and the beauty that surrounded us. The concert lasted over two hours, but they flew by very quickly. There were few spectators. Maybe everyone thinks that classical music is boring and just a waste of time. But I wouldn't say that. Next time I have no doubt and will definitely go to such a concert.


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02.03.2020 06:37

1) to keep

2) write

3) care

4) think

5) sayed

6) talking

7) to be

8) starts

9) feel

10) to do

11 becomes

12) continue


перевод: многим людям нравится вести дневник. Некоторые люди пишут в них время от времени, а некоторые ведут их постоянно. Они пишут о своей жизни. Ведение дневника особенно интересно для девочек. иногда мальчики тоже их ведут. Это то, что написал тринадцатилетний мальчик, Макс: "Все сильно беспокоятся о том, что о них думают другие люди. Сегодня Бернард сказал Бену: "Он замечательный парень". Я подумал: "Что он имеет ввиду? Может они говорят обо мне?" Мы все хотим быть замечательными. Мой дедушка замечательный для меня. Вчера он сказал: "быть замечательным начинается изнутри. Это тот , которым ты чувствуешь себя и других. Ты всегда должен стараться поступать хорошо. Когда ты делаешь что-то много раз, это часто становится привычкой. Когда ты продолжаешь это делать, это становится чертой твоего характера. Люди с хорошими чертами характера всегда счастливее людей с плохими чертами."

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